Zambia - Payment for Ecosystem Service
Analysis of Payment for Ecosystem Service (PES) in the context of cost centre in Kenya, Zambia and India. The project explores the situation of smallholders and their current contribution to ecosystems (without compensation) and develops improved ecosystem services by farmers (with financial compensation). Various farming techniques are analysed; e.g. no-tillage, cover crops, crop rotation. The aim is to build the foundation for the development of sound PES models that serve small-scale farmers needs and contribute to the scaling of best practises and innovations that have been developed and tested in selected country interventions. More specifically, the objective is to explore the extent to which smallholder farmers are contributing to ecosystems services, with a focus on climate regulation / carbon sequestration, to identify the most effective practises and to analyse how these could be scaled up through innovative PES schemes. – The consultant is tasked to do especially to economic assessment of farming practices, identification of PES initiatives, economic modelling / estimations of costs / prices for ecosystem services, MRV and planning of real business cases. 12/23 – ongoing
Kyrgyzstan - Final Evaluation of the Integrated Rural Development Programme
Final Evaluation of the Integrated Rural Development Programme in the Kyrgyz Republic, financed by EU (EUR 10 million) and partially by BMZ, and implemented by GIZ. It aims to support poverty alleviation in Jalal Abad Region through support of agricultural activities (setting up agricultural cooperatives focusing on horticulture, wheat, maize, honey) and of tourism clusters and Private Public Dialogues on local economic and social development. The specific objective is to support rural income generating activities to stimulate local economy and social development initiatives. There are 3 project components: 1) support to business-oriented organisation of producers and cooperatives along agricultural value chains and tourist operators; 2) improved rural services (including rural infrastructure) for rural communities; and 3) strengthened capacities of local organisations for implementation of income- generation project in close cooperation with civil society and the private sector. Intensive field work to visit the project activities, workshops and final presentation for the Minister of Agriculture in Bishkek. 08 / 23 – 01/24
Tanzania - Mid Term Evaluation of Agri-Connect Programme
Evaluation of Agri-Connect, which targeted inclusive economic growth, private sector development and job creation in the agricultural sector, and also an increased food and nutrition security in Tanzania. Focus was on value chains and here especially horticulture. More specific, Agri-Connect should achieve an improved productivity, commercialisation and competitiveness of the tea, coffee and horticulture sectors in the Southern Highlands (Iringa, Njombe, Mbeya, Songwe, Katavi, Ruvuma) and Zanzibar Archipelago (Unguja and Pemba Islands). 06 - 09/ 23
Kosovo – Development if a Sustainable Food Roadmap for Prizren and Suharekë/Suva Reka municipalities
Creating a roadmap on sustainable food systems while minimizing negative effects on the environment and reducing the contribution to climate change and GHG emissions; Drafting pilot initiatives to reuse food waste in the private sector by composting, biogas, applying modern food technology, innovative food processing, and Drafting an awareness campaign on sustainable food production and consumption. 08/22 – 02/23
Kosovo - Preparation of the Strategy of the Advisory Service for Agriculture and Rural Development 2023-2027
Assistance to the working group with MAFRD in developing own ideas and furthermore to provide best cases from other countries, including Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) as handled in the EU. 08 - 10/22
Cambodia - Consulting services for programming and implementation of the Multi-Annual Programme (2021-2027)
Value chain analyses in cashew nuts, pepper, mango and others have been prepared by the consultant; geographic focus is on Western Cambodia around the Tonle Sap region and the coastal zone; field trip to understand better local farmer organisations like agricultural cooperatives and associations. 02 - 12/22
Albania – Provision of an advisory facility for rural MSMEs in the agriculture sector with a focus on digitalization
Combination of coaching, advisory services and financial support initialized a digital change process in order to adjust the business activities according to the new market demands. 02/22 - ongoing
Kyrgyzstan - Evaluation of the BAI ALAI Small Business and Income Creation Programme in Alai and Chon Alai
Focus on 4 value chains: i) cattle; ii) apiculture; iii) tourism; and iv) handicraft. The outputs under these value chains should be a) Productivity increased; b) Quality standards introduced and enhanced; c) Market access established for producers and entrepreneurs, including women and youth; d) Advisory services offer adapted to local needs, including for women and youth; e) Financial products are adjusted to local conditions, including for women and youth. The project has definitely an impact on the economics of the rural population, but eventually more direct interventions would have generated more benefits. 10 - 12/21
Germany - Development of the Farmers Resilience Business Game
Assistance to the German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation in order to develop a business game about climate mitigation and risk management for farmers. The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the economic participation of the target group through improved access to and use of financial services in rural areas. In this way, the project contributes to the sustainable improvement of living conditions and the reduction of rural migration. 08/21 – 03/22
Azerbaijan - Training programme for “Sustainable Farming On Arid Land”
Drafting a manual for the German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation and then
using it for trainings of higher administrative staff at the Ministry of Agriculture (seminar) as well as , with a focus on eco-friendly and climate smart farming techniques; pilot trainings in
Kurdamir Module. Content: Principles and main methods of a sustainable environmental agriculture, i.e. change of the farming system and not just exchange of agri-chemicals with organic inputs;
relevance of biodiversity (crop diversity); creating a natural ecosystem with focus on a self-regulating biological balance. Maintenance and improvement of natural soil fertility (biological
activity of soil, etc); i.e., feeding the soil life and not directly the crop; carbon sequestration. Preventive pest, disease control, crop protection and weed management. Water management,
irrigation, and fertilisation; reflecting salinization and soil erosion; adaptation measures to increased temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns, more frequent extreme weather events and
generally further reductions in water availability. Alternative agricultural technology including zero tillage and laser land levelling, GPS navigation, weather sensors, big agri-data etc. –
Furthermore, combined field days with classroom training for small group of farmers. 08/21 - 01/22
Georgia (wfh) - Mid-term evaluation of GRETA / Green Economy
The project is dealing with Sustainable Mountain Tourism and Organic Agriculture. The overall objective is to improve the business environment and to create new income opportunities in sustainable mountain tourism and organic farming. Both intentions should materialize in more profit in the pockets of the guesthouse providers and other tourism service providers and farmers on their way towards organic farming, or at least eco-friendly farming. It would need a restructuring of the project in order to provide more skills (and less grants). 04 – 09/21
Turkey (wfh) - R.E.G.I.O., Turkey
Virtual presentation of “Supporting small family businesses in the EU” in the agricultural sector. 02/21
Albania (wfh) - Advisory Facility for MSMEs in agriculture sector
The goal is a) to conduct coaching and advisory services to MSMEs in the field of agriculture as well as individual farmers, incl. available financial support schemes in Albania; b) to advise MSMEs regarding needs-based adaptations of business operations on strategy, marketing, organization, financial management etc. by also addressing relevant change management issues; c) support the revision of MSME business plans for the grant application process and provide recommendations to GIZ which of the MSMEs shall obtain a grant due to promising project proposals. The interaction with farmers is mainly organised by local experts. 02/21 – ongoing
Kosovo – Agricultural Sector Studies
Objective is to support MAFRD to design its agriculture policy for the financial framework 2021-2027 in line with EU regulations and practices applicable to this sector; to give a quantitative and qualitative description of relevant agriculture sectors (focus on crops including fodder crops and potatoes, fruits, vegetables, vineyards including table grapes and wine); to provide a diagnostic identifying among others bottlenecks, weaknesses and strengths in terms of productivity, competitiveness and capacity to access national and international markets; to provide to decision makers comprehensive information necessary for deciding over the market and direct payment measures under FF 2021-2027 (i.e. measures to regulate and support the marketing of agricultural products). 01-12/21
Africa (wfh) - Key Note Speaker at an UNIDO & FAO conference
Topic is “The status and challenges of investments in African agri-businesses” and topics included leveraging partnerships and increasing investments in agribusiness for more inclusive and resilient food systems; 12/20
Georgia incl. Abkhazia (wfh) - Evaluations of ENPARD II and ENPARD III
Focus on complementary measures and the breakaway region Abkhazia. Development of questionnaires, conference calls with the stakeholders, drafting reports. The specific objective of ENPARD II is to promote agriculture and rural development policies and reforms and to improve the delivery of related services to help address basic needs of the rural population in Georgia. Cooperatives, LEADER approach, job creation. 10/20 – 02/21
Sri Lanka (wfh) - Evaluation of Support to Integrated Rural Development (SRD)
The project covered 5 activities: Integrated Economic Development of Central and Uva Provinces; Enterprise; Enhancing gender inclusive socio-economic development in Uva and Central Provinces; Assisting Communities in Creating Environmental and Nutritional Development; and Reaching the unreached Estates and surrounding communities on equitable water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH) for improved health and nutrition. Results show that the project design could have been done better and also synergies were not used in the best possible way, partially because there was a strong interference from local governmental authorities. 08/20-04/21
Tajikistan (wfh) – “Value Chain Agro- Finance”
Focus on Support the identification and establishment of financial products for agricultural value chain-finance. Project was later cancelled due to COVID-19. 08/20
Armenia (wfh) - Agriculture Sector Vulnerability
The major tasks of the International Consultant on Agriculture Sector Vulnerability and Adaptation Issues are as follows: Review the UNDP-GCF NAP Project Document with regard to the objectives and goals related to the agriculture sector adaptation, provision of professional consultancy and assistance to the Project management in identifying the most important issues that need to be sorted out and addressed on a priority basis; based on identified needs related to the agriculture sector vulnerability and adaptation issues, develop key directions and envisaged deliverables for service provider companies and individual contractors; assistance to increase the country resilience with particular agriculture sector V&A analysis. 07/20 – ongoing
Turkey (wfh) - Strategic Environmental Assessment for a basin’s Nitrate Action Plan (NAP)
The challenge is to review the Cost Benefit Analysis chapter of the NAP concerning the applied methodology and the costs and benefits associated with the NAP measures; to evaluate how the NAP proposal can affect the economy and livelihood of the farmers and agri-companies and to come up with recommendation for improvement of the NAP. 06 - 07/20
Azerbaijan - Improved Promotion and Marketing of Traditional Food Products
Objective is to support Government efforts in the diversification of the economy while promoting balanced and inclusive growth, decreasing regional disparities and improving rural livelihoods, specifically by contributing to business development, investment promotion and employment generation. Writing a review paper on EU Producer Organisations compared to Azeri Producer Organisation; analysis of bottlenecks in Azerbaijan and recommendations for amending or introducing legislation and adopting appropriate policies to increase commercial trade through farmers’ group activities. 03/20 - ongoing
Cameroon - Technical Proposal
Writing the proposal for a capacity building event within the Islamic Development Bank funded GP-IRDP project in training of farmers in production and to overcome value chain constraints for rice, oil palm, cassava, cocoa, maize, soya beans, beans, etc. 02/20
Viet Nam – Development of an Agriculture Data Hub (UNDP)
Task is to support the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, especially the Institute for Policy and Strategy to establish an agricultural information Hub to support agricultural value chain development. The agricultural information Hub has two main objectives: a) to provide reliable data, modelling and insights to inform sustainable business decisions and farming practices of the supply chain actors and b) to provide support services in integrating new technological solutions to improve productivity and sustainability of business operations and farming practices throughout the agricultural supply chain. The assignment includes an overview about available data, a data gap analysis, and technical proposals to link data from different sources and in different technical standards; key topics are precision agriculture, big data, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence to analyse existing information to make agriculture more profitable. Focus on shrimp and dragon fruit. 12/19 – 03/20
Cambodia - Economic and Financial Analysis for ADB financed irrigation rehabilitation projects
Support of tasks in agricultural economics; acting within the Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project (RRP CAM 48409-002) to calculate the rehabilitation of 27 irrigation schemes in 4 provinces: Takeo, Kampot, Kampong Cham and Tboung Khmum. Main focus on the financial and economic calculations for each irrigation project; based on an up-front agricultural survey, current average farm incomes (“without the project”) within the (future) irrigated areas (incorporating crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling calculations) are calculated and then compared to the predicted farm incomes (“with the project”). In case that the Economic and Financial Internal Rates of Return (EIRR & FIRR) s above the threshold, the sub-project will be implemented. Furthermore, economics will be done regarding rural roads and warehouses operated by agricultural cooperatives. 09 / 19 – ongoing
Sri Lanka - Agricultural Value Chains for mango, pineapple, dairy and Palmyrah (European Commission)
Technical Assistance to Modernisation of Agriculture Projects (TAMAP). Elaboration of detailed Value Chains; size of local and export market in terms of value and volume; gross margin calculations and unit prices of products; quality requirements and standards of products in the market; share in total trade of main local and export markets; trends in local and export market; potential of local and export market; market segments and niches). – Field visits, surveys, socio-economic analyses, focus group meetings, proposals for up-coming EU interventions and TA projects and 1 training in value chains. 03 – 09 / 19
Egypt - Evaluation of grant proposals (European Commission)
Technical Support for Assessment of Grant Applications in the field of Inclusive Economic Growth in Egypt. Objective is to assess applications (concept notes – 1 step) from AUIED - Arab Union for Industrial Exports Development, Emkay Foods, GEN EGYPT / MCSBE, Innoventures LLC, SEKEM Development Foundation, Misr Elkheir Foundation (MEK), Giza Systems Education Foundation, Ideaspace SAE, Al-Azhar University and others. 02 / 19
Egypt - Mid-Term Evaluation of EU funded Support to Agricultural SMEs (“SASME”; European Commission)
Evaluation of 3 components: C1: Improving access to finance and increase outreach towards small farmers (without or with limited collateral) and larger projects (based on business plans/cash flow approach analysis for each project). C2: Providing TA to key stakeholders in the lending and guarantee granting process. C3: Support to the Dairy and Marine Aquaculture sectors: Dairy component will improve efficiency of the dairy-VC in at least Lower and Middle Egypt and will provide TA to small farmers to increase the quality and quantity of their production, quality certification and marketing. - Marine aquaculture component aims at improving infrastructure and technical expertise for marine aquaculture and increasing hatchery expertise and fry, fingerling and fish production of selected marine species. – Recommendations to re-focus the project for the next 18 months. EU & AFD financing. 03 – 07/19
Turkey - Technical Assistance for Improving the Awareness of Food Processing Sector and Farmers in terms of EU (European Commission)
Main task is to support the writing of a detailed comparison analysis of the current Turkish legislation with the EU standards regarding food hygiene, animal welfare and environmental protection including and to assist in the preparation of Strategy and Road Map for alignment with EU Acquis in scope of the IPARD Programme. Final presentation about lessons learned from other candidate countries in Ankara. 02-11/19
Uzbekistan – Analysing agricultural investment opportunities (Investment company from Middle East)
Fact finding mission for a large scale investment with pre-feasibility study for a 20 ha greenhouse plus development opportunities for an agricultural cluster covering 10,000 ha. Greenhouse considers tomatoes, flowers, cucumbers, sweet pepper, etc. Cluster might look at the following value chains: fruit orchards (cherries, walnuts, apricots), medicinal herbs, fodder production (alfalfa). Furthermore, cattle production for meat and milk. Analysis of self-sufficiency rates, export markets (mainly Russia and Middle East). Analysis of several locations in the Regions Tashkent, Djizak, Syrdarya and Samarkand. 01/19
Western Balkan (Austria) - Feasibility study “Distillation of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) to essential oils by steam”
Research and development of a feasibility study “Distillation of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) to essential oils by steam” for an undetermined location on the Western Balkans. Cultivation of herbs and designing the processing facility, including market research for the final product. 12/18 - ongoing
Armenia – Programme Design for the European Union
The objective of this assignment is to elaborate several value chains for a full project proposal on Green Agriculture. 10/18
Sustainable Land Management
Preparatory studies and research for EBRD on Sustainable Land Management to promote and finance climate smart agriculture; developing a catalogue for suitable technologies that could prevent soil degradation especially carbon loss, erosion, salinization, and compaction. 07-09/18
Austria – Acces2Finance
Methodology for a "TA for the AFD-ENPARD programme for access to agricultural finance for small scale semi-commercial firms and cooperatives in Georgia”. 05/18
Albania - Agribusiness Support Facility
To provide customized and targeted support tailored to the needs and requirements of commercial banks including development of new products or enhancement of existing agribusiness products; organisation of agribusiness sector specific info sessions in the form of marketing events for PFIs and writing a manual how to promote agricultural value chain financing. 05/18 - ongoing
Bulgaria - Exportmarketing of organic vegetables
Development of a strategy to open new markets for organic cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplants, pepper and apples. 04-06/18
Uzbekistan - Local Economic Development
Mid Term Evaluation of the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Uzbekistan; the project intends to enhance the living standards in rural areas based on growth in the agri-food sector. The specific objective is the transfer of EU know-how (knowledge and experience) and technologies in the agri-food value-chains in partnership with local authorities and economic players for further developing socio-economic potentials in rural areas, especially in the Project Target Regions Namangan, Andijan, Fergana, Djizak, Syrdarya and Kashkadarya; main items are milk / dairy, walnuts, pomegranates, cherry and pears, management of agricultural cooperatives in cold storage, fruit juice production and agricultural research institutions (solar pumps for irrigation, salinization). 01-03/18
Lithuania - Private sector investment company
Analysis of the strategic business plan for a possible equity investment in a 30,000 ha farm. 12/17
Georgia / Abkhazia - “Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development” (CARD)
Assessment and design of a “Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development” (CARD) to coordinate rural development initiatives across all 7 districts of Abkhazia and to provide technical, consultative and referral support and coordination services to beneficiaries and rural communities. CARD is part of ENPARD II that is aiming to support small-scale agricultural development and the diversification of the rural economy, with a view to improving living conditions and access to basic services in rural areas. The assessment includes all technical requirements to set up CARD’s operations, including the requirements for office space, furniture, IT equipment, the production of marketing materials, etc. but also a strategic orientation; focus of up-coming extension work is on fruits and vegetables and ruminants. 11/17 – 03/18
Georgia - Final Evaluation of ENPARD I (2014 – 2017)
Principle tasks are to evaluate the 4 projects implemented under Small Farmers Co-operation measures; to carry out a detailed appraisal of work of OXFAM, PIN, Mercy Corps and Care led consortia’s programming and implementing modalities to assess their accomplishment of stated results, to assess project’s output against the indicators and targets set in the Logical Framework and finally to conduct relevant field visits to around 30 agricultural cooperatives in the various regions of Georgia covered by this part of the project. A final workshop with the presentation of the findings and lessons learned is done at the end. 09 - 12/17
Georgia – Assistance in developing a strategy for the Agriculture Cooperatives Development Agency (ACDA)
Design of a long-term strategic concept paper for development of the agriculture cooperatives / cooperation in Georgia and ACDA’s role in implementing this strategy. Literature review, interviews, workshops and other meetings are conducted to formulate ACDA’s vision of future support to agricultural cooperatives. 08/17
Malawi - Support to Parliament and Media regarding agricultural matters
Drafting the corresponding methodology for a TA project, focusing on agricultural budgeting and policy making. Home based. 06/17
Austria – Investment plan for a modern beehive farm
Elaboration of a farm concept in Lower Austria with focus on modern beehives and honey making technology. 05/17
Armenia - Organic Farming Workshops
Provision of organic horticulture training sessions for Organic Agriculture Support Initiative (OASI); the goal is to provide access to sustainable knowledge and information for organic farmers, service centres managers and extension service providers; key objective is to enhance farmers’ organic awareness and coaching them on their way of shifting from traditional to organic agriculture processes. Furthermore, to ensure that organic farmers can recognize the business opportunities of organic farming and the real market value of their organic produce that will enable them to target the right local regional and international markets. 02/17
Swaziland - Re-writing the Mid Term Evaluation report
Assistance n reformulating the MTE report for the sugar sector in Swaziland focusing on increasing competitiveness of the sugar sector and reducing rural poverty especially in the sugar belt. 02/17
Moldova – Agricultural sector survey
Information collection and verification survey for agricultural sector. The objective is to identify the current situation of agricultural sector in Moldova, concrete needs for supports, governmental directions and priorities, and to propose the future possibility and direction of JICA support (especially technical assistance) based on the outcome. Although the priorities are put on the structure enhancements necessary to develop new agricultural businesses, to increase productivity of small scale farmer and to improve quality, a nationwide approach which makes the most of Japanese knowledge and experience is also to be considered. Main activities are to analyse export potential in selected markets and internal export obstacles; based on the findings new intervention proposals will be submitted to MoAFI. 11/16 – 06/17
Sudan - Diagnostic Review of BE Constraints
This assignment is undertaking a desk-based sector-specific diagnostics of the enabling Business Environment, focusing on agriculture and relevant agribusiness value chains. Besides the diagnostics, specific policy recommendations are developed so that DFID Sudan can base their up-coming agribusiness interventions on them. Important issue is the ability and willingness of the GoS to improve jointly the business environment in Sudan, primarily for the sake of the agricultural sector but also for non-agricultural rural business developments. Home-based; 10-12/16
Armenia - IFAD - Rural Asset Creation Programme
Final evaluation of this horticultural value chain and business development project. RACP intended to reduce rural poverty and its objectives are (i) the establishment of an economically viable fruits and nuts sector with backwards linkages to poor rural smallholders; (ii) the establishment of an entity (to be fully privatized) for delivery of services to the fruits and nuts sector; and (iii) the removal of infrastructure bottlenecks that inhibit increasing participation of the economically active rural poor in enhanced commercialization of the rural economy. 06-07/16
Kosovo – DANIDA - Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant Programme
Presentation of the Study "Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant" to the minister of agriculture and his team mainly head of departments. Presentation was followed by a broad discussion on future financial support to the agricultural and rural sector and the lessons learnt on previous programmes. 06/16
Egypt - Support to Formulation of an SME Access to Finance initiative
Project aims to a) assist the EU Delegation and its partner European Finance Institutions (EFIs) to make proposals into a dialogue with local stakeholders for the selection of target sector / value chains (at least one in agribusiness) to be focused on within the design of the new SME finance facility (including technical assistance, grants and loans). A few agro-food value chains are analysed more in depth (processed tomatoes and deep frozen fruits and vegetables) and investment needs among SMEs elaborated which then might be targeted by the commercial banks. 01/16 – 09/17
Armenia - ENPARD Armenia - Budget Support Review Mission
The project is supporting the Government of Armenia in ensuring an efficient and sustainable agriculture, contributing to better conditions in rural areas. More specific the team is providing a detailed review of the implementation of the Budget Support component of ENPARD Armenia and furthermore consistent sets of conclusions and recommendations to be used by the Commission to make decisions on instalment disbursement for the second tranche of budget support. The specific task is to evaluate the "capacity and performance of farmers' associations and cooperatives further developed and strengthened", based on literature review, stakeholder meetings and field visits. 09 - 10/15
Azerbaijan - Azeri Agricultural Finance Facility
The Azeri Agricultural Finance Facility (AzAFF) is an EBRD programme to support agricultural finance, including but not limited to access to finance by increasing availability of credit to the Azeri farmers /agricultural enterprises / agribusinesses through credit lines of up to USD 40 million and enhancing financial, managerial and production capabilities of end beneficiaries (enterprises and individuals involved in agricultural and agriculture-related activities). The overall objective of AzAFF is to foster the overall economic development of the agriculture sector. Among others AzAFF is a) developing and providing financial literacy training to farmers in the regions with the highest agricultural potential; b) providing workshops with farmers to introduce advanced farming techniques and international best practices in selected sub-sectors and c) assisting eligible sub-borrowers for larger agricultural loans with technical assistance. 09/15 – 01/17
Kosovo (Denmark) - Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant Programme.
The objectives of this evaluation is a) to quantify and qualify the Rural Development Grant Programme (RDGP) impact in terms of competitiveness, incomes, net employment creation and productivity through statistical/quantitative analysis as well as qualitative in-depth studies from the field; b) to improve the programming and implementation process of the RDGP for better achieving the objectives with respect to competitiveness, incomes, net employment creation and productivity and c) to improve the M&E system for the 2014–2020 RDGP though sound recommendations. - This ongoing grant programme is government run with the World Bank and DANIDA having provided funding for around 300 grants in 2013 and 2014; these grants support two types of activities categorised according to the EU so-called measures: Measure 101 supports physical investments in primary producers, whereas Measure 103 covers processors / marketing of agricultural produce within milk, meat, fruit, vegetables and wine sectors. - Regression discontinuity design (Rural Development) is used to analyse the impact. 08 - 11/15
Austria – Paper about Georgian agricultural cooperatives
Drafting the technical project proposal for an agricultural cooperative development project within ENPARD with focus on training and capacity building in Georgia. 06-07/15
Jordan - Livelihood Programme Formulation
Formulation Mission for the Programme to Support the Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees in Jordan; i.e. in the Northern Governorates Ibrid and Mafraq. Specific objective is to develop a "greening" livelihood programme for host communities aiming at sustainable and thus profitable job creation, capacity building, reviving local markets, increasing energy efficiency (through better use of renewable energy, mainly waste to energy and solar power) and reducing water usage for households as well as the agricultural sector. Furthermore, guidelines for stimulating matching grants. 03 - 05/15
Turkey - Value Chain Analysis within the Taseli-Koksu Watershed Development Project
This design mission focuses on the sustainable reduction of rural poverty by increasing smallholder farmers’ income from highland agricultural production systems and marketing activities while strengthening their resilience to climate shocks and their capacities to organize. Specific tasks are to analyse the potential to integrate farmers downstream in the value chain (e.g. transport, grading, processing, packaging, etcetera) and to assess the degree of involvement of the private sector in delivery services, as input suppliers and buyers; main identified products are fruits and vegetables (cherries, strawberries, grapes / dried grapes, MAPs) and animal products. 12/14 – 02/15
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Marketing Infrastructure within the Rural Competitiveness Development Project
This project (RCDP) intends to enable poor rural people in the country to improve their food security and to increase their income through support to non-commercial and commercial farmers and to on and off-farm enterprises; focus is on the Fruits & Vegetables value chains. Design mission to analyse the existing Extension and Business Advisory Services (processing, packaging, marketing) and to develop in a participatory approach proposals for an improved supply and demand of these services. The existing governance structures (of the institutions or organizations of the value chain actors, service providers) are assessed about their effectiveness and maturity in terms of sustainably participating in VC development. VC spread from individual farmers, Producer Associations, cooperatives and companies towards involved institutions as public agricultural advisory services, local development agencies, faculties of agriculture and others. 11/14 and 04/15
Austria, worldwide - Collection and Comparison of Agricultural Data
Organising data such as gross margins, land prices for pastures and arable land, etcetera to support agricultural investments in selected countries. 10/14
Austria, The Netherlands – Evaluation of the IFC's Agribusiness Investment Promotion
Analysis of the design of the overall evaluation methodology of IFC's two approaches; the economy wide versus the sector specific approach; especially targeting the agribusiness sector. A deep dive study report was done, geographical focusing within economy wide approach on Brazil (agri), Yemen (agri), China (non-agri), Colombia (non-agri), Indonesia (non-agri), Philippines (non-agri) and within the sector specific approach on Sierra Leone (agri), Mali (agri), South Sudan (agri), Rwanda (agri), Honduras (non-agri) and India (non-agri). 06/14 - ongoing
FYR Macedonia - Evaluation of the ongoing IPARD-1
The programme started with an exhaustive methodology; assessment of the coherence, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. 04 - 05/14
Austria - Peer review of a study about animal health and poverty
Reviewing an economic study in French on “Animal health and poverty“ (“Santé animale et pauvreté”) for Office International des Epizooties / OIE, Paris. Critical comments on a) the general meaning of the study itself, b) the layout and content and finally and c) the relevance for the OIE to publish such a paper (or at least parts of it). 03/14
Azerbaijan - Value chain analysis for the wine sector for the European Commission
Objective was to improve the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan in terms of sustainability in development and growth in the export capacity through improving the value-chains. The specific objective of the assignment was to prepare a market and value chain analysis and recommendations for the improvement of value chains performance in view of their potential impact in employment generation and diversification of rural economy; close cooperation with the University of Ganja, Faculty of Agriculture. 02 - 05/14
Turkey - Preparation of Sector Analyses for IPARD
(Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – Rural Development Programme) 2014-2020
Examination of the current situation of the following agricultural sectors: red meat, poultry and egg, dairy, fruit and vegetables, fisheries
and aquaculture; furthermore, Axis 3 - farm diversification and business development and rural infrastructure. To provide an overview of the entire production, processing and marketing system of these sectors with special emphasis on the needs of the sectors in terms of EU alignment and how IPARD measures may contribute to the alignment process. 10/13 – 03/14
Moldova - Training
Training of horticultural farmers’ (fresh fruits as apples and grapes) associations regarding “applied negotiations and communications skills” and “risk management in export activity”; field trip to an apple farm in Sirota near Orhei. 09/13
Jordan - Food security
Consultancy to develop innovative interventions for implementation and to design a capacity development programme for the food security unit (FSU) at the Ministry of Agriculture in Jordan that clearly specifies the activities, areas of trainings, methodology, priorities and timeframe for implementation. 07 - 09/13
Turkey – Development of Marketing Activities for GAP OAC
(Organic Agriculture Cluster in Southeast Anatolia Project)
Work included desk research, literature review, review of the value chain analysis for agricultural produce, field missions to Ankara, Sanliurfa / Diyarbakýr / Gaziantep, Izmir and Istanbul. Purpose was to establish a Turkish centre of competency for organic farming with a focus on export business by facilitating (not necessarily providing) input supplies (seeds, fertilizers), market and price information, access to financial services, transport, (organic) quality control, product development awareness rising. 06 - 09/13
Romania - Review of a Greenfield agro-investment
Review of a Greenfield investment in vineyards and winery; objective was to improve the reporting and management information system; production data, stock, sales, inputs, manpower. 03 -04/13
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Austria – ”Study on the organic production potential in SEE”
”Study on the organic production potential in South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia)”; mapping of certified organic products in SEE, including production volumes; overview of the demand for organic products of retailers and wholesale as well as of processing industries in the region; analysis of the market potential in the region and the EU; conclusions and proposals for next steps to use the potential and increase trade; furthermore country missions, interviews, workshops. Presentation of findings during the “Working meeting of the Regional Expert Advisory Group on Organic Agriculture in SWG” in Sarajevo. Client GIZ, 10 – 11/12; 02/13
Brussels, Austria – Study on biofuels in ACP countries
Study “Assessing the impact of biofuels production on developing countries from the point of view of Policy Coherence for Development”; elaboration of detailed inputs linked to technology transfer and capacity development, impacts of biofuels production on micro and macro levels (Potential impacts at household levels (small producers), Economics on plantation scale, impacts at macro level: job creation, tax revenues, etc.; energy and food price volatilities, typology of the identified impacts and factors, the role and responsibilities of the Private sector. Client. European Union 09/12 – 02/13
Bulgaria – Meat sector study
Study about the meat processing sector in Bulgaria, starting from livestock farming (numbers, subsidies) to slaughterhouses, processors (import of raw material) and retailers; analysis of the complete value chain. 08/12 – 01/13
Turkey - Upcoming projects, also in renewable energy
Fact finding mission to Ankara focusing on upcoming projects, including financing a new biogas plant in eastern Turkey. 06/12
Georgia – Development and marketing of new agricultural products
A “michi no eki” (roadside shops) project was designed to support the rural and farming community in Imereti Province (Kutaisi) by enabling additional sales along the new east-west highway, partly financed by Japan. A study was made to analyse local, geographically branded agricultural specialities, to develop suitable products and to improve market access for smallholders, including promoting farmers’ cooperation. Client JICA, 03 - 05/12
Kosovo - Concept for the Ministry of Agriculture
Objective of the assignment was to develop a concept and to provide support to the establishment of an Economic Analysis Unit within the Ministry of Agriculture. Client GIZ; 01 – 02/12
Israel – Agro-tourism
Rural development project to draft a Twinning Fiche to enable support to the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Bet-Dagan. Indirectly the project dealt also with the upcoming European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development / ENPARD. Client European Union; 10 - 12/11
Serbia - Agribusiness Project Evaluation
Evaluation of the USD 25 million USAID Serbian Agribusiness Project (SAP); to review USAID’s complementary assistance at the enterprise, producer association and policy-making levels in improving the international competitiveness, especially of berries, fruits, dairy products, livestock / meat, mushrooms & herbs, tree fruits and vegetables; besides quantitative and qualitative information and analysis of the project recommendations for any mid-course corrections over the life of the project have been provided. Client USAID; 07 – 08/11
Palestine / oPt - Sheep, Herders and Bedouins
Programming mission to support within existing agricultural policy the food security and sustainable livelihoods of the most vulnerable in the occupied Palestinian territory, in particular farmers, herders (including the Bedouin communities) and rural women; the project addressed root causes of their food insecurity, and analysing ongoing response and propose an evidence based programme to support food security and sustainable livelihoods; vulnerable pastoralists and agro-pastoralists need urgently land rehabilitation and water security; furthermore conducting a comprehensive policy stakeholders analysis – including Israeli counterparts. Client European Union; 06 - 07/11
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Cereals study
Sector study about the arable crops sector (mainly corn and wheat) as required input to the upcoming IPARD programme and the pre-accession rural development funds. The specific scope of this assignment was to carry out: (a) preparation of the arable crops sector analysis in BiH in compliance with the regulatory frameworks set by the acquis communautaire and the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) and (b) formulation of observations, findings and recommendations for policy development and IPARD implementation; 2 introduction and 2 verification workshops; several case studies, field trips and a survey; special attention was given to commodity reserve as wheat is considered as a strategic good. Client European Union; 05 - 11/11
Austria – Presentation of the Turkish agro-sector
Presentation for the Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO (in Vienna, Salzburg and Graz) of a sector study about agriculture and food processing in Turkey; furthermore, meetings with interested companies interested to enter the Turkish market. Client WKO; 03/11
Austria, Belgium – CAP impact study
EU financed study of the possible impacts of policy changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 on smallholders in developing countries (Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ghana, Bangladesh and Bolivia); this “food security” study took into consideration the different types of trade agreements such as “Everything But Arms” (EBA), the Interim Economic Partnership Agreements (interim EPAs) and the EU's General System of Preferences Plus (GPS+) and the impact of changing / rising world market prices on developing countries; products focused on wheat, oilseeds, sugarcane and rice. The study assessed the correlation and possible causality between the CAP and the income availability (i.e. source of income) and development potential of smallholders in developing, food insecure countries; including AGLINK-COSIMO Model, analysis of the results of model developed and classification of affected countries by type of impact and final recommendations. Client European Union; 12/10 – 03/11
Turkey – Training for TKDK/ARDSI
Intensive training project for the permanent staff of the future IPARD agency TKDK/ARDSI (Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution); the main objective of this 62-days-training programme was to provide detailed training for the staff carrying out the project analysis (evaluation of project proposals in respect of investment grants) in order to ensure that technically, economically and financially viable investment projects are supported by pre-accession rural development funds in the frame of the IPARD Programme. Lectures given include project cycle management, logframe analysis, experience with other pre-accession programmes and the Common Agricultural Policy, elaboration and evaluation of high-quality business plans for farmers or processors and others; furthermore, training-need assessment (TNA), development of training curricula, preparation of the training materials (200 pages textbook) and after class reading materials; lectures and working groups. Client European Union; 08/10 – 11/10
Albania – Meat Sector
Meat Sector Study as a prerequisite of the upcoming IPARD programme (investment in agricultural holdings and investment in processing and marketing of the agricultural products) and templates as part of the “Capacity Building for Implementing the Rural Development Strategy” – project to „Support to the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection“. The study is needed to access IPARD investment grants and reflected also upcoming trade implications; furthermore, quality standards, food safety, traceability. Visits of the major agri-processing companies and farmers in close cooperation with the public regional extension service; evaluation of the training needs of the sector including the extension and advisory services. Client European Union; 05/10 & 01 – 02/10
Syria – Baseline study
Short country profile with a focus on agriculture and foodstuff industry and the opportunities for trade and investments. Client European Union; 03/10
Syria – Study on medicinal herbs
Review of the competitiveness and value chain analysis of the natural herbs (for medical purposes) sector as part of the EU SME Support Programme in Syria. Analysis of all medicinal plants in Syria (450), including aspects of land abandonment and loss of biodiversity, intensive discussion with all stakeholders who have been not connected so far; securing involvement of the private sector and evaluating export potential of selected products (also including phyto-sanitary requirements); field trips all over the country, visit of ICARDA, GCSAR, MAAR and other relevant institutions. Client European Union; 02/10 – 03/10
Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS – Livestock Discussion Paper
Writing a “Background Paper Livestock in Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS”; this paper served as a basis on which FAO discussed the issue of livestock at their session of the European Commission on Agriculture on May 2010 in Yerevan, Armenia under the topic “Improvement of rural livelihoods in the Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS through sustainable improvements in livestock production”. Analysis and recommendations highlighted the issues regarding (mainly smallholder’s) livestock development (including quality / food safety and trade), awareness rising for specific problems as well as inputs to the member countries regarding future work (also of their extension services to support pastoralists) and particularly the emphasis of work of FAO. Client FAO Hungary; 12/09 – 01/10.
Turkmenistan - Agricultural Reform Services
EU support project to economic reforms and sustainable agricultural development. Objective was to outline an organisational structure for the Agricultural Reform Services and its place within the Ministry of Agriculture. Results have been to draft TOR and structure for Agricultural Reform Services function including a Management Capacity Building Unit within the MoA with related cost estimates for both investments and recurrent expenditure. Participation in workshops to find a joint solution and finally presentation of the findings; second mission to follow up the activities started in April 09. Client European Union; 11/09 – 12/09 & 04 – 05/09
Turkey - Agriculture and Food Sector Analysis
“Industrial Restructuring of Sanliurfa” was an EC- TA project implemented by UNDP; beneficiary - Ministry of Industry and Trade; an agriculture and food sector analysis, an integrated industrial strategy plan and an agri-food cluster (and its export potential); furthermore, identification of potential investors for the Sanliurfa Organized Industrial Zone. The following sub-sectors have been selected due to their impact: livestock (meat), agricultural crops (corn, wheat, cotton), fruits (pomegranates, peaches and others) and vegetables (all kind of open field and greenhouse high value fresh produce including logistics and marketing), food processing (oil mills, deep freezing, pomegranate juice factory, cold storage infrastructure, packaging facilities, corn drying facilities) and others. Value-chain analysis. Client European Union & UNDP; 09/09 – 11/09
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Field visits for CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund in North-West-Bulgaria at the clusters Pordim (Valchitran), Sanadinovo (just Novachene) and Yakimovo. Tasks were to check the harvesting logistics (related to the remaining winter wheat fields), the field preparation after OSR for the next crop and topics related to the improved agro-management; findings have been presented in Sofia to the management; Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 08/09
Guyana – Analysis Sugar Industry Performance
Evaluation of the performance of GuySuCo (local nationalised sugar company) - based on the GuySuCo Business Plan forwarded by the NAO to the Delegation - in respect to the National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) to the EU sugar reform concerning EC Budget Support (EDF); production, labour, marketing, financing and strategic issues. The overall objective was to assist the Government of Guyana in its aim to develop an internationally competitive and nationally profitable sugarcane sector. Client European Union; 03 – 04/09
Bosnia and Herzegovina - IPARD
Drawing up ToR for IPA 2008 projects regarding "Support to agricultural policy and IPA Rural Development compliant structures" and "Support to BiH plant health protection administration". The purpose of this EU financed IPARD related project was to harmonise sectoral policies and measures for enhanced performance of agri-food sector including food sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards (SPS) and to create structures, legal framework and institutional capacity for managing the future IPA-RD grants / funds; output included project-fiches. Client European Union; 02 – 03/09
Georgia – TSU EU Common Agricultural Policy
Lectures related to EU Common Agricultural Policy; a 2-weeks seminar to MAES students at the Tbilisi State University, Institute for European Studies; objective was to explain basic facets of legal, political and institutional framework through which assistance is provided to non-EU countries and basic elements of the EU foreign assistance programme / neighbourhood programme; furthermore to train Georgian instructors (tandems) through direct coaching, to prepare with them pedagogical materials and to have a final assessment of students. Few field visits to SMEs in the agribusiness sector. Client European Union; 01/09
Belgium – Writing Project Proposal
Assistance in drafting an EU project proposal for the export-oriented sugar industry in Swaziland, including the possibility to integrate SMEs into the existing sugar production. Client European Union; 12/08 – 01/09
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Reformulation of the agricultural investment plan (financial and action plan, SWOT analysis) for CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund and evaluation of the present results. Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 10 & 12/08
Ukraine – Investment Analysis
Pre-investment analysis of a 11.000 ha forestry project in Wolyn; evaluation of existing forest management and list of potential risks for a buyer such as protected areas, management plans, labour laws, harvesting technique, human resources, finances and others. 06/08
Russia – Investment Analysis
Pre-investment analysis of a 250.000 ha kolkhoz project with a focus on wheat near Volgograd regarding profitability and economic potential of these farms; climate, soil, crop rotation, agricultural techniques, silos and storage facilities, human resources and finances. 05/08
Bosnia and Herzegovina - State Ministry of Agriculture
Support for Establishment of a State Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoFTER) – Harmonisation of agricultural subsidies (including investment grants) within entities so that on the long run an orientation towards the European Union will be feasible. Client European Union; 04 –05 /08
Albania – Investment Analysis
Fact finding mission to Tirana and Vlora regarding a private agro-forestry investment project. 02/08
Austria – Investment Analysis
Rapid appraisal for an agricultural investment company (SME size) of a pig production green field investment project in Romania. 11/07
Montenegro - Income Generating Activities
TA to smallholders in Berane (northern part of Montenegro) in developing income generating activities through Non-Timber Forest Products in the region; focus on herbs, mushrooms and other NTFPs. Additionally, enhancement the capacity of agricultural SMEs (mushrooms, herbs, berries) to produce according to international export market requirements. Beneficiaries have been 300 members of the newly formed farmer groups in Berane and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM) in Podgorica. Client LuxDev; 06/07 - 08/07
Paraguay - Fuelwood Markets
Development of Tools for Fuelwood Market Effectiveness Improvement in Rural Economies in Latin America and the Caribbean for the Inter-American Development Bank. Pilot project for application in Paraguay. First the renewable energy sources have been analysed; afterwards tools and methodologies have been developed by studying the case of Paraguay and applying the findings there to a selected fuelwood market. Market mechanisms have been elaborated and finally an action plan which could improve the energy situation by using more efficient local renewable sources of energy, especially fuelwood. Client IADB, 02/07 – 02/09
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Milk Sector
Within the project “EU Support to the Economic Policy Research Unit” (EPPU) the task was to supervise a „Scientific research paper about the milk sector in BiH“, prepared by the Institute of Agribusiness Economics at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo. Client European Union; 01/07
Bulgaria - Rural Development Programme
TA to the preparation of the post-accession Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013 and its monitoring system. The objective is a quality up-to-date sector analyses (including field trips, one-to-one interviews, focus group meetings, questionnaires, surveys) to assist the EU co-financed rural development programmes in the preparation of the financial agricultural support measures from the post-accession Rural Development Plan. Client European Union; 09/06 - 04/07
Swaziland - EU Sugar Reform
Formulation and set-up of TOR for a management unit (RDMU) to coordinate the implementation of the Swaziland’s National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) to the EU sugar reform. Revised agricultural sector strategy; the integration of local SMEs into sugar production was a political priority. Final results have been Financing Proposal and the Terms of Reference for the service contract (around € 4.7 million); financing by the European Development Fund (EDF). – Field trips to all Swazi sugar plants and neighbouring South Africa and Mozambique (Sugar Terminal). Client European Union; 08/06 - 09/06
Uzbekistan - Agricultural Sector Policy
Review and evaluation of the agricultural sector policy, especially the legal and regulatory environment for farmers and dehqan enterprises
with the purpose of developing “western style” enterprises in Karakalpakstan and Namangan. Providing policy advice on how to encourage agricultural entrepreneurs and providing advisory services and training on agribusiness-plans to entrepreneurs. Client UNDP, 07/06
Bosnia and Herzegovina - State Ministry of Agriculture
SESMARD / Support for Establishment of a State Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Main task was to train and guide the working group to elaborate a financial and an economic cost-benefit analysis, always having in mind the EU rural strategic planning, development policy and necessary legislation. Client European Union; 06/06
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Evaluation of different locations to set up bigger farming units in Northern Bulgaria; calculation of various crops and crop rotations with a focus on oilseeds like rapeseed and sunflower. Design of setting up farm units, respecting personnel, machinery, crop farming and post-harvest activities like sales and marketing. Assistance in making use of SAPARD funds such as investing in agricultural holdings and agro-processing. Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 03/06 – 05/06
Mongolia - Animal Health and Livestock Marketing
Design of the first EU ALA programme in agriculture / veterinary / food safety (proposed budget € 9 million). Identification and Formulation Mission of an Animal Health and Livestock Marketing to increase the net revenues of the pastoralists / nomadic herdsmen by reflecting the fragile environmental conditions and enhancing (private) veterinary and advisory services. Complete project set up with TAPs, TOR, donor coordination, budgeting, procurement design, political evaluation, etc. Client European Union; 01 - 03/06
Sri Lanka – After Tsunami Analysis
Study trip to some Tsunami projects and rapid appraisal about lessons learnt in combination with the overwhelming donor support. Client “HOPE”; 12/05 - 01/06
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Evaluation Agricultural Producer Association
Detailed evaluation of an agricultural producer association implementing the Herb Buy-Off Programme in the Upper Vrbas region. WOT, cost-benefit and value chain analyses to submit proposals for a commercially viable strategy, including an action plan. Besides financial audit arrangements some training workshops have been conducted to facilitate implementation of the jointly elaborated recommendations. Main conclusion was to pay remunerations to stakeholders only according to incoming revenues. Client Partners for Development / PFD; 10 - 12/05
FYR Macedonia – Agricultural Policy
Technical Assistance to MAFWE within the CARDS project Structural and Legal Reform by suggesting a set of agricultural policy measures to be introduced in the MAFWE budget to increase the state support to agriculture and especially the direct payments to farmers. The implications of WTO and SAA commitments in terms of support to agricultural productions have been analysed. Client European Union; 08/05
Albania – Sheep Marketing
Strengthening the Marketing of Small-Ruminants; to make a SWOT analysis and to develop a strategic plan to support the development of the rural and sheep sector showing implementation responsibilities, key milestone, outputs and timescales; also fostering the capacity of enterprises (only SMEs) to increase food safety and to produce according to international market requirements. Activities took place in Gijrokaster, Saranda and Korca. Client UNDP, 04/05 - 10/05
Pakistan - Fact finding mission
Mission to Lahore and Lylle for upcoming international funded projects in the area of agriculture, irrigation, natural resources management, agricultural development, livestock, agro-industry and agricultural spare parts (for tractors). 01/05
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Protected Areas
Support to the World Bank for the Preparation of the Biodiversity Conservation Project for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objective of this assignment was to assist the World Bank and the BiH government to write a GEF project-proposal for presentation to the GEF Secretariat. BiH intended to extend its protected areas and thus safeguarding its biodiversity (analysed by environmental impact assessments) and to improve the management of the existing ones. Foreseen GEF budget was USD 7 Million. Client World Bank, 05/04 - 05/05
Kosovo - Agricultural Strategy Plan
Development TORs for Kosovo (AMPK) to strengthen the institutional capacity of MAFRD in planning and implementation of agricultural policies and strategies – including food security and safety through participatory approach, close cooperation with EAR and MAFRD. Client European Union; 07/03 - 08/03
Kosovo – Agribusiness Support
(Agri-) Business Support Project; consulting and training of local experts, mid-term evaluation of the project, recommendations of necessary improvements, strategy papers; assistance in food safety and food laws, reviewing marketing plans for the selected agricultural cluster, providing agricultural information and business solutions for agribusinesses (in collaboration with the grants programme), close cooperation with EAR and MAFRD. Client USAID; 04/03 - 05/03
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Office of the High Representative
Advisor on Agriculture, Forestry & Water with focus on agricultural policy development and strategic planning, economic analyses and recommendations to the High Representative on key issues related to agriculture, agribusiness and business environment (bulldozer project); identifying priority areas of action and rural strategies, for example extension services, in close coordination with the Ministers of Agriculture (agricultural task force) and the International Community (EC, World Bank, IFAD, FAO, UNDP, USAID, JICA …); strategies also to make export activities easier, to increase competitive and sustainable rural sector investments; exchange of knowledge and dissemination of information to local shareholders, authorities and the IFIs. Client OHR, 07/01 – 03/03
Austria – Workshop at University of Applied Life Sciences / BOKU
Lecturer at an international agro-project management workshop for students from Eastern Europe; case studies, discussions, organised by BOKU, the Austrian University of Applied Life Sciences and Natural Resources Management. Client BOKU; 07/00
Bulgaria- Rural development Lovech
Rural development of the hilly region of Lovech with a focus on SMEs in agro-marketing for fruits, vegetables, medical herbs; further setting up and working with farmer groups - participatory methods; furthermore, the project’s objective was to support development of the rural areas; assistance in building institutional capacity to absorb EU funds like SAPARD; workshops about new ways for an adapted rural policy. Client GTZ; 05/00 - 08/00
Palestine / oPt - Agro-Marketing
Technical assistance in creating a modern governmental frame (Ministry of Agriculture) for the marketing of agricultural produce (also for producer associations); main objective was the development of an agricultural market information system (AMIS), i.e. design and implementation of a marketing information system (MIS) and database for fruits and vegetables. Capacity building including workshops and training. Client ADA; 04/99 - 09/00
Austria – Export Consulting
Opening new export markets for agro-food SMEs like wineries, organic soya-drink producers and others; in total 8 workshops about marketing; target markets are Germany, Sweden, Poland, and USA. SWOT analysis, legal food requirements including trade requirements, export strategies, branding and packaging, investigations for the potential for expansion and market reports. Client Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO; 03/99 - 12/00
Nicaragua - Saw Mill and Forest Management
Sustainable and community based forestry ecosystem management and biodiversity project in the neighbourhood / buffer zone of the protected area SI-A-PAZ. Restructuring a saw mill (SME) on the Rio San, from a first strategy paper to sales activities on the local market (and in neighbouring Costa Rica), strengthening the local institutions on the governmental and farmer's side, promotion of rural farm and non-farm employment (palm oil plantations), extension services, gender issues, micro-credit component, vocational training of small-land holders. Client ADA; 01/98 - 03/01
Preparation and organisation of the BRAZIL TECHMART 1997, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais; to contact the Austrian agro-industry and to organize the participation on this fair. Client UNIDO; 08 - 09/97
Palestine / oPt - Agro-Marketing
Institutional strengthening at the MoA in Ramallah (workshops with the Minister Mr. Abdul JAWAD SALEH), technical assistance, training and international trade promotion; assistance to design a new rural development policy with a special focus on the rural poor; conduct of surveys in collaboration with national agricultural partners; Ministry of Agriculture and the Marketing Board. Client Austrian North South Institute, 04/97 – 09/97
Austria - Organic Farm Management
Transforming the small family farm (crop rotation, plant protection, temporarily sheep keeping) into a certified organic farm (among Austria's pioneers who became legally registered as organic farmers), since 1997 management of this farm; therefore, in practical and also administrative ways very familiar with all EU requirements from the farmer’s point of view; furthermore, management of the attached forest by focusing on improving sustainable forest ecosystems. 02 / 97 – 06/11
Austria – Data Mining
Market research, preparing data concerning easiest transfer into the data-base and assistance in the data-bank design. Client CYANAMID, 01 / 97
Bulgaria - Workshop on Marketing
Workshop on Marketing and Financing; also with a focus on international markets. Client Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO; 11/96
Bulgaria – Wine Sector Analysis
Analysis and evaluation of one of the most famous wineries in Svischtov, Bulgaria; study -including marketing aspects- about the actual condition and the search for an international investor in Austria, Germany, France, Italy and the USA so that -together with the investor- a MBO could be enabled; promotion of foreign and local investments in agribusiness. EU, 09/96
Bulgaria – Sugar Mill
Restructuring a state-owned sugar mill in Bulgaria for privatisation; a marketing study how to improve sales, specially export sales to Eastern Europe and Asia and how to develop new products and services; Sofia and Devnja. EU, 07/96 - 08/96
Austria - EU Projects in Eastern Europe
Workshop about EU Projects in Eastern Europe (PHARE, TACIS, Cross Border); Vienna and Krems. 05/96 & 08/96
Romania - Management Training
Marketing workshop to improve the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy; participants have been former big state companies and also SMEs. Client Training Institute Cedru / Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO; 04/96
Guatemala - Agricultural Marketing
Study about organic farming; implementation of an organic certification scheme and improvement of the marketing of organic products (coffee, vegetables, fruits...) from SME in Guatemala to the European market; drafting of laws / bylaws to become compatible with the EU regulations about organic farming. Co-ordination of local experts. The study was performed in close co-operation with AGEXPRONT. Client Trees for People / GTZ, 11/95 - 12/95
Austria – The Agricultural Sector in Austria
Three workshops about Austrian agriculture; the present status and the efforts how to adapt the Austrian system to EU norms and standards; organized for French farmers. Client UNAFIMA; 05 - 10/95
Austria, Germany - Wine Export
Export marketing for wine and sales for a group of Austrian wine growers to Germany including market research, business trips, customer relationship management, active selling, branding and database management. Client Verein der Weinbaumeister, 02/95 - 09/01
Austria – Seed Marketing
Marketing and public relation for AGROSTAT, organisation of field trails (seeds) for soya, corn, sunflowers and other cultures, monitoring. Client AGROSTAT, 01/95 - 12/97
Bulgaria – Dairy Sector Study
Dairy industry investment project with comprehensive (feasibility) study about the actual situation of selected dairies and action-plan how to re-organize and privatise the Bulgarian Dairy industry in close co-operation with the Bulgarian MoA; Client EBRD, 07/94 - 11/94
Austria - Certification of Organic Farming
Certification of organic farming, pioneer of the Austrian organic certification procedure (in accordance with EU 2092/91 and IFOAM regulations) that started together with Univ.Prof.H.Haimboeck from BOKU a first organic certification company, approved by the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture. Clients all over Austria and along the value chain, from farmers to agro-processing companies. 01/94 - 12/97
Palestine. oPt – Vegetable Cooperatives
Project management (planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation) of vegetable co-operatives in Palestine including agricultural strategy development, post-harvest technology, agricultural support services, extension services, feasibility studies, preparation of tenders, co-ordination with the Ministry of Agriculture, the EU-office in Jerusalem and NGO's. Client SAAR, 10/93 - 12/94
Austria, United Kingdom – Wine Marketing
Export marketing for Schlosskellerei (Chateau) Halbturn, also to Japan; Client Schlosskellerei Halbturn; 05/93 – 10/94
Austria – Agricultural Software Marketing
Marketing and sales of agricultural software for plant production, livestock management and farm management in Austria; seminars and workshops about software, agricultural fairs. Client HELM Software, Germany, 04/93 – 12/99
Austria - Farm Management
Organic family owned farm with 70 ha of forest (Pro Silva) nearby Vienna. 02/97 - 06/11
Austria – Seed Marketing
Registration of seeds for a French company in Austria, organisation and monitoring of field trials all over Austria and market-research for corn seed (also for Hungary). Client Caussade Semances; 06/92 - 12/94
Russia – Lectures at the University in Omsk
Workshop at the University in Omsk, Siberia about marketing for agriculture and agro industry; assistance to develop new agribusiness and
to increase the farmers' and food producers' competitiveness. Client AFC, 12/92
Austria – Agricultural Software Marketing
Designing a sales concept for agricultural farming software “AGROSYS” and presentation of this software at agricultural fairs, agricultural schools and at farmer’s seminars. Client SIEMENS; 06 – 11 / 92
Bulgaria - Pre-investment Farm Analysis
Study to restructure and privatize a 10.000 ha-cattle farm in Biela Slatina, northern Bulgaria, including the participation of all the former owners of that land; the basic idea was to form a company in which all the previous land-owners would bring in their land so that a common and very efficient farm management could take place. 04/92
Austria – Quality Beef Programme
Marketing-programme to improve the beef quality in Carinthia and to establish a monitoring system; design and implementation of an electronic data processing system and new management methods to this farmers' group; the farmers' group was reorganized, in total more than 1.000 cattle breeder; many workshops with the cattle farmers; Carinthia. Client Chamber of Agriculture, 03/92 - 08/92
Hungary - Seed Processing Plant
Evaluation of a corn-seed processing plant in Babolna, Hungary within a re-privatisation programme for a mayor Austrian agricultural bank. Client, Raiffeisen Investment AG; 03/92
Austria - Workshop Agriculture & Rural Development
Workshop about farming in Eastern Europe Mr. Roland NYMANN, Deputy Minister from the Ministry of Agriculture, Tallinn, ESTONIA. How to adapt Eastern European Agriculture to Western European standards? Client International Academy Future, 10/91
Austria – Sugar Marketing for Food-Industry
Marketing of Austrian sugar and starch products (including potato- and milk-products), responsible for sales and marketing to the foodstuff-industry (usually SMEs), key account, administration, organisation, human resources development and training, annual turnover of USD 200 million; strategic planning, technology, human resources, accounting and budgeting, new markets, joint-ventures in Eastern Europe. Client AGRANA MARKETING; 02/90 - 02/91
Austria – Trade Financing
Counter trade for an international Bank and trading company focused on agricultural products like cacao, coffee, cashews, rubber, edible oils but also irrigation equipment. Visits to Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Nigeria and other countries. Client CENTRO BANK, 09/88 - 01/90
Austria (partly Sweden) – Marketing of Edible Oils
Export marketing Eastern Europe (former Yugoslavia, Romania) of edible oils and fats; main product was cocoa-butter-replacer for the food industry, mainly the chocolate-industry; market-analysis, technology-transfer and technical services, counter trade (special financing arrangements), symposia, fairs. Client KARLSHAMNS Ltd; 06/87 - 06/88
Austria, Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia – Seed Marketing
Marketing, sales and consulting in the area of vegetable and agronomic seeds in Austria, Hungary and the former Czechoslovakia; registration, budget-planning, advertisement, customer and technical service, also control of multiplication in Hungary. Client ASGROW, 08/85 - 05/87
Brussels, Austria – Study on biofuels in ACP countries
Study “Assessing the impact of biofuels production on developing countries from the point of view of Policy Coherence for Development”; elaboration of detailed inputs linked to technology transfer and capacity development, impacts of biofuels production on micro and macro levels (Potential impacts at household levels (small producers), Economics on plantation scale, impacts at macro level: job creation, tax revenues, etc.; energy and food price volatilities, typology of the identified impacts and factors, the role and responsibilities of the Private sector. Client. European Union 09/12 – 02/13
Bulgaria – Meat sector study
Study about the meat processing sector in Bulgaria, starting from livestock farming (numbers, subsidies) to slaughterhouses, processors (import of raw material) and retailers; analysis of the complete value chain. 08/12 – 01/13
Turkey - Upcoming projects, also in renewable energy
Fact finding mission to Ankara focusing on upcoming projects, including financing a new biogas plant in eastern Turkey. 06/12
Azerbaijan - Improved Promotion and Marketing of Traditional Food Products
Objective is to support Government efforts in the diversification of the economy while promoting balanced and inclusive growth, decreasing regional disparities and improving rural livelihoods, specifically by contributing to business development, investment promotion and employment generation. Writing a review paper on EU Producer Organisations compared to Azeri Producer Organisation; analysis of bottlenecks in Azerbaijan and recommendations for amending or introducing legislation and adopting appropriate policies to increase commercial trade through farmers’ group activities. 03/20 - ongoing
Cameroon - Technical Proposal
Writing the proposal for a capacity building event within the Islamic Development Bank funded GP-IRDP project in training of farmers in production and to overcome value chain constraints for rice, oil palm, cassava, cocoa, maize, soya beans, beans, etc. 02/20
Viet Nam – Development of an Agriculture Data Hub (UNDP)
Task is to support the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, especially the Institute for Policy and Strategy to establish an agricultural information Hub to support agricultural value chain development. The agricultural information Hub has two main objectives: a) to provide reliable data, modelling and insights to inform sustainable business decisions and farming practices of the supply chain actors and b) to provide support services in integrating new technological solutions to improve productivity and sustainability of business operations and farming practices throughout the agricultural supply chain. The assignment includes an overview about available data, a data gap analysis, and technical proposals to link data from different sources and in different technical standards; key topics are precision agriculture, big data, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence to analyse existing information to make agriculture more profitable. Focus on shrimp and dragon fruit. 12/19 – 03/20
Cambodia - Economic and Financial Analysis for ADB financed irrigation rehabilitation projects
Support of tasks in agricultural economics; acting within the Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project (RRP CAM 48409-002) to calculate the rehabilitation of 27 irrigation schemes in 4 provinces: Takeo, Kampot, Kampong Cham and Tboung Khmum. Main focus on the financial and economic calculations for each irrigation project; based on an up-front agricultural survey, current average farm incomes (“without the project”) within the (future) irrigated areas (incorporating crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling calculations) are calculated and then compared to the predicted farm incomes (“with the project”). In case that the Economic and Financial Internal Rates of Return (EIRR & FIRR) s above the threshold, the sub-project will be implemented. Furthermore, economics will be done regarding rural roads and warehouses operated by agricultural cooperatives. 09 / 19 – ongoing
Sri Lanka - Agricultural Value Chains for mango, pineapple, dairy and Palmyrah (European Commission)
Technical Assistance to Modernisation of Agriculture Projects (TAMAP). Elaboration of detailed Value Chains; size of local and export market in terms of value and volume; gross margin calculations and unit prices of products; quality requirements and standards of products in the market; share in total trade of main local and export markets; trends in local and export market; potential of local and export market; market segments and niches). – Field visits, surveys, socio-economic analyses, focus group meetings, proposals for up-coming EU interventions and TA projects and 1 training in value chains. 03 – 09 / 19
Egypt - Evaluation of grant proposals (European Commission)
Technical Support for Assessment of Grant Applications in the field of Inclusive Economic Growth in Egypt. Objective is to assess applications (concept notes – 1 step) from AUIED - Arab Union for Industrial Exports Development, Emkay Foods, GEN EGYPT / MCSBE, Innoventures LLC, SEKEM Development Foundation, Misr Elkheir Foundation (MEK), Giza Systems Education Foundation, Ideaspace SAE, Al-Azhar University and others. 02 / 19
Egypt - Mid-Term Evaluation of EU funded Support to Agricultural SMEs (“SASME”; European Commission)
Evaluation of 3 components: C1: Improving access to finance and increase outreach towards small farmers (without or with limited collateral) and larger projects (based on business plans/cash flow approach analysis for each project). C2: Providing TA to key stakeholders in the lending and guarantee granting process. C3: Support to the Dairy and Marine Aquaculture sectors: Dairy component will improve efficiency of the dairy-VC in at least Lower and Middle Egypt and will provide TA to small farmers to increase the quality and quantity of their production, quality certification and marketing. - Marine aquaculture component aims at improving infrastructure and technical expertise for marine aquaculture and increasing hatchery expertise and fry, fingerling and fish production of selected marine species. – Recommendations to re-focus the project for the next 18 months. EU & AFD financing. 03 – 07/19
Turkey - Technical Assistance for Improving the Awareness of Food Processing Sector and Farmers in terms of EU (European Commission)
Main task is to support the writing of a detailed comparison analysis of the current Turkish legislation with the EU standards regarding food hygiene, animal welfare and environmental protection including and to assist in the preparation of Strategy and Road Map for alignment with EU Acquis in scope of the IPARD Programme. Final presentation about lessons learned from other candidate countries in Ankara. 02-11/19
Uzbekistan – Analysing agricultural investment opportunities (Investment company from Middle East)
Fact finding mission for a large scale investment with pre-feasibility study for a 20 ha greenhouse plus development opportunities for an agricultural cluster covering 10,000 ha. Greenhouse considers tomatoes, flowers, cucumbers, sweet pepper, etc. Cluster might look at the following value chains: fruit orchards (cherries, walnuts, apricots), medicinal herbs, fodder production (alfalfa). Furthermore, cattle production for meat and milk. Analysis of self-sufficiency rates, export markets (mainly Russia and Middle East). Analysis of several locations in the Regions Tashkent, Djizak, Syrdarya and Samarkand. 01/19
Western Balkan (Austria) - Feasibility study “Production and distillation of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs)”
Research and development of a feasibility study “Distillation of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) to essential oils by steam” for an undetermined location on the Western Balkans. Cultivation of herbs and designing the processing facility, including market research for the final product. 12/18 - ongoing
Armenia – Programme Design for the European Union & UNDP
The objective of this assignment is to elaborate several value chains for a full project proposal on Green Agriculture. 10/18
Sustainable Land Management
Preparatory studies and research for EBRD on Sustainable Land Management to promote and finance climate smart agriculture; developing a catalogue for suitable technologies that could prevent soil degradation especially carbon loss, erosion, salinization, and compaction. 07-09/18
Austria – Acces2Finance
Methodology for a "TA for the AFD-ENPARD programme for access to agricultural finance for small scale semi-commercial firms and cooperatives in Georgia”. 05/18
Albania - Agribusiness Support Facility
To provide customized and targeted support tailored to the needs and requirements of commercial banks including development of new products or enhancement of existing agribusiness products; organisation of agribusiness sector specific info sessions in the form of marketing events for PFIs and writing a manual how to promote agricultural value chain financing. 05/18 - ongoing
Bulgaria - Exportmarketing of organic vegetables
Development of a strategy to open new markets for organic cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplants, pepper and apples. 04-06/18
Uzbekistan - Local Economic Development
Mid Term Evaluation of the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Uzbekistan; the project intends to enhance the living standards in rural areas based on growth in the agri-food sector. The specific objective is the transfer of EU know-how (knowledge and experience) and technologies in the agri-food value-chains in partnership with local authorities and economic players for further developing socio-economic potentials in rural areas, especially in the Project Target Regions Namangan, Andijan, Fergana, Djizak, Syrdarya and Kashkadarya; main items are milk / dairy, walnuts, pomegranates, cherry and pears, management of agricultural cooperatives in cold storage, fruit juice production and agricultural research institutions (solar pumps for irrigation, salinization). 01-03/18
Lithuania - Private sector investment company
Analysis of the strategic business plan for a possible equity investment in a 30,000 ha farm. 12/17
Georgia / Abkhazia - “Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development” (CARD)
Assessment and design of a “Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development” (CARD) to coordinate rural development initiatives across all 7 districts of Abkhazia and to provide technical, consultative and referral support and coordination services to beneficiaries and rural communities. CARD is part of ENPARD II that is aiming to support small-scale agricultural development and the diversification of the rural economy, with a view to improving living conditions and access to basic services in rural areas. The assessment includes all technical requirements to set up CARD’s operations, including the requirements for office space, furniture, IT equipment, the production of marketing materials, etc. but also a strategic orientation; focus of up-coming extension work is on fruits and vegetables and ruminants. 11/17 – 03/18
Georgia - Final Evaluation of ENPARD I (2014 – 2017)
Principle tasks are to evaluate the 4 projects implemented under Small Farmers Co-operation measures; to carry out a detailed appraisal of work of OXFAM, PIN, Mercy Corps and Care led consortia’s programming and implementing modalities to assess their accomplishment of stated results, to assess project’s output against the indicators and targets set in the Logical Framework and finally to conduct relevant field visits to around 30 agricultural cooperatives in the various regions of Georgia covered by this part of the project. A final workshop with the presentation of the findings and lessons learned is done at the end. 09 - 12/17
Georgia – Assistance in developing a strategy for the Agriculture Cooperatives Development Agency (ACDA)
Design of a long-term strategic concept paper for development of the agriculture cooperatives / cooperation in Georgia and ACDA’s role in implementing this strategy. Literature review, interviews, workshops and other meetings are conducted to formulate ACDA’s vision of future support to agricultural cooperatives. 08/17
Malawi - Support to Parliament and Media regarding agricultural matters
Drafting the corresponding methodology for a TA project, focusing on agricultural budgeting and policy making. Home based. 06/17
Austria – Investment plan for a modern beehive farm
Elaboration of a farm concept in Lower Austria with focus on modern beehives and honey making technology. 05/17
Armenia - Organic Farming Workshops
Provision of organic horticulture training sessions for Organic Agriculture Support Initiative (OASI); the goal is to provide access to sustainable knowledge and information for organic farmers, service centres managers and extension service providers; key objective is to enhance farmers’ organic awareness and coaching them on their way of shifting from traditional to organic agriculture processes. Furthermore, to ensure that organic farmers can recognize the business opportunities of organic farming and the real market value of their organic produce that will enable them to target the right local regional and international markets. 02/17
Swaziland - Re-writing the Mid Term Evaluation report
Assistance n reformulating the MTE report for the sugar sector in Swaziland focusing on increasing competitiveness of the sugar sector and reducing rural poverty especially in the sugar belt. 02/17
Moldova – Agricultural sector survey
Information collection and verification survey for agricultural sector. The objective is to identify the current situation of agricultural sector in Moldova, concrete needs for supports, governmental directions and priorities, and to propose the future possibility and direction of JICA support (especially technical assistance) based on the outcome. Although the priorities are put on the structure enhancements necessary to develop new agricultural businesses, to increase productivity of small scale farmer and to improve quality, a nationwide approach which makes the most of Japanese knowledge and experience is also to be considered. Main activities are to analyse export potential in selected markets and internal export obstacles; based on the findings new intervention proposals will be submitted to MoAFI. 11/16 – 06/17
Sudan - Diagnostic Review of BE Constraints
This assignment is undertaking a desk-based sector-specific diagnostics of the enabling Business Environment, focusing on agriculture and relevant agribusiness value chains. Besides the diagnostics, specific policy recommendations are developed so that DFID Sudan can base their up-coming agribusiness interventions on them. Important issue is the ability and willingness of the GoS to improve jointly the business environment in Sudan, primarily for the sake of the agricultural sector but also for non-agricultural rural business developments. Home-based; 10-12/16
Armenia - IFAD - Rural Asset Creation Programme
Final evaluation of this horticultural value chain and business development project. RACP intended to reduce rural poverty and its objectives are (i) the establishment of an economically viable fruits and nuts sector with backwards linkages to poor rural smallholders; (ii) the establishment of an entity (to be fully privatized) for delivery of services to the fruits and nuts sector; and (iii) the removal of infrastructure bottlenecks that inhibit increasing participation of the economically active rural poor in enhanced commercialization of the rural economy. 06-07/16
Kosovo – DANIDA - Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant Programme
Presentation of the Study "Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant" to the minister of agriculture and his team mainly head of departments. Presentation was followed by a broad discussion on future financial support to the agricultural and rural sector and the lessons learnt on previous programmes. 06/16
Egypt - Support to Formulation of an SME Access to Finance initiative
Project aims to a) assist the EU Delegation and its partner European Finance Institutions (EFIs) to make proposals into a dialogue with local stakeholders for the selection of target sector / value chains (at least one in agribusiness) to be focused on within the design of the new SME finance facility (including technical assistance, grants and loans). A few agro-food value chains are analysed more in depth (processed tomatoes and deep frozen fruits and vegetables) and investment needs among SMEs elaborated which then might be targeted by the commercial banks. 01/16 – 09/17
Armenia - ENPARD Armenia - Budget Support Review Mission
The project is supporting the Government of Armenia in ensuring an efficient and sustainable agriculture, contributing to better conditions in rural areas. More specific the team is providing a detailed review of the implementation of the Budget Support component of ENPARD Armenia and furthermore consistent sets of conclusions and recommendations to be used by the Commission to make decisions on instalment disbursement for the second tranche of budget support. The specific task is to evaluate the "capacity and performance of farmers' associations and cooperatives further developed and strengthened", based on literature review, stakeholder meetings and field visits. 09 - 10/15
Azerbaijan - Azeri Agricultural Finance Facility
The Azeri Agricultural Finance Facility (AzAFF) is an EBRD programme to support agricultural finance, including but not limited to access to finance by increasing availability of credit to the Azeri farmers /agricultural enterprises / agribusinesses through credit lines of up to USD 40 million and enhancing financial, managerial and production capabilities of end beneficiaries (enterprises and individuals involved in agricultural and agriculture-related activities). The overall objective of AzAFF is to foster the overall economic development of the agriculture sector. Among others AzAFF is a) developing and providing financial literacy training to farmers in the regions with the highest agricultural potential; b) providing workshops with farmers to introduce advanced farming techniques and international best practices in selected sub-sectors and c) assisting eligible sub-borrowers for larger agricultural loans with technical assistance. 09/15 – 01/17
Kosovo (Denmark) - Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant Programme.
The objectives of this evaluation is a) to quantify and qualify the Rural Development Grant Programme (RDGP) impact in terms of competitiveness, incomes, net employment creation and productivity through statistical/quantitative analysis as well as qualitative in-depth studies from the field; b) to improve the programming and implementation process of the RDGP for better achieving the objectives with respect to competitiveness, incomes, net employment creation and productivity and c) to improve the M&E system for the 2014–2020 RDGP though sound recommendations. - This ongoing grant programme is government run with the World Bank and DANIDA having provided funding for around 300 grants in 2013 and 2014; these grants support two types of activities categorised according to the EU so-called measures: Measure 101 supports physical investments in primary producers, whereas Measure 103 covers processors / marketing of agricultural produce within milk, meat, fruit, vegetables and wine sectors. - Regression discontinuity design (Rural Development) is used to analyse the impact. 08 - 11/15
Austria – Paper about Georgian agricultural cooperatives
Drafting the technical project proposal for an agricultural cooperative development project within ENPARD with focus on training and capacity building in Georgia. 06-07/15
Jordan - Livelihood Programme Formulation (European Commission)
Formulation Mission for the Programme to Support the Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees in Jordan; i.e. in the Northern Governorates Ibrid and Mafraq. Specific objective is to develop a "greening" livelihood programme for host communities aiming at sustainable and thus profitable job creation, capacity building, reviving local markets, increasing energy efficiency (through better use of renewable energy, mainly waste to energy and solar power) and reducing water usage for households as well as the agricultural sector. Furthermore, guidelines for stimulating matching grants. 03 - 05/15
Turkey - Value Chain Analysis within the Taseli-Koksu Watershed Development Project (IFAD)
This design mission focuses on the sustainable reduction of rural poverty by increasing smallholder farmers’ income from highland agricultural production systems and marketing activities while strengthening their resilience to climate shocks and their capacities to organize. Specific tasks are to analyse the potential to integrate farmers downstream in the value chain (e.g. transport, grading, processing, packaging, etcetera) and to assess the degree of involvement of the private sector in delivery services, as input suppliers and buyers; main identified products are fruits and vegetables (cherries, strawberries, grapes / dried grapes, MAPs) and animal products. 12/14 – 02/15
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Marketing Infrastructure within the Rural Competitiveness Development Project
This project (RCDP) intends to enable poor rural people in the country to improve their food security and to increase their income through support to non-commercial and commercial farmers and to on and off-farm enterprises; focus is on the Fruits & Vegetables value chains. Design mission to analyse the existing Extension and Business Advisory Services (processing, packaging, marketing) and to develop in a participatory approach proposals for an improved supply and demand of these services. The existing governance structures (of the institutions or organizations of the value chain actors, service providers) are assessed about their effectiveness and maturity in terms of sustainably participating in VC development. VC spread from individual farmers, Producer Associations, cooperatives and companies towards involved institutions as public agricultural advisory services, local development agencies, faculties of agriculture and others. 11/14 and 04/15
Austria, worldwide - Collection and Comparison of Agricultural Data
Organising data such as gross margins, land prices for pastures and arable land, etcetera to support agricultural investments in selected countries. 10/14
Austria, The Netherlands – Evaluation of the IFC's Agribusiness Investment Promotion
Analysis of the design of the overall evaluation methodology of IFC's two approaches; the economy wide versus the sector specific approach; especially targeting the agribusiness sector. A deep dive study report was done, geographical focusing within economy wide approach on Brazil (agri), Yemen (agri), China (non-agri), Colombia (non-agri), Indonesia (non-agri), Philippines (non-agri) and within the sector specific approach on Sierra Leone (agri), Mali (agri), South Sudan (agri), Rwanda (agri), Honduras (non-agri) and India (non-agri). 06/14 - ongoing
FYR Macedonia - Evaluation of the ongoing IPARD-1 (European Commission)
The programme started with an exhaustive methodology; assessment of the coherence, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. 04 - 05/14
Austria - Peer review of a study about animal health and poverty
Reviewing an economic study in French on “Animal health and poverty“ (“Santé animale et pauvreté”) for Office International des Epizooties / OIE, Paris. Critical comments on a) the general meaning of the study itself, b) the layout and content and finally and c) the relevance for the OIE to publish such a paper (or at least parts of it). 03/14
Azerbaijan - Value chain analysis for the wine sector for the European Commission
Objective was to improve the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan in terms of sustainability in development and growth in the export capacity through improving the value-chains. The specific objective of the assignment was to prepare a market and value chain analysis and recommendations for the improvement of value chains performance in view of their potential impact in employment generation and diversification of rural economy; close cooperation with the University of Ganja, Faculty of Agriculture. 02 - 05/14
Turkey - Preparation of Sector Analyses for IPARD
(Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – Rural Development Programme) 2014-2020
Examination of the current situation of the following agricultural sectors: red meat, poultry and egg, dairy, fruit and vegetables, fisheries and aquaculture; furthermore, Axis 3 - farm diversification and business development and rural infrastructure. To provide an overview of the entire production, processing and marketing system of these sectors with special emphasis on the needs of the sectors in terms of EU alignment and how IPARD measures may contribute to the alignment process. 10/13 – 03/14
Moldova – Training for UNDP
Training of horticultural farmers’ (fresh fruits as apples and grapes) associations regarding “applied negotiations and communications skills” and “risk management in export activity”; field trip to an apple farm in Sirota near Orhei. 09/13
Jordan - Food security for UNDP
Consultancy to develop innovative interventions for implementation and to design a capacity development programme for the food security unit (FSU) at the Ministry of Agriculture in Jordan that clearly specifies the activities, areas of trainings, methodology, priorities and timeframe for implementation. 07 - 09/13
Turkey – Development of Marketing Activities for GAP OAC
(Organic Agriculture Cluster in Southeast Anatolia Project)
Work included desk research, literature review, review of the value chain analysis for agricultural produce, field missions to Ankara, Sanliurfa / Diyarbakýr / Gaziantep, Izmir and Istanbul. Purpose was to establish a Turkish centre of competency for organic farming with a focus on export business by facilitating (not necessarily providing) input supplies (seeds, fertilizers), market and price information, access to financial services, transport, (organic) quality control, product development awareness rising. 06 - 09/13
Romania - Review of a Greenfield agro-investment
Review of a Greenfield investment in vineyards and winery; objective was to improve the reporting and management information system; production data, stock, sales, inputs, manpower. 03 -04/13
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Austria – ”Study on the organic production potential in SEE”
”Stdy on the organic production potential in South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia)”; mapping of certified organic products in SEE, including production volumes; overview of the demand for organic products of retailers and wholesale as well as of processing industries in the region; analysis of the market potential in the region and the EU; conclusions and proposals for next steps to use the potential and increase trade; furthermore country missions, interviews, workshops. Presentation of findings during the “Working meeting of the Regional Expert Advisory Group on Organic Agriculture in SWG” in Sarajevo. Client GIZ, 10 – 11/12; 02/13
Georgia – Development and marketing of new agricultural products
A “michi no eki” (roadside shops) project was designed to support the rural and farming community in Imereti Province (Kutaisi) by enabling additional sales along the new east-west highway, partly financed by Japan. A study was made to analyse local, geographically branded agricultural specialities, to develop suitable products and to improve market access for smallholders, including promoting farmers’ cooperation. Client JICA, 03 - 05/12
Kosovo - Concept for the Ministry of Agriculture
Objective of the assignment was to develop a concept and to provide support to the establishment of an Economic Analysis Unit within the Ministry of Agriculture. Client GIZ; 01 – 02/12
Israel – Agro-tourism
Rural development project to draft a Twinning Fiche to enable support to the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Bet-Dagan. Indirectly the project dealt also with the upcoming European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development / ENPARD. Client European Union; 10 - 12/11
Serbia - Agribusiness Project Evaluation
Evaluation of the USD 25 million USAID Serbian Agribusiness Project (SAP); to review USAID’s complementary assistance at the enterprise, producer association and policy-making levels in improving the international competitiveness, especially of berries, fruits, dairy products, livestock / meat, mushrooms & herbs, tree fruits and vegetables; besides quantitative and qualitative information and analysis of the project recommendations for any mid-course corrections over the life of the project have been provided. Client USAID; 07 – 08/11
Palestine / oPt - Sheep, Herders and Bedouins
Programming mission to support within existing agricultural policy the food security and sustainable livelihoods of the most vulnerable in the occupied Palestinian territory, in particular farmers, herders (including the Bedouin communities) and rural women; the project addressed root causes of their food insecurity, and analysing ongoing response and propose an evidence based programme to support food security and sustainable livelihoods; vulnerable pastoralists and agro-pastoralists need urgently land rehabilitation and water security; furthermore conducting a comprehensive policy stakeholders analysis – including Israeli counterparts. Client European Union; 06 - 07/11
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Cereals study
Sector study about the arable crops sector (mainly corn and wheat) as required input to the upcoming IPARD programme and the pre-accession rural development funds. The specific scope of this assignment was to carry out: (a) preparation of the arable crops sector analysis in BiH in compliance with the regulatory frameworks set by the acquis communautaire and the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) and (b) formulation of observations, findings and recommendations for policy development and IPARD implementation; 2 introduction and 2 verification workshops; several case studies, field trips and a survey; special attention was given to commodity reserve as wheat is considered as a strategic good. Client European Union; 05 - 11/11
Austria – Presentation of the Turkish agro-sector
Presentation for the Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO (in Vienna, Salzburg and Graz) of a sector study about agriculture and food processing in Turkey; furthermore, meetings with interested companies interested to enter the Turkish market. Client WKO; 03/11
Austria, Belgium – CAP impact study
EU financed study of the possible impacts of policy changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 on smallholders in developing countries (Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ghana, Bangladesh and Bolivia); this “food security” study took into consideration the different types of trade agreements such as “Everything But Arms” (EBA), the Interim Economic Partnership Agreements (interim EPAs) and the EU's General System of Preferences Plus (GPS+) and the impact of changing / rising world market prices on developing countries; products focused on wheat, oilseeds, sugarcane and rice. The study assessed the correlation and possible causality between the CAP and the income availability (i.e. source of income) and development potential of smallholders in developing, food insecure countries; including AGLINK-COSIMO Model, analysis of the results of model developed and classification of affected countries by type of impact and final recommendations. Client European Union; 12/10 – 03/11
Turkey – Training for TKDK/ARDSI
Intensive training project for the permanent staff of the future IPARD agency TKDK/ARDSI (Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution); the main objective of this 62-days-training programme was to provide detailed training for the staff carrying out the project analysis (evaluation of project proposals in respect of investment grants) in order to ensure that technically, economically and financially viable investment projects are supported by pre-accession rural development funds in the frame of the IPARD Programme. Lectures given include project cycle management, logframe analysis, experience with other pre-accession programmes and the Common Agricultural Policy, elaboration and evaluation of high-quality business plans for farmers or processors and others; furthermore, training-need assessment (TNA), development of training curricula, preparation of the training materials (200 pages textbook) and after class reading materials; lectures and working groups. Client European Union; 08/10 – 11/10
Albania – Meat Sector
Meat Sector Study as a prerequisite of the upcoming IPARD programme (investment in agricultural holdings and investment in processing and marketing of the agricultural products) and templates as part of the “Capacity Building for Implementing the Rural Development Strategy” – project to „Support to the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection“. The study is needed to access IPARD investment grants and reflected also upcoming trade implications; furthermore, quality standards, food safety, traceability. Visits of the major agri-processing companies and farmers in close cooperation with the public regional extension service; evaluation of the training needs of the sector including the extension and advisory services. Client European Union; 05/10 & 01 – 02/10
Syria – Baseline study
Short country profile with a focus on agriculture and foodstuff industry and the opportunities for trade and investments. Client European Union; 03/10
Syria – Study on medicinal herbs
Review of the competitiveness and value chain analysis of the natural herbs (for medical purposes) sector as part of the EU SME Support Programme in Syria. Analysis of all medicinal plants in Syria (450), including aspects of land abandonment and loss of biodiversity, intensive discussion with all stakeholders who have been not connected so far; securing involvement of the private sector and evaluating export potential of selected products (also including phyto-sanitary requirements); field trips all over the country, visit of ICARDA, GCSAR, MAAR and other relevant institutions. Client European Union; 02/10 – 03/10
Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS – Livestock Discussion Paper
Writing a “Background Paper Livestock in Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS”; this paper served as a basis on which FAO discussed the issue of livestock at their session of the European Commission on Agriculture on May 2010 in Yerevan, Armenia under the topic “Improvement of rural livelihoods in the Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS through sustainable improvements in livestock production”. Analysis and recommendations highlighted the issues regarding (mainly smallholder’s) livestock development (including quality / food safety and trade), awareness rising for specific problems as well as inputs to the member countries regarding future work (also of their extension services to support pastoralists) and particularly the emphasis of work of FAO. Client FAO Hungary; 12/09 – 01/10.
Turkmenistan - Agricultural Reform Services
EU support project to economic reforms and sustainable agricultural development. Objective was to outline an organisational structure for the Agricultural Reform Services and its place within the Ministry of Agriculture. Results have been to draft TOR and structure for Agricultural Reform Services function including a Management Capacity Building Unit within the MoA with related cost estimates for both investments and recurrent expenditure. Participation in workshops to find a joint solution and finally presentation of the findings; second mission to follow up the activities started in April 09. Client European Union; 11/09 – 12/09 & 04 – 05/09
Turkey - Agriculture and Food Sector Analysis
“Industrial Restructuring of Sanliurfa” was an EC- TA project implemented by UNDP; beneficiary - Ministry of Industry and Trade; an agriculture and food sector analysis, an integrated industrial strategy plan and an agri-food cluster (and its export potential); furthermore, identification of potential investors for the Sanliurfa Organized Industrial Zone. The following sub-sectors have been selected due to their impact: livestock (meat), agricultural crops (corn, wheat, cotton), fruits (pomegranates, peaches and others) and vegetables (all kind of open field and greenhouse high value fresh produce including logistics and marketing), food processing (oil mills, deep freezing, pomegranate juice factory, cold storage infrastructure, packaging facilities, corn drying facilities) and others. Value-chain analysis. Client European Union & UNDP; 09/09 – 11/09
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Field visits for CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund in North-West-Bulgaria at the clusters Pordim (Valchitran), Sanadinovo (just Novachene) and Yakimovo. Tasks were to check the harvesting logistics (related to the remaining winter wheat fields), the field preparation after OSR for the next crop and topics related to the improved agro-management; findings have been presented in Sofia to the management; Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 08/09
Guyana – Analysis Sugar Industry Performance
Evaluation of the performance of GuySuCo (local nationalised sugar company) - based on the GuySuCo Business Plan forwarded by the NAO to the Delegation - in respect to the National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) to the EU sugar reform concerning EC Budget Support (EDF); production, labour, marketing, financing and strategic issues. The overall objective was to assist the Government of Guyana in its aim to develop an internationally competitive and nationally profitable sugarcane sector. Client European Union; 03 – 04/09
Bosnia and Herzegovina - IPARD
Drawing up ToR for IPA 2008 projects regarding "Support to agricultural policy and IPA Rural Development compliant structures" and "Support to BiH plant health protection administration". The purpose of this EU financed IPARD related project was to harmonise sectoral policies and measures for enhanced performance of agri-food sector including food sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards (SPS) and to create structures, legal framework and institutional capacity for managing the future IPA-RD grants / funds; output included project-fiches. Client European Union; 02 – 03/09
Georgia – TSU EU Common Agricultural Policy
Lectures related to EU Common Agricultural Policy; a 2-weeks seminar to MAES students at the Tbilisi State University, Institute for European Studies; objective was to explain basic facets of legal, political and institutional framework through which assistance is provided to non-EU countries and basic elements of the EU foreign assistance programme / neighbourhood programme; furthermore to train Georgian instructors (tandems) through direct coaching, to prepare with them pedagogical materials and to have a final assessment of students. Few field visits to SMEs in the agribusiness sector. Client European Union; 01/09
Belgium – Writing Project Proposal
Assistance in drafting an EU project proposal for the export-oriented sugar industry in Swaziland, including the possibility to integrate SMEs into the existing sugar production. Client European Union; 12/08 – 01/09
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Reformulation of the agricultural investment plan (financial and action plan, SWOT analysis) for CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund and evaluation of the present results. Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 10 & 12/08
Ukraine – Investment Analysis
Pre-investment analysis of a 11.000 ha forestry project in Wolyn; evaluation of existing forest management and list of potential risks for a buyer such as protected areas, management plans, labour laws, harvesting technique, human resources, finances and others. 06/08
Russia – Investment Analysis
Pre-investment analysis of a 250.000 ha kolkhoz project with a focus on wheat near Volgograd regarding profitability and economic potential of these farms; climate, soil, crop rotation, agricultural techniques, silos and storage facilities, human resources and finances. 05/08
Bosnia and Herzegovina - State Ministry of Agriculture
Support for Establishment of a State Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoFTER) – Harmonisation of agricultural subsidies (including investment grants) within entities so that on the long run an orientation towards the European Union will be feasible. Client European Union; 04 –05 /08
Albania – Investment Analysis
Fact finding mission to Tirana and Vlora regarding a private agro-forestry investment project. 02/08
Austria – Investment Analysis
Rapid appraisal for an agricultural investment company (SME size) of a pig production green field investment project in Romania. 11/07
Montenegro - Income Generating Activities
TA to smallholders in Berane (northern part of Montenegro) in developing income generating activities through Non-Timber Forest Products in the region; focus on herbs, mushrooms and other NTFPs. Additionally, enhancement the capacity of agricultural SMEs (mushrooms, herbs, berries) to produce according to international export market requirements. Beneficiaries have been 300 members of the newly formed farmer groups in Berane and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM) in Podgorica. Client LuxDev; 06/07 - 08/07
Paraguay - Fuelwood Markets
Development of Tools for Fuelwood Market Effectiveness Improvement in Rural Economies in Latin America and the Caribbean for the Inter-American Development Bank. Pilot project for application in Paraguay. First the renewable energy sources have been analysed; afterwards tools and methodologies have been developed by studying the case of Paraguay and applying the findings there to a selected fuelwood market. Market mechanisms have been elaborated and finally an action plan which could improve the energy situation by using more efficient local renewable sources of energy, especially fuelwood. Client IADB, 02/07 – 02/09
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Milk Sector
Within the project “EU Support to the Economic Policy Research Unit” (EPPU) the task was to supervise a „Scientific research paper about the milk sector in BiH“, prepared by the Institute of Agribusiness Economics at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo. Client European Union; 01/07
Bulgaria - Rural Development Programme
TA to the preparation of the post-accession Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013 and its monitoring system. The objective is a quality up-to-date sector analyses (including field trips, one-to-one interviews, focus group meetings, questionnaires, surveys) to assist the EU co-financed rural development programmes in the preparation of the financial agricultural support measures from the post-accession Rural Development Plan. Client European Union; 09/06 - 04/07
Swaziland - EU Sugar Reform
Formulation and set-up of TOR for a management unit (RDMU) to coordinate the implementation of the Swaziland’s National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) to the EU sugar reform. Revised agricultural sector strategy; the integration of local SMEs into sugar production was a political priority. Final results have been Financing Proposal and the Terms of Reference for the service contract (around € 4.7 million); financing by the European Development Fund (EDF). – Field trips to all Swazi sugar plants and neighbouring South Africa and Mozambique (Sugar Terminal). Client European Union; 08/06 - 09/06
Uzbekistan - Agricultural Sector Policy
Review and evaluation of the agricultural sector policy, especially the legal and regulatory environment for farmers and dehqan enterprises with the purpose of developing “western style” enterprises in Karakalpakstan and Namangan. Providing policy advice on how to encourage agricultural entrepreneurs and providing advisory services and training on agribusiness-plans to entrepreneurs. Client UNDP, 07/06
Bosnia and Herzegovina - State Ministry of Agriculture
SESMARD / Support for Establishment of a State Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Main task was to train and guide the working group to elaborate a financial and an economic cost-benefit analysis, always having in mind the EU rural strategic planning, development policy and necessary legislation. Client European Union; 06/06
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Evaluation of different locations to set up bigger farming units in Northern Bulgaria; calculation of various crops and crop rotations with a focus on oilseeds like rapeseed and sunflower. Design of setting up farm units, respecting personnel, machinery, crop farming and post-harvest activities like sales and marketing. Assistance in making use of SAPARD funds such as investing in agricultural holdings and agro-processing. Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 03/06 – 05/06
Mongolia - Animal Health and Livestock Marketing
Design of the first EU ALA programme in agriculture / veterinary / food safety (proposed budget € 9 million). Identification and Formulation Mission of an Animal Health and Livestock Marketing to increase the net revenues of the pastoralists / nomadic herdsmen by reflecting the fragile environmental conditions and enhancing (private) veterinary and advisory services. Complete project set up with TAPs, TOR, donor coordination, budgeting, procurement design, political evaluation, etc. Client European Union; 01 - 03/06
Sri Lanka – After Tsunami Analysis
Study trip to some Tsunami projects and rapid appraisal about lessons learnt in combination with the overwhelming donor support. Client “HOPE”; 12/05 - 01/06
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Evaluation Agricultural Producer Association
Detailed evaluation of an agricultural producer association implementing the Herb Buy-Off Programme in the Upper Vrbas region. SWOT, cost-benefit and value chain analyses to submit proposals for a commercially viable strategy, including an action plan. Besides financial audit arrangements some training workshops have been conducted to facilitate implementation of the jointly elaborated recommendations. Main conclusion was to pay remunerations to stakeholders only according to incoming revenues. Client Partners for Development / PFD; 10 - 12/05
FYR Macedonia – Agricultural Policy
Technical Assistance to MAFWE within the CARDS project Structural and Legal Reform by suggesting a set of agricultural policy measures to be introduced in the MAFWE budget to increase the state support to agriculture and especially the direct payments to farmers. The implications of WTO and SAA commitments in terms of support to agricultural productions have been analysed. Client European Union; 08/05
Albania – Sheep Marketing
Strengthening the Marketing of Small-Ruminants; to make a SWOT analysis and to develop a strategic plan to support the development of the rural and sheep sector showing implementation responsibilities, key milestone, outputs and timescales; also fostering the capacity of enterprises (only SMEs) to increase food safety and to produce according to international market requirements. Activities took place in Gijrokaster, Saranda and Korca. Client UNDP, 04/05 - 10/05
Pakistan - Fact finding mission
Mission to Lahore and Lylle for upcoming international funded projects in the area of agriculture, irrigation, natural resources management, agricultural development, livestock, agro-industry and agricultural spare parts (for tractors). 01/05
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Protected Areas
Support to the World Bank for the Preparation of the Biodiversity Conservation Project for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objective of this assignment was to assist the World Bank and the BiH government to write a GEF project-proposal for presentation to the GEF Secretariat. BiH intended to extend its protected areas and thus safeguarding its biodiversity (analysed by environmental impact assessments) and to improve the management of the existing ones. Foreseen GEF budget was USD 7 Million. Client World Bank, 05/04 - 05/05
Kosovo - Agricultural Strategy Plan
Development TORs for Kosovo (AMPK) to strengthen the institutional capacity of MAFRD in planning and implementation of agricultural policies and strategies – including food security and safety through participatory approach, close cooperation with EAR and MAFRD. Client European Union; 07/03 - 08/03
Kosovo – Agribusiness Support
(Agri-) Business Support Project; consulting and training of local experts, mid-term evaluation of the project, recommendations of necessary improvements, strategy papers; assistance in food safety and food laws, reviewing marketing plans for the selected agricultural cluster, providing agricultural information and business solutions for agribusinesses (in collaboration with the grants programme), close cooperation with EAR and MAFRD. Client USAID; 04/03 - 05/03
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Office of the High Representative
Advisor on Agriculture, Forestry & Water with focus on agricultural policy development and strategic planning, economic analyses and recommendations to the High Representative on key issues related to agriculture, agribusiness and business environment (bulldozer project); identifying priority areas of action and rural strategies, for example extension services, in close coordination with the Ministers of Agriculture (agricultural task force) and the International Community (EC, World Bank, IFAD, FAO, UNDP, USAID, JICA …); strategies also to make export activities easier, to increase competitive and sustainable rural sector investments; exchange of knowledge and dissemination of information to local shareholders, authorities and the IFIs. Client OHR, 07/01 – 03/03
Austria – Workshop at University of Applied Life Sciences / BOKU
Lecturer at an international agro-project management workshop for students from Eastern Europe; case studies, discussions, organised by BOKU, the Austrian University of Applied Life Sciences and Natural Resources Management. Client BOKU; 07/00
Bulgaria- Rural development Lovech
Rural development of the hilly region of Lovech with a focus on SMEs in agro-marketing for fruits, vegetables, medical herbs; further setting up and working with farmer groups - participatory methods; furthermore, the project’s objective was to support development of the rural areas; assistance in building institutional capacity to absorb EU funds like SAPARD; workshops about new ways for an adapted rural policy. Client GTZ; 05/00 - 08/00
Palestine / oPt - Agro-Marketing
Technical assistance in creating a modern governmental frame (Ministry of Agriculture) for the marketing of agricultural produce (also for producer associations); main objective was the development of an agricultural market information system (AMIS), i.e. design and implementation of a marketing information system (MIS) and database for fruits and vegetables. Capacity building including workshops and training. Client ADA; 04/99 - 09/00
Austria – Export Consulting
Opening new export markets for agro-food SMEs like wineries, organic soya-drink producers and others; in total 8 workshops about marketing; target markets are Germany, Sweden, Poland, and USA. SWOT analysis, legal food requirements including trade requirements, export strategies, branding and packaging, investigations for the potential for expansion and market reports. Client Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO; 03/99 - 12/00
Nicaragua - Saw Mill and Forest Management
Sustainable and community based forestry ecosystem management and biodiversity project in the neighbourhood / buffer zone of the protected area SI-A-PAZ. Restructuring a saw mill (SME) on the Rio San, from a first strategy paper to sales activities on the local market (and in neighbouring Costa Rica), strengthening the local institutions on the governmental and farmer's side, promotion of rural farm and non-farm employment (palm oil plantations), extension services, gender issues, micro-credit component, vocational training of small-land holders. Client ADA; 01/98 - 03/01
Preparation and organisation of the BRAZIL TECHMART 1997, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais; to contact the Austrian agro-industry and to organize the participation on this fair. Client UNIDO; 08 - 09/97
Palestine / oPt - Agro-Marketing
Institutional strengthening at the MoA in Ramallah (workshops with the Minister Mr. Abdul JAWAD SALEH), technical assistance, training and international trade promotion; assistance to design a new rural development policy with a special focus on the rural poor; conduct of surveys in collaboration with national agricultural partners; Ministry of Agriculture and the Marketing Board. Client Austrian North South Institute, 04/97 – 09/97
Austria - Organic Farm Management
Transforming the small family farm (crop rotation, plant protection, temporarily sheep keeping) into a certified organic farm (among Austria's pioneers who became legally registered as organic farmers), since 1997 management of this farm; therefore, in practical and also administrative ways very familiar with all EU requirements from the farmer’s point of view; furthermore, management of the attached forest by focusing on improving sustainable forest ecosystems. 02 / 97 – 06/11
Austria – Data Mining
Market research, preparing data concerning easiest transfer into the data-base and assistance in the data-bank design. Client CYANAMID, 01 / 97
Bulgaria - Workshop on Marketing
Workshop on Marketing and Financing; also with a focus on international markets. Client Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO; 11/96
Bulgaria – Wine Sector Analysis
Analysis and evaluation of one of the most famous wineries in Svischtov, Bulgaria; study -including marketing aspects- about the actual condition and the search for an international investor in Austria, Germany, France, Italy and the USA so that -together with the investor- a MBO could be enabled; promotion of foreign and local investments in agribusiness. EU, 09/96
Bulgaria – Sugar Mill
Restructuring a state-owned sugar mill in Bulgaria for privatisation; a marketing study how to improve sales, specially export sales to Eastern Europe and Asia and how to develop new products and services; Sofia and Devnja. EU, 07/96 - 08/96
Austria - EU Projects in Eastern Europe
Workshop about EU Projects in Eastern Europe (PHARE, TACIS, Cross Border); Vienna and Krems. 05/96 & 08/96
Romania - Management Training
Marketing workshop to improve the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy; participants have been former big state companies and also SMEs. Client Training Institute Cedru / Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO; 04/96
Guatemala - Agricultural Marketing
Study about organic farming; implementation of an organic certification scheme and improvement of the marketing of organic products (coffee, vegetables, fruits...) from SME in Guatemala to the European market; drafting of laws / bylaws to become compatible with the EU regulations about organic farming. Co-ordination of local experts. The study was performed in close co-operation with AGEXPRONT. Client Trees for People / GTZ, 11/95 - 12/95
Austria – The Agricultural Sector in Austria
Three workshops about Austrian agriculture; the present status and the efforts how to adapt the Austrian system to EU norms and standards; organized for French farmers. Client UNAFIMA; 05 - 10/95
Austria, Germany - Wine Export
Export marketing for wine and sales for a group of Austrian wine growers to Germany including market research, business trips, customer relationship management, active selling, branding and database management. Client Verein der Weinbaumeister, 02/95 - 09/01
Austria – Seed Marketing
Marketing and public relation for AGROSTAT, organisation of field trails (seeds) for soya, corn, sunflowers and other cultures, monitoring. Client AGROSTAT, 01/95 - 12/97
Bulgaria – Dairy Sector Study
Dairy industry investment project with comprehensive (feasibility) study about the actual situation of selected dairies and action-plan how to re-organize and privatise the Bulgarian Dairy industry in close co-operation with the Bulgarian MoA; Client EBRD, 07/94 - 11/94
Austria - Certification of Organic Farming
Certification of organic farming, pioneer of the Austrian organic certification procedure (in accordance with EU 2092/91 and IFOAM regulations) that started together with Univ.Prof.H.Haimboeck from BOKU a first organic certification company, approved by the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture. Clients all over Austria and along the value chain, from farmers to agro-processing companies. 01/94 - 12/97
Palestine. oPt – Vegetable Cooperatives
Project management (planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation) of vegetable co-operatives in Palestine including agricultural strategy development, post-harvest technology, agricultural support services, extension services, feasibility studies, preparation of tenders, co-ordination with the Ministry of Agriculture, the EU-office in Jerusalem and NGO's. Client SAAR, 10/93 - 12/94
Austria, United Kingdom – Wine Marketing
Export marketing for Schlosskellerei (Chateau) Halbturn, also to Japan; Client Schlosskellerei Halbturn; 05/93 – 10/94
Austria – Agricultural Software Marketing
Marketing and sales of agricultural software for plant production, livestock management and farm management in Austria; seminars and workshops about software, agricultural fairs. Client HELM Software, Germany, 04/93 – 12/99
Austria - Farm Management
Organic family owned farm with 70 ha of forest nearby Vienna. 02/97 - 06/11
Austria – Seed Marketing
Registration of seeds for a French company in Austria, organisation and monitoring of field trials all over Austria and market-research for corn seed (also for Hungary). Client Caussade Semances; 06/92 - 12/94
Russia – Lectures at the University in Omsk
Workshop at the University in Omsk, Siberia about marketing for agriculture and agro industry; assistance to develop new agribusiness and to increase the farmers' and food producers' competitiveness. Client AFC, 12/92
Austria – Agricultural Software Marketing
Designing a sales concept for agricultural farming software “AGROSYS” and presentation of this software at agricultural fairs, agricultural schools and at farmer’s seminars. Client SIEMENS; 06 – 11 / 92
Bulgaria - Pre-investment Farm Analysis
Study to restructure and privatize a 10.000 ha-cattle farm in Biela Slatina, northern Bulgaria, including the participation of all the former owners of that land; the basic idea was to form a company in which all the previous land-owners would bring in their land so that a common and very efficient farm management could take place. 04/92
Austria – Quality Beef Programme
Marketing-programme to improve the beef quality in Carinthia and to establish a monitoring system; design and implementation of an electronic data processing system and new management methods to this farmers' group; the farmers' group was reorganized, in total more than 1.000 cattle breeder; many workshops with the cattle farmers; Carinthia. Client Chamber of Agriculture, 03/92 - 08/92
Hungary - Seed Processing Plant
Evaluation of a corn-seed processing plant in Babolna, Hungary within a re-privatisation programme for a mayor Austrian agricultural bank. Client, Raiffeisen Investment AG; 03/92
Austria - Workshop Agriculture & Rural Development
Workshop about farming in Eastern Europe Mr. Roland NYMANN, Deputy Minister from the Ministry of Agriculture, Tallinn, ESTONIA. How to adapt Eastern European Agriculture to Western European standards? Client International Academy Future, 10/91
Austria – Sugar Marketing for Food-Industry
Marketing of Austrian sugar and starch products (including potato- and milk-products), responsible for sales and marketing to the foodstuff-industry (usually SMEs), key account, administration, organisation, human resources development and training, annual turnover of USD 200 million; strategic planning, technology, human resources, accounting and budgeting, new markets, joint-ventures in Eastern Europe. Client AGRANA MARKETING; 02/90 - 02/91
Austria – Trade Financing
Counter trade for an international Bank and trading company focused on agricultural products like cacao, coffee, cashews, rubber, edible oils but also irrigation equipment. Visits to Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Nigeria and other countries. Client CENTRO BANK, 09/88 - 01/90
Austria (partly Sweden) – Marketing of Edible Oils
Export marketing Eastern Europe (former Yugoslavia, Romania) of edible oils and fats; main product was cocoa-butter-replacer for the food industry, mainly the chocolate-industry; market-analysis, technology-transfer and technical services, counter trade (special financing arrangements), symposia, fairs. Client KARLSHAMNS Ltd; 06/87 - 06/88
Austria, Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia – Seed Marketing
Marketing, sales and consulting in the area of vegetable and agronomic seeds in Austria, Hungary and the former Czechoslovakia; registration, budget-planning, advertisement, customer and technical service, also control of multiplication in Hungary. Client ASGROW, 08/85 - 05/87
Armenia – Programme Design for the European Union
The objective of this assignment is to elaborate several value chains for a full project proposal on Green Agriculture. 10/18
Sustainable Land Management
Preparatory studies and research for EBRD on Sustainable Land Management to promote and finance climate smart agriculture; developing a catalogue for suitable technologies that could prevent soil degradation especially carbon loss, erosion, salinization, and compaction. 07-09/18
Austria – Acces2Finance
Methodology for a "TA for the AFD-ENPARD programme for access to agricultural finance for small scale semi-commercial firms and cooperatives in Georgia”. 05/18
Albania - Agribusiness Support Facility
To provide customized and targeted support tailored to the needs and requirements of commercial banks including development of new products or enhancement of existing agribusiness products; organisation of agribusiness sector specific info sessions in the form of marketing events for PFIs and writing a manual how to promote agricultural value chain financing. 05/18 - ongoing
Bulgaria - Exportmarketing of organic vegetables
Development of a strategy to open new markets for organic cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplants, pepper and apples. 04-06/18
Uzbekistan - Local Economic Development
Mid Term Evaluation of the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Uzbekistan; the project intends to enhance the living standards in rural areas based on growth in the agri-food sector. The specific objective is the transfer of EU know-how (knowledge and experience) and technologies in the agri-food value-chains in partnership with local authorities and economic players for further developing socio-economic potentials in rural areas, especially in the Project Target Regions Namangan, Andijan, Fergana, Djizak, Syrdarya and Kashkadarya; main items are milk / dairy, walnuts, pomegranates, cherry and pears, management of agricultural cooperatives in cold storage, fruit juice production and agricultural research institutions (solar pumps for irrigation, salinization). 01-03/18
Lithuania - Private sector investment company
Analysis of the strategic business plan for a possible equity investment in a 30,000 ha farm. 12/17
Georgia / Abkhazia - “Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development” (CARD)
Assessment and design of a “Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development” (CARD) to coordinate rural development initiatives across
all 7 districts of Abkhazia and to provide technical, consultative and referral support and coordination services to beneficiaries and rural communities. CARD is part of ENPARD II that is aiming to support small-scale agricultural development and the diversification of the rural economy, with a view to improving living conditions and access to basic services in rural areas. The assessment includes all technical requirements to set up CARD’s operations, including the requirements for office space, furniture, IT equipment, the production of marketing materials, etc. but also a strategic orientation; focus of up-coming extension work is on fruits and vegetables and ruminants. 11/17 – 03/18
Georgia - Final Evaluation of ENPARD I (2014 – 2017)
Principle tasks are to evaluate the 4 projects implemented under Small Farmers Co-operation measures; to carry out a detailed appraisal of work of OXFAM, PIN, Mercy Corps and Care led consortia’s programming and implementing modalities to assess their accomplishment of stated results, to assess project’s output against the indicators and targets set in the Logical Framework and finally to conduct relevant field visits to around 30 agricultural cooperatives in the various regions of Georgia covered by this part of the project. A final workshop with the presentation of the findings and lessons learned is done at the end. 09 - 12/17
Georgia – Assistance in developing a strategy for the Agriculture Cooperatives Development Agency (ACDA)
Design of a long-term strategic concept paper for development of the agriculture cooperatives / cooperation in Georgia and ACDA’s role in implementing this strategy. Literature review, interviews, workshops and other meetings are conducted to formulate ACDA’s vision of future support to agricultural cooperatives. 08/17
Malawi - Support to Parliament and Media regarding agricultural matters
Drafting the corresponding methodology for a TA project, focusing on agricultural budgeting and policy making. Home based. 06/17
Austria – Investment plan for a modern beehive farm
Elaboration of a farm concept in Lower Austria with focus on modern beehives and honey making technology. 05/17
Armenia - Organic Farming Workshops
Provision of organic horticulture training sessions for Organic Agriculture Support Initiative (OASI); the goal is to provide access to sustainable knowledge and information for organic farmers, service centres managers and extension service providers; key objective is to enhance farmers’ organic awareness and coaching them on their way of shifting from traditional to organic agriculture processes. Furthermore, to ensure that organic farmers can recognize the business opportunities of organic farming and the real market value of their organic produce that will enable them to target the right local regional and international markets. 02/17
Swaziland - Re-writing the Mid Term Evaluation report
Assistance n reformulating the MTE report for the sugar sector in Swaziland focusing on increasing competitiveness of the sugar sector and reducing rural poverty especially in the sugar belt. 02/17
Moldova – Agricultural sector survey
Information collection and verification survey for agricultural sector. The objective is to identify the current situation of agricultural sector in Moldova, concrete needs for supports, governmental directions and priorities, and to propose the future possibility and direction of JICA support (especially technical assistance) based on the outcome. Although the priorities are put on the structure enhancements necessary to develop new agricultural businesses, to increase productivity of small scale farmer and to improve quality, a nationwide approach which makes the most of Japanese knowledge and experience is also to be considered. Main activities are to analyse export potential in selected markets and internal export obstacles; based on the findings new intervention proposals will be submitted to MoAFI. 11/16 – 06/17
Sudan - Diagnostic Review of BE Constraints
This assignment is undertaking a desk-based sector-specific diagnostics of the enabling Business Environment, focusing on agriculture and relevant agribusiness value chains. Besides the diagnostics, specific policy recommendations are developed so that DFID Sudan can base their up-coming agribusiness interventions on them. Important issue is the ability and willingness of the GoS to improve jointly the business environment in Sudan, primarily for the sake of the agricultural sector but also for non-agricultural rural business developments. Home-based; 10-12/16
Armenia - IFAD - Rural Asset Creation Programme
Final evaluation of this horticultural value chain and business development project. RACP intended to reduce rural poverty and its objectives are (i) the establishment of an economically viable fruits and nuts sector with backwards linkages to poor rural smallholders; (ii) the establishment of an entity (to be fully privatized) for delivery of services to the fruits and nuts sector; and (iii) the removal of infrastructure bottlenecks that inhibit increasing participation of the economically active rural poor in enhanced commercialization of the rural economy. 06-07/16
Kosovo – DANIDA - Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant Programme
Presentation of the Study "Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant" to the minister of agriculture and his team mainly head of departments. Presentation was followed by a broad discussion on future financial support to the agricultural and rural sector and the lessons learnt on previous programmes. 06/16
Egypt - Support to Formulation of an SME Access to Finance initiative
Project aims to a) assist the EU Delegation and its partner European Finance Institutions (EFIs) to make proposals into a dialogue with local stakeholders for the selection of target sector / value chains (at least one in agribusiness) to be focused on within the design of the new SME finance facility (including technical assistance, grants and loans). A few agro-food value chains are analysed more in depth (processed tomatoes and deep frozen fruits and vegetables) and investment needs among SMEs elaborated which then might be targeted by the commercial banks. 01/16 – 09/17
Armenia - ENPARD Armenia - Budget Support Review Mission
The project is supporting the Government of Armenia in ensuring an efficient and sustainable agriculture, contributing to better conditions in rural areas. More specific the team is providing a detailed review of the implementation of the Budget Support component of ENPARD Armenia and furthermore consistent sets of conclusions and recommendations to be used by the Commission to make decisions on instalment disbursement for the second tranche of budget support. The specific task is to evaluate the "capacity and performance of farmers' associations and cooperatives further developed and strengthened", based on literature review, stakeholder meetings and field visits. 09 - 10/15
Azerbaijan - Azeri Agricultural Finance Facility
The Azeri Agricultural Finance Facility (AzAFF) is an EBRD programme to support agricultural finance, including but not limited to access to finance by increasing availability of credit to the Azeri farmers /agricultural enterprises / agribusinesses through credit lines of up to USD 40 million and enhancing financial, managerial and production capabilities of end beneficiaries (enterprises and individuals involved in agricultural and agriculture-related activities). The overall objective of AzAFF is to foster the overall economic development of the agriculture sector. Among others AzAFF is a) developing and providing financial literacy training to farmers in the regions with the highest agricultural potential; b) providing workshops with farmers to introduce advanced farming techniques and international best practices in selected sub-sectors and c) assisting eligible sub-borrowers for larger agricultural loans with technical assistance. 09/15 – 01/17
Kosovo (Denmark) - Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant Programme.
The objectives of this evaluation is a) to quantify and qualify the Rural Development Grant Programme (RDGP) impact in terms of competitiveness, incomes, net employment creation and productivity through statistical/quantitative analysis as well as qualitative in-depth studies from the field; b) to improve the programming and implementation process of the RDGP for better achieving the objectives with respect to competitiveness, incomes, net employment creation and productivity and c) to improve the M&E system for the 2014–2020 RDGP though sound recommendations. - This ongoing grant programme is government run with the World Bank and DANIDA having provided funding for around 300 grants in 2013 and 2014; these grants support two types of activities categorised according to the EU so-called measures: Measure 101 supports physical investments in primary producers, whereas Measure 103 covers processors / marketing of agricultural produce within milk, meat, fruit, vegetables and wine sectors. - Regression discontinuity design (Rural Development) is used to analyse the impact. 08 - 11/15
Austria – Paper about Georgian agricultural cooperatives
Drafting the technical project proposal for an agricultural cooperative development project within ENPARD with focus on training and capacity building in Georgia. 06-07/15
Jordan - Livelihood Programme Formulation
Formulation Mission for the Programme to Support the Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees in Jordan; i.e. in the Northern Governorates Ibrid and Mafraq. Specific objective is to develop a "greening" livelihood programme for host communities aiming at sustainable and thus profitable job creation, capacity building, reviving local markets, increasing energy efficiency (through better use of renewable energy, mainly waste to energy and solar power) and reducing water usage for households as well as the agricultural sector. Furthermore, guidelines for stimulating matching grants. 03 - 05/15
Turkey - Value Chain Analysis within the Taseli-Koksu Watershed Development Project
This design mission focuses on the sustainable reduction of rural poverty by increasing smallholder farmers’ income from highland agricultural production systems and marketing activities while strengthening their resilience to climate shocks and their capacities to organize. Specific tasks are to analyse the potential to integrate farmers downstream in the value chain (e.g. transport, grading, processing, packaging, etcetera) and to assess the degree of involvement of the private sector in delivery services, as input suppliers and buyers; main identified products are fruits and vegetables (cherries, strawberries, grapes / dried grapes, MAPs) and animal products. 12/14 – 02/15
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Marketing Infrastructure within the Rural Competitiveness Development Project
This project (RCDP) intends to enable poor rural people in the country to improve their food security and to increase their income through support to non-commercial and commercial farmers and to on and off-farm enterprises; focus is on the Fruits & Vegetables value chains. Design mission to analyse the existing Extension and Business Advisory Services (processing, packaging, marketing) and to develop in a participatory approach proposals for an improved supply and demand of these services. The existing governance structures (of the institutions or organizations of the value chain actors, service providers) are assessed about their effectiveness and maturity in terms of sustainably participating in VC development. VC spread from individual farmers, Producer Associations, cooperatives and companies towards involved institutions as public agricultural advisory services, local development agencies, faculties of agriculture and others. 11/14 and 04/15
Austria, worldwide - Collection and Comparison of Agricultural Data
Organising data such as gross margins, land prices for pastures and arable land, etcetera to support agricultural investments in selected countries. 10/14
Austria, The Netherlands – Evaluation of the IFC's Agribusiness Investment Promotion
Analysis of the design of the overall evaluation methodology of IFC's two approaches; the economy wide versus the sector specific approach; especially targeting the agribusiness sector. A deep dive study report was done, geographical focusing within economy wide approach on Brazil (agri), Yemen (agri), China (non-agri), Colombia (non-agri), Indonesia (non-agri), Philippines (non-agri) and within the sector specific approach on Sierra Leone (agri), Mali (agri), South Sudan (agri), Rwanda (agri), Honduras (non-agri) and India (non-agri). 06/14 - ongoing
FYR Macedonia - Evaluation of the ongoing IPARD-1
The programme started with an exhaustive methodology; assessment of the coherence, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. 04 - 05/14
Austria - Peer review of a study about animal health and poverty
Reviewing an economic study in French on “Animal health and poverty“ (“Santé animale et pauvreté”) for Office International des Epizooties / OIE, Paris. Critical comments on a) the general meaning of the study itself, b) the layout and content and finally and c) the relevance for the OIE to publish such a paper (or at least parts of it). 03/14
Azerbaijan - Value chain analysis for the wine sector for the European Commission
Objective was to improve the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan in terms of sustainability in development and growth in the export capacity through improving the value-chains. The specific objective of the assignment was to prepare a market and value chain analysis and recommendations for the improvement of value chains performance in view of their potential impact in employment generation and diversification of rural economy; close cooperation with the University of Ganja, Faculty of Agriculture. 02 - 05/14
Turkey - Preparation of Sector Analyses for IPARD
(Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – Rural Development Programme) 2014-2020
Examination of the current situation of the following agricultural sectors: red meat, poultry and egg, dairy, fruit and vegetables, fisheries and aquaculture; furthermore, Axis 3 - farm diversification and business development and rural infrastructure. To provide an overview of the entire production, processing and marketing system of these sectors with special emphasis on the needs of the sectors in terms of EU alignment and how IPARD measures may contribute to the alignment process. 10/13 – 03/14
Moldova - Training
Training of horticultural farmers’ (fresh fruits as apples and grapes) associations regarding “applied negotiations and communications skills” and “risk management in export activity”; field trip to an apple farm in Sirota near Orhei. 09/13
Jordan - Food security
Consultancy to develop innovative interventions for implementation and to design a capacity development programme for the food security unit (FSU) at the Ministry of Agriculture in Jordan that clearly specifies the activities, areas of trainings, methodology, priorities and timeframe for implementation. 07 - 09/13
Turkey – Development of Marketing Activities for GAP OAC
(Organic Agriculture Cluster in Southeast Anatolia Project)
Work included desk research, literature review, review of the value chain analysis for agricultural produce, field missions to Ankara, Sanliurfa / Diyarbakýr / Gaziantep, Izmir and Istanbul. Purpose was to establish a Turkish centre of competency for organic farming with a focus on export business by facilitating (not necessarily providing) input supplies (seeds, fertilizers), market and price information, access to financial services, transport, (organic) quality control, product development awareness rising. 06 - 09/13
Romania - Review of a Greenfield agro-investment
Review of a Greenfield investment in vineyards and winery; objective was to improve the reporting and management information system; production data, stock, sales, inputs, manpower. 03 -04/13
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Austria – ”Study on the organic production potential in SEE”
”Study on the organic production potential in South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia)”; mapping of certified organic products in SEE, including production volumes; overview of the demand for organic products of retailers and wholesale as well as of processing industries in the region; analysis of the market potential in the region and the EU; conclusions and proposals for next steps to use the potential and increase trade; furthermore country missions, interviews, workshops. Presentation of findings during the “Working meeting of the Regional Expert Advisory Group on Organic Agriculture in SWG” in Sarajevo. Client GIZ, 10 – 11/12; 02/13
Brussels, Austria – Study on biofuels in ACP countries
Study “Assessing the impact of biofuels production on developing countries from the point of view of Policy Coherence for Development”; elaboration of detailed inputs linked to technology transfer and capacity development, impacts of biofuels production on micro and macro levels (Potential impacts at household levels (small producers), Economics on plantation scale, impacts at macro level: job creation, tax revenues, etc.; energy and food price volatilities, typology of the identified impacts and factors, the role and responsibilities of the Private sector. Client. European Union 09/12 – 02/13
Bulgaria – Meat sector study
Study about the meat processing sector in Bulgaria, starting from livestock farming (numbers, subsidies) to slaughterhouses, processors (import of raw material) and retailers; analysis of the complete value chain. 08/12 – 01/13
Turkey - Upcoming projects, also in renewable energy
Fact finding mission to Ankara focusing on upcoming projects, including financing a new biogas plant in eastern Turkey. 06/12
Georgia – Development and marketing of new agricultural products
A “michi no eki” (roadside shops) project was designed to support the rural and farming community in Imereti Province (Kutaisi) by enabling additional sales along the new east-west highway, partly financed by Japan. A study was made to analyse local, geographically branded agricultural specialities, to develop suitable products and to improve market access for smallholders, including promoting farmers’ cooperation. Client JICA, 03 - 05/12
Kosovo - Concept for the Ministry of Agriculture
Objective of the assignment was to develop a concept and to provide support to the establishment of an Economic Analysis Unit within the Ministry of Agriculture. Client GIZ; 01 – 02/12
Israel – Agro-tourism
Rural development project to draft a Twinning Fiche to enable support to the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Bet-Dagan. Indirectly the project dealt also with the upcoming European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development / ENPARD. Client European Union; 10 - 12/11
Serbia - Agribusiness Project Evaluation
Evaluation of the USD 25 million USAID Serbian Agribusiness Project (SAP); to review USAID’s complementary assistance at the enterprise, producer association and policy-making levels in improving the international competitiveness, especially of berries, fruits, dairy products, livestock / meat, mushrooms & herbs, tree fruits and vegetables; besides quantitative and qualitative information and analysis of the project recommendations for any mid-course corrections over the life of the project have been provided. Client USAID; 07 – 08/11
Palestine / oPt - Sheep, Herders and Bedouins
Programming mission to support within existing agricultural policy the food security and sustainable livelihoods of the most vulnerable in the occupied Palestinian territory, in particular farmers, herders (including the Bedouin communities) and rural women; the project addressed root causes of their food insecurity, and analysing ongoing response and propose an evidence based programme to support food security and sustainable livelihoods; vulnerable pastoralists and agro-pastoralists need urgently land rehabilitation and water security; furthermore conducting a comprehensive policy stakeholders analysis – including Israeli counterparts. Client European Union; 06 - 07/11
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Cereals study
Sector study about the arable crops sector (mainly corn and wheat) as required input to the upcoming IPARD programme and the pre-accession rural development funds. The specific scope of this assignment was to carry out: (a) preparation of the arable crops sector analysis in BiH in compliance with the regulatory frameworks set by the acquis communautaire and the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) and (b) formulation of observations, findings and recommendations for policy development and IPARD implementation; 2 introduction and 2 verification workshops; several case studies, field trips and a survey; special attention was given to commodity reserve as wheat is considered as a strategic good. Client European Union; 05 - 11/11
Austria – Presentation of the Turkish agro-sector
Presentation for the Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO (in Vienna, Salzburg and Graz) of a sector study about agriculture and food processing in Turkey; furthermore, meetings with interested companies interested to enter the Turkish market. Client WKO; 03/11
Austria, Belgium – CAP impact study
EU financed study of the possible impacts of policy changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 on smallholders in developing countries (Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ghana, Bangladesh and Bolivia); this “food security” study took into consideration the different types of trade agreements such as “Everything But Arms” (EBA), the Interim Economic Partnership Agreements (interim EPAs) and the EU's General System of Preferences Plus (GPS+) and the impact of changing / rising world market prices on developing countries; products focused on wheat, oilseeds, sugarcane and rice. The study assessed the correlation and possible causality between the CAP and the income availability (i.e. source of income) and development potential of smallholders in developing, food insecure countries; including AGLINK-COSIMO Model, analysis of the results of model developed and classification of affected countries by type of impact and final recommendations. Client European Union; 12/10 – 03/11
Turkey – Training for TKDK/ARDSI
Intensive training project for the permanent staff of the future IPARD agency TKDK/ARDSI (Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution); the main objective of this 62-days-training programme was to provide detailed training for the staff carrying out the project analysis (evaluation of project proposals in respect of investment grants) in order to ensure that technically, economically and financially viable investment projects are supported by pre-accession rural development funds in the frame of the IPARD Programme. Lectures given include project cycle management, logframe analysis, experience with other pre-accession programmes and the Common Agricultural Policy, elaboration and evaluation of high-quality business plans for farmers or processors and others; furthermore, training-need assessment (TNA), development of training curricula, preparation of the training materials (200 pages textbook) and after class reading materials; lectures and working groups. Client European Union; 08/10 – 11/10
Albania – Meat Sector
Meat Sector Study as a prerequisite of the upcoming IPARD programme (investment in agricultural holdings and investment in processing and marketing of the agricultural products) and templates as part of the “Capacity Building for Implementing the Rural Development Strategy” – project to „Support to the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection“. The study is needed to access IPARD investment grants and reflected also upcoming trade implications; furthermore, quality standards, food safety, traceability. Visits of the major agri-processing companies and farmers in close cooperation with the public regional extension service; evaluation of the training needs of the sector including the extension and advisory services. Client European Union; 05/10 & 01 – 02/10
Syria – Baseline study
Short country profile with a focus on agriculture and foodstuff industry and the opportunities for trade and investments. Client European Union; 03/10
Syria – Study on medicinal herbs
Review of the competitiveness and value chain analysis of the natural herbs (for medical purposes) sector as part of the EU SME Support Programme in Syria. Analysis of all medicinal plants in Syria (450), including aspects of land abandonment and loss of biodiversity, intensive discussion with all stakeholders who have been not connected so far; securing involvement of the private sector and evaluating export potential of selected products (also including phyto-sanitary requirements); field trips all over the country, visit of ICARDA, GCSAR, MAAR and other relevant institutions. Client European Union; 02/10 – 03/10
Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS – Livestock Discussion Paper
Writing a “Background Paper Livestock in Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS”; this paper served as a basis on which FAO discussed the issue of livestock at their session of the European Commission on Agriculture on May 2010 in Yerevan, Armenia under the topic “Improvement of rural livelihoods in the Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS through sustainable improvements in livestock production”. Analysis and recommendations highlighted the issues regarding (mainly smallholder’s) livestock development (including quality / food safety and trade), awareness rising for specific problems as well as inputs to the member countries regarding future work (also of their extension services to support pastoralists) and particularly the emphasis of work of FAO. Client FAO Hungary; 12/09 – 01/10.
Turkmenistan - Agricultural Reform Services
EU support project to economic reforms and sustainable agricultural development. Objective was to outline an organisational structure for the Agricultural Reform Services and its place within the Ministry of Agriculture. Results have been to draft TOR and structure for Agricultural Reform Services function including a Management Capacity Building Unit within the MoA with related cost estimates for both investments and recurrent expenditure. Participation in workshops to find a joint solution and finally presentation of the findings; second mission to follow up the activities started in April 09. Client European Union; 11/09 – 12/09 & 04 – 05/09
Turkey - Agriculture and Food Sector Analysis
“Industrial Restructuring of Sanliurfa” was an EC- TA project implemented by UNDP; beneficiary - Ministry of Industry and Trade; an agriculture and food sector analysis, an integrated industrial strategy plan and an agri-food cluster (and its export potential); furthermore, identification of potential investors for the Sanliurfa Organized Industrial Zone. The following sub-sectors have been selected due to their impact: livestock (meat), agricultural crops (corn, wheat, cotton), fruits (pomegranates, peaches and others) and vegetables (all kind of open field and greenhouse high value fresh produce including logistics and marketing), food processing (oil mills, deep freezing, pomegranate juice factory, cold storage infrastructure, packaging facilities, corn drying facilities) and others. Value-chain analysis. Client European Union & UNDP; 09/09 – 11/09
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Field visits for CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund in North-West-Bulgaria at the clusters Pordim (Valchitran), Sanadinovo (just Novachene) and Yakimovo. Tasks were to check the harvesting logistics (related to the remaining winter wheat fields), the field preparation after OSR for the next crop and topics related to the improved agro-management; findings have been presented in Sofia to the management; Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 08/09
Guyana – Analysis Sugar Industry Performance
Evaluation of the performance of GuySuCo (local nationalised sugar company) - based on the GuySuCo Business Plan forwarded by the NAO to the Delegation - in respect to the National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) to the EU sugar reform concerning EC Budget Support (EDF); production, labour, marketing, financing and strategic issues. The overall objective was to assist the Government of Guyana in its aim to develop an internationally competitive and nationally profitable sugarcane sector. Client European Union; 03 – 04/09
Bosnia and Herzegovina - IPARD
Drawing up ToR for IPA 2008 projects regarding "Support to agricultural policy and IPA Rural Development compliant structures" and "Support to BiH plant health protection administration". The purpose of this EU financed IPARD related project was to harmonise sectoral policies and measures for enhanced performance of agri-food sector including food sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards (SPS) and to create structures, legal framework and institutional capacity for managing the future IPA-RD grants / funds; output included project-fiches. Client European Union; 02 – 03/09
Georgia – TSU EU Common Agricultural Policy
Lectures related to EU Common Agricultural Policy; a 2-weeks seminar to MAES students at the Tbilisi State University, Institute for European Studies; objective was to explain basic facets of legal, political and institutional framework through which assistance is provided to non-EU countries and basic elements of the EU foreign assistance programme / neighbourhood programme; furthermore to train Georgian instructors (tandems) through direct coaching, to prepare with them pedagogical materials and to have a final assessment of students. Few field visits to SMEs in the agribusiness sector. Client European Union; 01/09
Belgium – Writing Project Proposal
Assistance in drafting an EU project proposal for the export-oriented sugar industry in Swaziland, including the possibility to integrate SMEs into the existing sugar production. Client European Union; 12/08 – 01/09
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Reformulation of the agricultural investment plan (financial and action plan, SWOT analysis) for CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund and evaluation of the present results. Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 10 & 12/08
Ukraine – Investment Analysis
Pre-investment analysis of a 11.000 ha forestry project in Wolyn; evaluation of existing forest management and list of potential risks for a buyer such as protected areas, management plans, labour laws, harvesting technique, human resources, finances and others. 06/08
Russia – Investment Analysis
Pre-investment analysis of a 250.000 ha kolkhoz project with a focus on wheat near Volgograd regarding profitability and economic potential of these farms; climate, soil, crop rotation, agricultural techniques, silos and storage facilities, human resources and finances. 05/08
Bosnia and Herzegovina - State Ministry of Agriculture
Support for Establishment of a State Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoFTER) – Harmonisation of agricultural subsidies (including investment grants) within entities so that on the long run an orientation towards the European Union will be feasible. Client European Union; 04 –05 /08
Albania – Investment Analysis
Fact finding mission to Tirana and Vlora regarding a private agro-forestry investment project. 02/08
Austria – Investment Analysis
Rapid appraisal for an agricultural investment company (SME size) of a pig production green field investment project in Romania. 11/07
Montenegro - Income Generating Activities
TA to smallholders in Berane (northern part of Montenegro) in developing income generating activities through Non-Timber Forest Products in the region; focus on herbs, mushrooms and other NTFPs. Additionally, enhancement the capacity of agricultural SMEs (mushrooms, herbs, berries) to produce according to international export market requirements. Beneficiaries have been 300 members of the newly formed farmer groups in Berane and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM) in Podgorica. Client LuxDev; 06/07 - 08/07
Paraguay - Fuelwood Markets
Development of Tools for Fuelwood Market Effectiveness Improvement in Rural Economies in Latin America and the Caribbean for the Inter-American Development Bank. Pilot project for application in Paraguay. First the renewable energy sources have been analysed; afterwards tools and methodologies have been developed by studying the case of Paraguay and applying the findings there to a selected fuelwood market. Market mechanisms have been elaborated and finally an action plan which could improve the energy situation by using more efficient local renewable sources of energy, especially fuelwood. Client IADB, 02/07 – 02/09
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Milk Sector
Within the project “EU Support to the Economic Policy Research Unit” (EPPU) the task was to supervise a „Scientific research paper about the milk sector in BiH“, prepared by the Institute of Agribusiness Economics at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo. Client European Union; 01/07
Bulgaria - Rural Development Programme
TA to the preparation of the post-accession Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013 and its monitoring system. The objective is a quality up-to-date sector analyses (including field trips, one-to-one interviews, focus group meetings, questionnaires, surveys) to assist the EU co-financed rural development programmes in the preparation of the financial agricultural support measures from the post-accession Rural Development Plan. Client European Union; 09/06 - 04/07
Swaziland - EU Sugar Reform
Formulation and set-up of TOR for a management unit (RDMU) to coordinate the implementation of the Swaziland’s National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) to the EU sugar reform. Revised agricultural sector strategy; the integration of local SMEs into sugar production was a political priority. Final results have been Financing Proposal and the Terms of Reference for the service contract (around € 4.7 million); financing by the European Development Fund (EDF). – Field trips to all Swazi sugar plants and neighbouring South Africa and Mozambique (Sugar Terminal). Client European Union; 08/06 - 09/06
Uzbekistan - Agricultural Sector Policy
Review and evaluation of the agricultural sector policy, especially the legal and regulatory environment for farmers and dehqan enterprises with the purpose of developing “western style” enterprises in Karakalpakstan and Namangan. Providing policy advice on how to encourage agricultural entrepreneurs and providing advisory services and training on agribusiness-plans to entrepreneurs. Client UNDP, 07/06
Bosnia and Herzegovina - State Ministry of Agriculture
SESMARD / Support for Establishment of a State Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Main task was to train and guide the working group to elaborate a financial and an economic cost-benefit analysis, always having in mind the EU rural strategic planning, development policy and necessary legislation. Client European Union; 06/06
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Evaluation of different locations to set up bigger farming units in Northern Bulgaria; calculation of various crops and crop rotations with a focus on oilseeds like rapeseed and sunflower. Design of setting up farm units, respecting personnel, machinery, crop farming and post-harvest activities like sales and marketing. Assistance in making use of SAPARD funds such as investing in agricultural holdings and agro-processing. Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 03/06 – 05/06
Mongolia - Animal Health and Livestock Marketing
Design of the first EU ALA programme in agriculture / veterinary / food safety (proposed budget € 9 million). Identification and Formulation Mission of an Animal Health and Livestock Marketing to increase the net revenues of the pastoralists / nomadic herdsmen by reflecting the fragile environmental conditions and enhancing (private) veterinary and advisory services. Complete project set up with TAPs, TOR, donor coordination, budgeting, procurement design, political evaluation, etc. Client European Union; 01 - 03/06
Sri Lanka – After Tsunami Analysis
Study trip to some Tsunami projects and rapid appraisal about lessons learnt in combination with the overwhelming donor support. Client “HOPE”; 12/05 - 01/06
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Evaluation Agricultural Producer Association
Detailed evaluation of an agricultural producer association implementing the Herb Buy-Off Programme in the Upper Vrbas region. SWOT, cost-benefit and value chain analyses to submit proposals for a commercially viable strategy, including an action plan. Besides financial audit arrangements some training workshops have been conducted to facilitate implementation of the jointly elaborated recommendations. Main conclusion was to pay remunerations to stakeholders only according to incoming revenues. Client Partners for Development / PFD; 10 - 12/05
FYR Macedonia – Agricultural Policy
Technical Assistance to MAFWE within the CARDS project Structural and Legal Reform by suggesting a set of agricultural policy measures to be introduced in the MAFWE budget to increase the state support to agriculture and especially the direct payments to farmers. The implications of WTO and SAA commitments in terms of support to agricultural productions have been analysed. Client European Union; 08/05
Albania – Sheep Marketing
Strengthening the Marketing of Small-Ruminants; to make a SWOT analysis and to develop a strategic plan to support the development of the rural and sheep sector showing implementation responsibilities, key milestone, outputs and timescales; also fostering the capacity of enterprises (only SMEs) to increase food safety and to produce according to international market requirements. Activities took place in Gijrokaster, Saranda and Korca. Client UNDP, 04/05 - 10/05
Pakistan - Fact finding mission
Mission to Lahore and Lylle for upcoming international funded projects in the area of agriculture, irrigation, natural resources management, agricultural development, livestock, agro-industry and agricultural spare parts (for tractors). 01/05
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Protected Areas
Support to the World Bank for the Preparation of the Biodiversity Conservation Project for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objective of this assignment was to assist the World Bank and the BiH government to write a GEF project-proposal for presentation to the GEF Secretariat. BiH intended to extend its protected areas and thus safeguarding its biodiversity (analysed by environmental impact assessments) and to improve the management of the existing ones. Foreseen GEF budget was USD 7 Million. Client World Bank, 05/04 - 05/05
Kosovo - Agricultural Strategy Plan
Development TORs for Kosovo (AMPK) to strengthen the institutional capacity of MAFRD in planning and implementation of agricultural policies and strategies – including food security and safety through participatory approach, close cooperation with EAR and MAFRD. Client European Union; 07/03 - 08/03
Kosovo – Agribusiness Support
(Agri-) Business Support Project; consulting and training of local experts, mid-term evaluation of the project, recommendations of necessary improvements, strategy papers; assistance in food safety and food laws, reviewing marketing plans for the selected agricultural cluster, providing agricultural information and business solutions for agribusinesses (in collaboration with the grants programme), close cooperation with EAR and MAFRD. Client USAID; 04/03 - 05/03
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Office of the High Representative
Advisor on Agriculture, Forestry & Water with focus on agricultural policy development and strategic planning, economic analyses and recommendations to the High Representative on key issues related to agriculture, agribusiness and business environment (bulldozer project); identifying priority areas of action and rural strategies, for example extension services, in close coordination with the Ministers of Agriculture (agricultural task force) and the International Community (EC, World Bank, IFAD, FAO, UNDP, USAID, JICA …); strategies also to make export activities easier, to increase competitive and sustainable rural sector investments; exchange of knowledge and dissemination of information to local shareholders, authorities and the IFIs. Client OHR, 07/01 – 03/03
Austria – Workshop at University of Applied Life Sciences / BOKU
Lecturer at an international agro-project management workshop for students from Eastern Europe; case studies, discussions, organised by BOKU, the Austrian University of Applied Life Sciences and Natural Resources Management. Client BOKU; 07/00
Bulgaria- Rural development Lovech
Rural development of the hilly region of Lovech with a focus on SMEs in agro-marketing for fruits, vegetables, medical herbs; further setting up and working with farmer groups - participatory methods; furthermore, the project’s objective was to support development of the rural areas; assistance in building institutional capacity to absorb EU funds like SAPARD; workshops about new ways for an adapted rural policy. Client GTZ; 05/00 - 08/00
Palestine / oPt - Agro-Marketing
Technical assistance in creating a modern governmental frame (Ministry of Agriculture) for the marketing of agricultural produce (also for producer associations); main objective was the development of an agricultural market information system (AMIS), i.e. design and implementation of a marketing information system (MIS) and database for fruits and vegetables. Capacity building including workshops and training. Client ADA; 04/99 - 09/00
Austria – Export Consulting
Opening new export markets for agro-food SMEs like wineries, organic soya-drink producers and others; in total 8 workshops about marketing; target markets are Germany, Sweden, Poland, and USA. SWOT analysis, legal food requirements including trade requirements, export strategies, branding and packaging, investigations for the potential for expansion and market reports. Client Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO; 03/99 - 12/00
Nicaragua - Saw Mill and Forest Management
Sustainable and community based forestry ecosystem management and biodiversity project in the neighbourhood / buffer zone of the protected area SI-A-PAZ. Restructuring a saw mill (SME) on the Rio San, from a first strategy paper to sales activities on the local market (and in neighbouring Costa Rica), strengthening the local institutions on the governmental and farmer's side, promotion of rural farm and non-farm employment (palm oil plantations), extension services, gender issues, micro-credit component, vocational training of small-land holders. Client ADA; 01/98 - 03/01
Preparation and organisation of the BRAZIL TECHMART 1997, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais; to contact the Austrian agro-industry and to organize the participation on this fair. Client UNIDO; 08 - 09/97
Palestine / oPt - Agro-Marketing
Institutional strengthening at the MoA in Ramallah (workshops with the Minister Mr. Abdul JAWAD SALEH), technical assistance, training and international trade promotion; assistance to design a new rural development policy with a special focus on the rural poor; conduct of surveys in collaboration with national agricultural partners; Ministry of Agriculture and the Marketing Board. Client Austrian North South Institute, 04/97 – 09/97
Austria - Organic Farm Management
Transforming the small family farm (crop rotation, plant protection, temporarily sheep keeping) into a certified organic farm (among Austria's pioneers who became legally registered as organic farmers), since 1997 management of this farm; therefore, in practical and also administrative ways very familiar with all EU requirements from the farmer’s point of view; furthermore, management of the attached forest by focusing on improving sustainable forest ecosystems. 02 / 97 – 06/11
Austria – Data Mining
Market research, preparing data concerning easiest transfer into the data-base and assistance in the data-bank design. Client CYANAMID, 01 / 97
Bulgaria - Workshop on Marketing
Workshop on Marketing and Financing; also with a focus on international markets. Client Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO; 11/96
Bulgaria – Wine Sector Analysis
Analysis and evaluation of one of the most famous wineries in Svischtov, Bulgaria; study -including marketing aspects- about the actual condition and the search for an international investor in Austria, Germany, France, Italy and the USA so that -together with the investor- a MBO could be enabled; promotion of foreign and local investments in agribusiness. EU, 09/96
Bulgaria – Sugar Mill
Restructuring a state-owned sugar mill in Bulgaria for privatisation; a marketing study how to improve sales, specially export sales to Eastern Europe and Asia and how to develop new products and services; Sofia and Devnja. EU, 07/96 - 08/96
Austria - EU Projects in Eastern Europe
Workshop about EU Projects in Eastern Europe (PHARE, TACIS, Cross Border); Vienna and Krems. 05/96 & 08/96
Romania - Management Training
Marketing workshop to improve the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy; participants have been former big state companies and also SMEs. Client Training Institute Cedru / Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO; 04/96
Guatemala - Agricultural Marketing
Study about organic farming; implementation of an organic certification scheme and improvement of the marketing of organic products (coffee, vegetables, fruits...) from SME in Guatemala to the European market; drafting of laws / bylaws to become compatible with the EU regulations about organic farming. Co-ordination of local experts. The study was performed in close co-operation with AGEXPRONT. Client Trees for People / GTZ, 11/95 - 12/95
Austria – The Agricultural Sector in Austria
Three workshops about Austrian agriculture; the present status and the efforts how to adapt the Austrian system to EU norms and standards; organized for French farmers. Client UNAFIMA; 05 - 10/95
Austria, Germany - Wine Export
Export marketing for wine and sales for a group of Austrian wine growers to Germany including market research, business trips, customer relationship management, active selling, branding and database management. Client Verein der Weinbaumeister, 02/95 - 09/01
Austria – Seed Marketing
Marketing and public relation for AGROSTAT, organisation of field trails (seeds) for soya, corn, sunflowers and other cultures, monitoring. Client AGROSTAT, 01/95 - 12/97
Bulgaria – Dairy Sector Study
Dairy industry investment project with comprehensive (feasibility) study about the actual situation of selected dairies and action-plan how to re-organize and privatise the Bulgarian Dairy industry in close co-operation with the Bulgarian MoA; Client EBRD, 07/94 - 11/94
Austria - Certification of Organic Farming
Certification of organic farming, pioneer of the Austrian organic certification procedure (in accordance with EU 2092/91 and IFOAM regulations) that started together with Univ.Prof.H.Haimboeck from BOKU a first organic certification company, approved by the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture. Clients all over Austria and along the value chain, from farmers to agro-processing companies. 01/94 - 12/97
Palestine. oPt – Vegetable Cooperatives
Project management (planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation) of vegetable co-operatives in Palestine including agricultural strategy development, post-harvest technology, agricultural support services, extension services, feasibility studies, preparation of tenders, co-ordination with the Ministry of Agriculture, the EU-office in Jerusalem and NGO's. Client SAAR, 10/93 - 12/94
Austria, United Kingdom – Wine Marketing
Export marketing for Schlosskellerei (Chateau) Halbturn, also to Japan; Client Schlosskellerei Halbturn; 05/93 – 10/94
Austria – Agricultural Software Marketing
Marketing and sales of agricultural software for plant production, livestock management and farm management in Austria; seminars and workshops about software, agricultural fairs. Client HELM Software, Germany, 04/93 – 12/99
Austria - Farm Management
Organic family owned farm with 70 ha of forest nearby Vienna. 02/97 - 06/11
Austria – Seed Marketing
Registration of seeds for a French company in Austria, organisation and monitoring of field trials all over Austria and market-research for corn seed (also for Hungary). Client Caussade Semances; 06/92 - 12/94
Russia – Lectures at the University in Omsk
Workshop at the University in Omsk, Siberia about marketing for agriculture and agro industry; assistance to develop new agribusiness and to increase the farmers' and food producers' competitiveness. Client AFC, 12/92
Austria – Agricultural Software Marketing
Designing a sales concept for agricultural farming software “AGROSYS” and presentation of this software at agricultural fairs, agricultural schools and at farmer’s seminars. Client SIEMENS; 06 – 11 / 92
Bulgaria - Pre-investment Farm Analysis
Study to restructure and privatize a 10.000 ha-cattle farm in Biela Slatina, northern Bulgaria, including the participation of all the former owners of that land; the basic idea was to form a company in which all the previous land-owners would bring in their land so that a common and very efficient farm management could take place. 04/92
Austria – Quality Beef Programme
Marketing-programme to improve the beef quality in Carinthia and to establish a monitoring system; design and implementation of an electronic data processing system and new management methods to this farmers' group; the farmers' group was reorganized, in total more than 1.000 cattle breeder; many workshops with the cattle farmers; Carinthia. Client Chamber of Agriculture, 03/92 - 08/92
Hungary - Seed Processing Plant
Evaluation of a corn-seed processing plant in Babolna, Hungary within a re-privatisation programme for a mayor Austrian agricultural bank. Client, Raiffeisen Investment AG; 03/92
Austria - Workshop Agriculture & Rural Development
Workshop about farming in Eastern Europe Mr. Roland NYMANN, Deputy Minister from the Ministry of Agriculture, Tallinn, ESTONIA. How to adapt Eastern European Agriculture to Western European standards? Client International Academy Future, 10/91
Austria – Sugar Marketing for Food-Industry
Marketing of Austrian sugar and starch products (including potato- and milk-products), responsible for sales and marketing to the foodstuff-industry (usually SMEs), key account, administration, organisation, human resources development and training, annual turnover of USD 200 million; strategic planning, technology, human resources, accounting and budgeting, new markets, joint-ventures in Eastern Europe. Client AGRANA MARKETING; 02/90 - 02/91
Austria – Trade Financing
Counter trade for an international Bank and trading company focused on agricultural products like cacao, coffee, cashews, rubber, edible oils but also irrigation equipment. Visits to Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Nigeria and other countries. Client CENTRO BANK, 09/88 - 01/90
Austria (partly Sweden) – Marketing of Edible Oils
Export marketing Eastern Europe (former Yugoslavia, Romania) of edible oils and fats; main product was cocoa-butter-replacer for the food industry, mainly the chocolate-industry; market-analysis, technology-transfer and technical services, counter trade (special financing arrangements), symposia, fairs. Client KARLSHAMNS Ltd; 06/87 - 06/88
Austria, Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia – Seed Marketing
Marketing, sales and consulting in the area of vegetable and agronomic seeds in Austria, Hungary and the former Czechoslovakia; registration, budget-planning, advertisement, customer and technical service, also control of multiplication in Hungary. Client ASGROW, 08/85 - 05/87
Armenia – Programme Design for the European Union
The objective of this assignment is to elaborate several value chains for a full project proposal on Green Agriculture. 10/18
Sustainable Land Management
Preparatory studies and research for EBRD on Sustainable Land Management to promote and finance climate smart agriculture; developing a catalogue for suitable technologies that could prevent soil degradation especially carbon loss, erosion, salinization, and compaction. 07-09/18
Austria – Acces2Finance
Methodology for a "TA for the AFD-ENPARD programme for access to agricultural finance for small scale semi-commercial firms and cooperatives in Georgia”. 05/18
Albania - Agribusiness Support Facility
To provide customized and targeted support tailored to the needs and requirements of commercial banks including development of new products or enhancement of existing agribusiness products; organisation of agribusiness sector specific info sessions in the form of marketing events for PFIs and writing a manual how to promote agricultural value chain financing. 05/18 - ongoing
Bulgaria - Exportmarketing of organic vegetables
Development of a strategy to open new markets for organic cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplants, pepper and apples. 04-06/18
Uzbekistan - Local Economic Development
Mid Term Evaluation of the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Uzbekistan; the project intends to enhance the living standards in rural areas based on growth in the agri-food sector. The specific objective is the transfer of EU know-how (knowledge and experience) and technologies in the agri-food value-chains in partnership with local authorities and economic players for further developing socio-economic potentials in rural areas, especially in the Project Target Regions Namangan, Andijan, Fergana, Djizak, Syrdarya and Kashkadarya; main items are milk / dairy, walnuts, pomegranates, cherry and pears, management of agricultural cooperatives in cold storage, fruit juice production and agricultural research institutions (solar pumps for irrigation, salinization). 01-03/18
Lithuania - Private sector investment company
Analysis of the strategic business plan for a possible equity investment in a 30,000 ha farm. 12/17
Georgia / Abkhazia - “Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development” (CARD)
Assessment and design of a “Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development” (CARD) to coordinate rural development initiatives across all 7 districts of Abkhazia and to provide technical, consultative and referral support and coordination services to beneficiaries and rural communities. CARD is part of ENPARD II that is aiming to support small-scale agricultural development and the diversification of the rural economy, with a view to improving living conditions and access to basic services in rural areas. The assessment includes all technical requirements to set up CARD’s operations, including the requirements for office space, furniture, IT equipment, the production of marketing materials, etc. but also a strategic orientation; focus of up-coming extension work is on fruits and vegetables and ruminants. 11/17 – 03/18
Georgia - Final Evaluation of ENPARD I (2014 – 2017)
Principle tasks are to evaluate the 4 projects implemented under Small Farmers Co-operation measures; to carry out a detailed appraisal of work of OXFAM, PIN, Mercy Corps and Care led consortia’s programming and implementing modalities to assess their accomplishment of stated results, to assess project’s output against the indicators and targets set in the Logical Framework and finally to conduct relevant field visits to around 30 agricultural cooperatives in the various regions of Georgia covered by this part of the project. A final workshop with the presentation of the findings and lessons learned is done at the end. 09 - 12/17
Georgia – Assistance in developing a strategy for the Agriculture Cooperatives Development Agency (ACDA)
Design of a long-term strategic concept paper for development of the agriculture cooperatives / cooperation in Georgia and ACDA’s role in implementing this strategy. Literature review, interviews, workshops and other meetings are conducted to formulate ACDA’s vision of future support to agricultural cooperatives. 08/17
Malawi - Support to Parliament and Media regarding agricultural matters
Drafting the corresponding methodology for a TA project, focusing on agricultural budgeting and policy making. Home based. 06/17
Austria – Investment plan for a modern beehive farm
Elaboration of a farm concept in Lower Austria with focus on modern beehives and honey making technology. 05/17
Armenia - Organic Farming Workshops
Provision of organic horticulture training sessions for Organic Agriculture Support Initiative (OASI); the goal is to provide access to sustainable knowledge and information for organic farmers, service centres managers and extension service providers; key objective is to enhance farmers’ organic awareness and coaching them on their way of shifting from traditional to organic agriculture processes. Furthermore, to ensure that organic farmers can recognize the business opportunities of organic farming and the real market value of their organic produce that will enable them to target the right local regional and international markets. 02/17
Swaziland - Re-writing the Mid Term Evaluation report
Assistance n reformulating the MTE report for the sugar sector in Swaziland focusing on increasing competitiveness of the sugar sector and reducing rural poverty especially in the sugar belt. 02/17
Moldova – Agricultural sector survey
Information collection and verification survey for agricultural sector. The objective is to identify the current situation of agricultural sector in Moldova, concrete needs for supports, governmental directions and priorities, and to propose the future possibility and direction of JICA support (especially technical assistance) based on the outcome. Although the priorities are put on the structure enhancements necessary to develop new agricultural businesses, to increase productivity of small scale farmer and to improve quality, a nationwide approach which makes the most of Japanese knowledge and experience is also to be considered. Main activities are to analyse export potential in selected markets and internal export obstacles; based on the findings new intervention proposals will be submitted to MoAFI. 11/16 – 06/17
Sudan - Diagnostic Review of BE Constraints
This assignment is undertaking a desk-based sector-specific diagnostics of the enabling Business Environment, focusing on agriculture and relevant agribusiness value chains. Besides the diagnostics, specific policy recommendations are developed so that DFID Sudan can base their up-coming agribusiness interventions on them. Important issue is the ability and willingness of the GoS to improve jointly the business environment in Sudan, primarily for the sake of the agricultural sector but also for non-agricultural rural business developments. Home-based; 10-12/16
Armenia - IFAD - Rural Asset Creation Programme
Final evaluation of this horticultural value chain and business development project. RACP intended to reduce rural poverty and its objectives are (i) the establishment of an economically viable fruits and nuts sector with backwards linkages to poor rural smallholders; (ii) the establishment of an entity (to be fully privatized) for delivery of services to the fruits and nuts sector; and (iii) the removal of infrastructure bottlenecks that inhibit increasing participation of the economically active rural poor in enhanced commercialization of the rural economy. 06-07/16
Kosovo – DANIDA - Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant Programme
Presentation of the Study "Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant" to the minister of agriculture and his team mainly head of departments. Presentation was followed by a broad discussion on future financial support to the agricultural and rural sector and the lessons learnt on previous programmes. 06/16
Egypt - Support to Formulation of an SME Access to Finance initiative
Project aims to a) assist the EU Delegation and its partner European Finance Institutions (EFIs) to make proposals into a dialogue with local stakeholders for the selection of target sector / value chains (at least one in agribusiness) to be focused on within the design of the new SME finance facility (including technical assistance, grants and loans). A few agro-food value chains are analysed more in depth (processed tomatoes and deep frozen fruits and vegetables) and investment needs among SMEs elaborated which then might be targeted by the commercial banks. 01/16 – 09/17
Armenia - ENPARD Armenia - Budget Support Review Mission
The project is supporting the Government of Armenia in ensuring an efficient and sustainable agriculture, contributing to better conditions in rural areas. More specific the team is providing a detailed review of the implementation of the Budget Support component of ENPARD Armenia and furthermore consistent sets of conclusions and recommendations to be used by the Commission to make decisions on instalment disbursement for the second tranche of budget support. The specific task is to evaluate the "capacity and performance of farmers' associations and cooperatives further developed and strengthened", based on literature review, stakeholder meetings and field visits. 09 - 10/15
Azerbaijan - Azeri Agricultural Finance Facility
The Azeri Agricultural Finance Facility (AzAFF) is an EBRD programme to support agricultural finance, including but not limited to access to finance by increasing availability of credit to the Azeri farmers /agricultural enterprises / agribusinesses through credit lines of up to USD 40 million and enhancing financial, managerial and production capabilities of end beneficiaries (enterprises and individuals involved in agricultural and agriculture-related activities). The overall objective of AzAFF is to foster the overall economic development of the agriculture sector. Among others AzAFF is a) developing and providing financial literacy training to farmers in the regions with the highest agricultural potential; b) providing workshops with farmers to introduce advanced farming techniques and international best practices in selected sub-sectors and c) assisting eligible sub-borrowers for larger agricultural loans with technical assistance. 09/15 – 01/17
Kosovo (Denmark) - Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant Programme.
The objectives of this evaluation is a) to quantify and qualify the Rural Development Grant Programme (RDGP) impact in terms of competitiveness, incomes, net employment creation and productivity through statistical/quantitative analysis as well as qualitative in-depth studies from the field; b) to improve the programming and implementation process of the RDGP for better achieving the objectives with respect to competitiveness, incomes, net employment creation and productivity and c) to improve the M&E system for the 2014–2020 RDGP though sound recommendations. - This ongoing grant programme is government run with the World Bank and DANIDA having provided funding for around 300 grants in 2013 and 2014; these grants support two types of activities categorised according to the EU so-called measures: Measure 101 supports physical investments in primary producers, whereas Measure 103 covers processors / marketing of agricultural produce within milk, meat, fruit, vegetables and wine sectors. - Regression discontinuity design (Rural Development) is used to analyse the impact. 08 - 11/15
Austria – Paper about Georgian agricultural cooperatives
Drafting the technical project proposal for an agricultural cooperative development project within ENPARD with focus on training and capacity building in Georgia. 06-07/15
Jordan - Livelihood Programme Formulation
Formulation Mission for the Programme to Support the Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees in Jordan; i.e. in the Northern Governorates Ibrid and Mafraq. Specific objective is to develop a "greening" livelihood programme for host communities aiming at sustainable and thus profitable job creation, capacity building, reviving local markets, increasing energy efficiency (through better use of renewable energy, mainly waste to energy and solar power) and reducing water usage for households as well as the agricultural sector. Furthermore, guidelines for stimulating matching grants. 03 - 05/15
Turkey - Value Chain Analysis within the Taseli-Koksu Watershed Development Project
This design mission focuses on the sustainable reduction of rural poverty by increasing smallholder farmers’ income from highland agricultural production systems and marketing activities while strengthening their resilience to climate shocks and their capacities to organize. Specific tasks are to analyse the potential to integrate farmers downstream in the value chain (e.g. transport, grading, processing, packaging, etcetera) and to assess the degree of involvement of the private sector in delivery services, as input suppliers and buyers; main identified products are fruits and vegetables (cherries, strawberries, grapes / dried grapes, MAPs) and animal products. 12/14 – 02/15
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Marketing Infrastructure within the Rural Competitiveness Development Project
This project (RCDP) intends to enable poor rural people in the country to improve their food security and to increase their income through support to non-commercial and commercial farmers and to on and off-farm enterprises; focus is on the Fruits & Vegetables value chains. Design mission to analyse the existing Extension and Business Advisory Services (processing, packaging, marketing) and to develop in a participatory approach proposals for an improved supply and demand of these services. The existing governance structures (of the institutions or organizations of the value chain actors, service providers) are assessed about their effectiveness and maturity in terms of sustainably participating in VC development. VC spread from individual farmers, Producer Associations, cooperatives and companies towards involved institutions as public agricultural advisory services, local development agencies, faculties of agriculture and others. 11/14 and 04/15
Austria, worldwide - Collection and Comparison of Agricultural Data
Organising data such as gross margins, land prices for pastures and arable land, etcetera to support agricultural investments in selected countries. 10/14
Austria, The Netherlands – Evaluation of the IFC's Agribusiness Investment Promotion
Analysis of the design of the overall evaluation methodology of IFC's two approaches; the economy wide versus the sector specific approach; especially targeting the agribusiness sector. A deep dive study report was done, geographical focusing within economy wide approach on Brazil (agri), Yemen (agri), China (non-agri), Colombia (non-agri), Indonesia (non-agri), Philippines (non-agri) and within the sector specific approach on Sierra Leone (agri), Mali (agri), South Sudan (agri), Rwanda (agri), Honduras (non-agri) and India (non-agri). 06/14 - ongoing
FYR Macedonia - Evaluation of the ongoing IPARD-1
The programme started with an exhaustive methodology; assessment of the coherence, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. 04 - 05/14
Austria - Peer review of a study about animal health and poverty
Reviewing an economic study in French on “Animal health and poverty“ (“Santé animale et pauvreté”) for Office International des Epizooties / OIE, Paris. Critical comments on a) the general meaning of the study itself, b) the layout and content and finally and c) the relevance for the OIE to publish such a paper (or at least parts of it). 03/14
Azerbaijan - Value chain analysis for the wine sector for the European Commission
Objective was to improve the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan in terms of sustainability in development and growth in the export capacity through improving the value-chains. The specific objective of the assignment was to prepare a market and value chain analysis and recommendations for the improvement of value chains performance in view of their potential impact in employment generation and diversification of rural economy; close cooperation with the University of Ganja, Faculty of Agriculture. 02 - 05/14
Turkey - Preparation of Sector Analyses for IPARD
(Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – Rural Development Programme) 2014-2020
Examination of the current situation of the following agricultural sectors: red meat, poultry and egg, dairy, fruit and vegetables, fisheries and aquaculture; furthermore, Axis 3 - farm diversification and business development and rural infrastructure. To provide an overview of the entire production, processing and marketing system of these sectors with special emphasis on the needs of the sectors in terms of EU alignment and how IPARD measures may contribute to the alignment process. 10/13 – 03/14
Moldova - Training
Training of horticultural farmers’ (fresh fruits as apples and grapes) associations regarding “applied negotiations and communications skills” and “risk management in export activity”; field trip to an apple farm in Sirota near Orhei. 09/13
Jordan - Food security
Consultancy to develop innovative interventions for implementation and to design a capacity development programme for the food security unit (FSU) at the Ministry of Agriculture in Jordan that clearly specifies the activities, areas of trainings, methodology, priorities and timeframe for implementation. 07 - 09/13
Turkey – Development of Marketing Activities for GAP OAC
(Organic Agriculture Cluster in Southeast Anatolia Project)
Work included desk research, literature review, review of the value chain analysis for agricultural produce, field missions to Ankara, Sanliurfa / Diyarbakýr / Gaziantep, Izmir and Istanbul. Purpose was to establish a Turkish centre of competency for organic farming with a focus on export business by facilitating (not necessarily providing) input supplies (seeds, fertilizers), market and price information, access to financial services, transport, (organic) quality control, product development awareness rising. 06 - 09/13
Romania - Review of a Greenfield agro-investment
Review of a Greenfield investment in vineyards and winery; objective was to improve the reporting and management information system; production data, stock, sales, inputs, manpower. 03 -04/13
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Austria – ”Study on the organic production potential in SEE”
”Study on the organic production potential in South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia)”; mapping of certified organic products in SEE, including production volumes; overview of the demand for organic products of retailers and wholesale as well as of processing industries in the region; analysis of the market potential in the region and the EU; conclusions and proposals for next steps to use the potential and increase trade; furthermore country missions, interviews, workshops. Presentation of findings during the “Working meeting of the Regional Expert Advisory Group on Organic Agriculture in SWG” in Sarajevo. Client GIZ, 10 – 11/12; 02/13
Brussels, Austria – Study on biofuels in ACP countries
Study “Assessing the impact of biofuels production on developing countries from the point of view of Policy Coherence for Development”; elaboration of detailed inputs linked to technology transfer and capacity development, impacts of biofuels production on micro and macro levels (Potential impacts at household levels (small producers), Economics on plantation scale, impacts at macro level: job creation, tax revenues, etc.; energy and food price volatilities, typology of the identified impacts and factors, the role and responsibilities of the Private sector. Client. European Union 09/12 – 02/13
Bulgaria – Meat sector study
Study about the meat processing sector in Bulgaria, starting from livestock farming (numbers, subsidies) to slaughterhouses, processors (import of raw material) and retailers; analysis of the complete value chain. 08/12 – 01/13
Turkey - Upcoming projects, also in renewable energy
Fact finding mission to Ankara focusing on upcoming projects, including financing a new biogas plant in eastern Turkey. 06/12
Georgia – Development and marketing of new agricultural products
A “michi no eki” (roadside shops) project was designed to support the rural and farming community in Imereti Province (Kutaisi) by enabling additional sales along the new east-west highway, partly financed by Japan. A study was made to analyse local, geographically branded agricultural specialities, to develop suitable products and to improve market access for smallholders, including promoting farmers’ cooperation. Client JICA, 03 - 05/12
Kosovo - Concept for the Ministry of Agriculture
Objective of the assignment was to develop a concept and to provide support to the establishment of an Economic Analysis Unit within the Ministry of Agriculture. Client GIZ; 01 – 02/12
Israel – Agro-tourism
Rural development project to draft a Twinning Fiche to enable support to the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Bet-Dagan. Indirectly the project dealt also with the upcoming European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development / ENPARD. Client European Union; 10 - 12/11
Serbia - Agribusiness Project Evaluation
Evaluation of the USD 25 million USAID Serbian Agribusiness Project (SAP); to review USAID’s complementary assistance at the enterprise, producer association and policy-making levels in improving the international competitiveness, especially of berries, fruits, dairy products, livestock / meat, mushrooms & herbs, tree fruits and vegetables; besides quantitative and qualitative information and analysis of the project recommendations for any mid-course corrections over the life of the project have been provided. Client USAID; 07 – 08/11
Palestine / oPt - Sheep, Herders and Bedouins
Programming mission to support within existing agricultural policy the food security and sustainable livelihoods of the most vulnerable in the occupied Palestinian territory, in particular farmers, herders (including the Bedouin communities) and rural women; the project addressed root causes of their food insecurity, and analysing ongoing response and propose an evidence based programme to support food security and sustainable livelihoods; vulnerable pastoralists and agro-pastoralists need urgently land rehabilitation and water security; furthermore conducting a comprehensive policy stakeholders analysis – including Israeli counterparts. Client European Union; 06 - 07/11
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Cereals study
Sector study about the arable crops sector (mainly corn and wheat) as required input to the upcoming IPARD programme and the pre-accession rural development funds. The specific scope of this assignment was to carry out: (a) preparation of the arable crops sector analysis in BiH in compliance with the regulatory frameworks set by the acquis communautaire and the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) and (b) formulation of observations, findings and recommendations for policy development and IPARD implementation; 2 introduction and 2 verification workshops; several case studies, field trips and a survey; special attention was given to commodity reserve as wheat is considered as a strategic good. Client European Union; 05 - 11/11
Austria – Presentation of the Turkish agro-sector
Presentation for the Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO (in Vienna, Salzburg and Graz) of a sector study about agriculture and food processing in Turkey; furthermore, meetings with interested companies interested to enter the Turkish market. Client WKO; 03/11
Austria, Belgium – CAP impact study
EU financed study of the possible impacts of policy changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 on smallholders in developing countries (Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ghana, Bangladesh and Bolivia); this “food security” study took into consideration the different types of trade agreements such as “Everything But Arms” (EBA), the Interim Economic Partnership Agreements (interim EPAs) and the EU's General System of Preferences Plus (GPS+) and the impact of changing / rising world market prices on developing countries; products focused on wheat, oilseeds, sugarcane and rice. The study assessed the correlation and possible causality between the CAP and the income availability (i.e. source of income) and development potential of smallholders in developing, food insecure countries; including AGLINK-COSIMO Model, analysis of the results of model developed and classification of affected countries by type of impact and final recommendations. Client European Union; 12/10 – 03/11
Turkey – Training for TKDK/ARDSI
Intensive training project for the permanent staff of the future IPARD agency TKDK/ARDSI (Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution); the main objective of this 62-days-training programme was to provide detailed training for the staff carrying out the project analysis (evaluation of project proposals in respect of investment grants) in order to ensure that technically, economically and financially viable investment projects are supported by pre-accession rural development funds in the frame of the IPARD Programme. Lectures given include project cycle management, logframe analysis, experience with other pre-accession programmes and the Common Agricultural Policy, elaboration and evaluation of high-quality business plans for farmers or processors and others; furthermore, training-need assessment (TNA), development of training curricula, preparation of the training materials (200 pages textbook) and after class reading materials; lectures and working groups. Client European Union; 08/10 – 11/10
Albania – Meat Sector
Meat Sector Study as a prerequisite of the upcoming IPARD programme (investment in agricultural holdings and investment in processing and marketing of the agricultural products) and templates as part of the “Capacity Building for Implementing the Rural Development Strategy” – project to „Support to the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection“. The study is needed to access IPARD investment grants and reflected also upcoming trade implications; furthermore, quality standards, food safety, traceability. Visits of the major agri-processing companies and farmers in close cooperation with the public regional extension service; evaluation of the training needs of the sector including the extension and advisory services. Client European Union; 05/10 & 01 – 02/10
Syria – Baseline study
Short country profile with a focus on agriculture and foodstuff industry and the opportunities for trade and investments. Client European Union; 03/10
Syria – Study on medicinal herbs
Review of the competitiveness and value chain analysis of the natural herbs (for medical purposes) sector as part of the EU SME Support Programme in Syria. Analysis of all medicinal plants in Syria (450), including aspects of land abandonment and loss of biodiversity, intensive discussion with all stakeholders who have been not connected so far; securing involvement of the private sector and evaluating export potential of selected products (also including phyto-sanitary requirements); field trips all over the country, visit of ICARDA, GCSAR, MAAR and other relevant institutions. Client European Union; 02/10 – 03/10
Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS – Livestock Discussion Paper
Writing a “Background Paper Livestock in Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS”; this paper served as a basis on which FAO discussed the issue of livestock at their session of the European Commission on Agriculture on May 2010 in Yerevan, Armenia under the topic “Improvement of rural livelihoods in the Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS through sustainable improvements in livestock production”. Analysis and recommendations highlighted the issues regarding (mainly smallholder’s) livestock development (including quality / food safety and trade), awareness rising for specific problems as well as inputs to the member countries regarding future work (also of their extension services to support pastoralists) and particularly the emphasis of work of FAO. Client FAO Hungary; 12/09 – 01/10.
Turkmenistan - Agricultural Reform Services
EU support project to economic reforms and sustainable agricultural development. Objective was to outline an organisational structure for the Agricultural Reform Services and its place within the Ministry of Agriculture. Results have been to draft TOR and structure for Agricultural Reform Services function including a Management Capacity Building Unit within the MoA with related cost estimates for both investments and recurrent expenditure. Participation in workshops to find a joint solution and finally presentation of the findings; second mission to follow up the activities started in April 09. Client European Union; 11/09 – 12/09 & 04 – 05/09
Turkey - Agriculture and Food Sector Analysis
“Industrial Restructuring of Sanliurfa” was an EC- TA project implemented by UNDP; beneficiary - Ministry of Industry and Trade; an agriculture and food sector analysis, an integrated industrial strategy plan and an agri-food cluster (and its export potential); furthermore, identification of potential investors for the Sanliurfa Organized Industrial Zone. The following sub-sectors have been selected due to their impact: livestock (meat), agricultural crops (corn, wheat, cotton), fruits (pomegranates, peaches and others) and vegetables (all kind of open field and greenhouse high value fresh produce including logistics and marketing), food processing (oil mills, deep freezing, pomegranate juice factory, cold storage infrastructure, packaging facilities, corn drying facilities) and others. Value-chain analysis. Client European Union & UNDP; 09/09 – 11/09
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Field visits for CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund in North-West-Bulgaria at the clusters Pordim (Valchitran), Sanadinovo (just Novachene) and Yakimovo. Tasks were to check the harvesting logistics (related to the remaining winter wheat fields), the field preparation after OSR for the next crop and topics related to the improved agro-management; findings have been presented in Sofia to the management; Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 08/09
Guyana – Analysis Sugar Industry Performance
Evaluation of the performance of GuySuCo (local nationalised sugar company) - based on the GuySuCo Business Plan forwarded by the NAO to the Delegation - in respect to the National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) to the EU sugar reform concerning EC Budget Support (EDF); production, labour, marketing, financing and strategic issues. The overall objective was to assist the Government of Guyana in its aim to develop an internationally competitive and nationally profitable sugarcane sector. Client European Union; 03 – 04/09
Bosnia and Herzegovina - IPARD
Drawing up ToR for IPA 2008 projects regarding "Support to agricultural policy and IPA Rural Development compliant structures" and "Support to BiH plant health protection administration". The purpose of this EU financed IPARD related project was to harmonise sectoral policies and measures for enhanced performance of agri-food sector including food sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards (SPS) and to create structures, legal framework and institutional capacity for managing the future IPA-RD grants / funds; output included project-fiches. Client European Union; 02 – 03/09
Georgia – TSU EU Common Agricultural Policy
Lectures related to EU Common Agricultural Policy; a 2-weeks seminar to MAES students at the Tbilisi State University, Institute for European Studies; objective was to explain basic facets of legal, political and institutional framework through which assistance is provided to non-EU countries and basic elements of the EU foreign assistance programme / neighbourhood programme; furthermore to train Georgian instructors (tandems) through direct coaching, to prepare with them pedagogical materials and to have a final assessment of students. Few field visits to SMEs in the agribusiness sector. Client European Union; 01/09
Belgium – Writing Project Proposal
Assistance in drafting an EU project proposal for the export-oriented sugar industry in Swaziland, including the possibility to integrate SMEs into the existing sugar production. Client European Union; 12/08 – 01/09
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Reformulation of the agricultural investment plan (financial and action plan, SWOT analysis) for CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund and evaluation of the present results. Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 10 & 12/08
Ukraine – Investment Analysis
Pre-investment analysis of a 11.000 ha forestry project in Wolyn; evaluation of existing forest management and list of potential risks for a buyer such as protected areas, management plans, labour laws, harvesting technique, human resources, finances and others. 06/08
Russia – Investment Analysis
Pre-investment analysis of a 250.000 ha kolkhoz project with a focus on wheat near Volgograd regarding profitability and economic potential of these farms; climate, soil, crop rotation, agricultural techniques, silos and storage facilities, human resources and finances. 05/08
Bosnia and Herzegovina - State Ministry of Agriculture
Support for Establishment of a State Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoFTER) – Harmonisation of agricultural subsidies (including investment grants) within entities so that on the long run an orientation towards the European Union will be feasible. Client European Union; 04 –05 /08
Albania – Investment Analysis
Fact finding mission to Tirana and Vlora regarding a private agro-forestry investment project. 02/08
Austria – Investment Analysis
Rapid appraisal for an agricultural investment company (SME size) of a pig production green field investment project in Romania. 11/07
Montenegro - Income Generating Activities
TA to smallholders in Berane (northern part of Montenegro) in developing income generating activities through Non-Timber Forest Products in the region; focus on herbs, mushrooms and other NTFPs. Additionally, enhancement the capacity of agricultural SMEs (mushrooms, herbs, berries) to produce according to international export market requirements. Beneficiaries have been 300 members of the newly formed farmer groups in Berane and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM) in Podgorica. Client LuxDev; 06/07 - 08/07
Paraguay - Fuelwood Markets
Development of Tools for Fuelwood Market Effectiveness Improvement in Rural Economies in Latin America and the Caribbean for the Inter-American Development Bank. Pilot project for application in Paraguay. First the renewable energy sources have been analysed; afterwards tools and methodologies have been developed by studying the case of Paraguay and applying the findings there to a selected fuelwood market. Market mechanisms have been elaborated and finally an action plan which could improve the energy situation by using more efficient local renewable sources of energy, especially fuelwood. Client IADB, 02/07 – 02/09
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Milk Sector
Within the project “EU Support to the Economic Policy Research Unit” (EPPU) the task was to supervise a „Scientific research paper about the milk sector in BiH“, prepared by the Institute of Agribusiness Economics at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo. Client European Union; 01/07
Bulgaria - Rural Development Programme
TA to the preparation of the post-accession Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013 and its monitoring system. The objective is a quality up-to-date sector analyses (including field trips, one-to-one interviews, focus group meetings, questionnaires, surveys) to assist the EU co-financed rural development programmes in the preparation of the financial agricultural support measures from the post-accession Rural Development Plan. Client European Union; 09/06 - 04/07
Swaziland - EU Sugar Reform
Formulation and set-up of TOR for a management unit (RDMU) to coordinate the implementation of the Swaziland’s National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) to the EU sugar reform. Revised agricultural sector strategy; the integration of local SMEs into sugar production was a political priority. Final results have been Financing Proposal and the Terms of Reference for the service contract (around € 4.7 million); financing by the European Development Fund (EDF). – Field trips to all Swazi sugar plants and neighbouring South Africa and Mozambique (Sugar Terminal). Client European Union; 08/06 - 09/06
Uzbekistan - Agricultural Sector Policy
Review and evaluation of the agricultural sector policy, especially the legal and regulatory environment for farmers and dehqan enterprises with the purpose of developing “western style” enterprises in Karakalpakstan and Namangan. Providing policy advice on how to encourage agricultural entrepreneurs and providing advisory services and training on agribusiness-plans to entrepreneurs. Client UNDP, 07/06
Bosnia and Herzegovina - State Ministry of Agriculture
SESMARD / Support for Establishment of a State Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Main task was to train and guide the working group to elaborate a financial and an economic cost-benefit analysis, always having in mind the EU rural strategic planning, development policy and necessary legislation. Client European Union; 06/06
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Evaluation of different locations to set up bigger farming units in Northern Bulgaria; calculation of various crops and crop rotations with a focus on oilseeds like rapeseed and sunflower. Design of setting up farm units, respecting personnel, machinery, crop farming and post-harvest activities like sales and marketing. Assistance in making use of SAPARD funds such as investing in agricultural holdings and agro-processing. Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 03/06 – 05/06
Mongolia - Animal Health and Livestock Marketing
Design of the first EU ALA programme in agriculture / veterinary / food safety (proposed budget € 9 million). Identification and Formulation Mission of an Animal Health and Livestock Marketing to increase the net revenues of the pastoralists / nomadic herdsmen by reflecting the fragile environmental conditions and enhancing (private) veterinary and advisory services. Complete project set up with TAPs, TOR, donor coordination, budgeting, procurement design, political evaluation, etc. Client European Union; 01 - 03/06
Sri Lanka – After Tsunami Analysis
Study trip to some Tsunami projects and rapid appraisal about lessons learnt in combination with the overwhelming donor support. Client “HOPE”; 12/05 - 01/06
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Evaluation Agricultural Producer Association
Detailed evaluation of an agricultural producer association implementing the Herb Buy-Off Programme in the Upper Vrbas region. SWOT, cost-benefit and value chain analyses to submit proposals for a commercially viable strategy, including an action plan. Besides financial audit arrangements some training workshops have been conducted to facilitate implementation of the jointly elaborated recommendations. Main conclusion was to pay remunerations to stakeholders only according to incoming revenues. Client Partners for Development / PFD; 10 - 12/05
FYR Macedonia – Agricultural Policy
Technical Assistance to MAFWE within the CARDS project Structural and Legal Reform by suggesting a set of agricultural policy measures to be introduced in the MAFWE budget to increase the state support to agriculture and especially the direct payments to farmers. The implications of WTO and SAA commitments in terms of support to agricultural productions have been analysed. Client European Union; 08/05
Albania – Sheep Marketing
Strengthening the Marketing of Small-Ruminants; to make a SWOT analysis and to develop a strategic plan to support the development of the rural and sheep sector showing implementation responsibilities, key milestone, outputs and timescales; also fostering the capacity of enterprises (only SMEs) to increase food safety and to produce according to international market requirements. Activities took place in Gijrokaster, Saranda and Korca. Client UNDP, 04/05 - 10/05
Pakistan - Fact finding mission
Mission to Lahore and Lylle for upcoming international funded projects in the area of agriculture, irrigation, natural resources management, agricultural development, livestock, agro-industry and agricultural spare parts (for tractors). 01/05
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Protected Areas
Support to the World Bank for the Preparation of the Biodiversity Conservation Project for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objective of this assignment was to assist the World Bank and the BiH government to write a GEF project-proposal for presentation to the GEF Secretariat. BiH intended to extend its protected areas and thus safeguarding its biodiversity (analysed by environmental impact assessments) and to improve the management of the existing ones. Foreseen GEF budget was USD 7 Million. Client World Bank, 05/04 - 05/05
Kosovo - Agricultural Strategy Plan
Development TORs for Kosovo (AMPK) to strengthen the institutional capacity of MAFRD in planning and implementation of agricultural policies and strategies – including food security and safety through participatory approach, close cooperation with EAR and MAFRD. Client European Union; 07/03 - 08/03
Kosovo – Agribusiness Support
(Agri-) Business Support Project; consulting and training of local experts, mid-term evaluation of the project, recommendations of necessary improvements, strategy papers; assistance in food safety and food laws, reviewing marketing plans for the selected agricultural cluster, providing agricultural information and business solutions for agribusinesses (in collaboration with the grants programme), close cooperation with EAR and MAFRD. Client USAID; 04/03 - 05/03
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Office of the High Representative
Advisor on Agriculture, Forestry & Water with focus on agricultural policy development and strategic planning, economic analyses and recommendations to the High Representative on key issues related to agriculture, agribusiness and business environment (bulldozer project); identifying priority areas of action and rural strategies, for example extension services, in close coordination with the Ministers of Agriculture (agricultural task force) and the International Community (EC, World Bank, IFAD, FAO, UNDP, USAID, JICA …); strategies also to make export activities easier, to increase competitive and sustainable rural sector investments; exchange of knowledge and dissemination of information to local shareholders, authorities and the IFIs. Client OHR, 07/01 – 03/03
Austria – Workshop at University of Applied Life Sciences / BOKU
Lecturer at an international agro-project management workshop for students from Eastern Europe; case studies, discussions, organised by BOKU, the Austrian University of Applied Life Sciences and Natural Resources Management. Client BOKU; 07/00
Bulgaria- Rural development Lovech
Rural development of the hilly region of Lovech with a focus on SMEs in agro-marketing for fruits, vegetables, medical herbs; further setting up and working with farmer groups - participatory methods; furthermore, the project’s objective was to support development of the rural areas; assistance in building institutional capacity to absorb EU funds like SAPARD; workshops about new ways for an adapted rural policy. Client GTZ; 05/00 - 08/00
Palestine / oPt - Agro-Marketing
Technical assistance in creating a modern governmental frame (Ministry of Agriculture) for the marketing of agricultural produce (also for producer associations); main objective was the development of an agricultural market information system (AMIS), i.e. design and implementation of a marketing information system (MIS) and database for fruits and vegetables. Capacity building including workshops and training. Client ADA; 04/99 - 09/00
Austria – Export Consulting
Opening new export markets for agro-food SMEs like wineries, organic soya-drink producers and others; in total 8 workshops about marketing; target markets are Germany, Sweden, Poland, and USA. SWOT analysis, legal food requirements including trade requirements, export strategies, branding and packaging, investigations for the potential for expansion and market reports. Client Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO; 03/99 - 12/00
Nicaragua - Saw Mill and Forest Management
Sustainable and community based forestry ecosystem management and biodiversity project in the neighbourhood / buffer zone of the protected area SI-A-PAZ. Restructuring a saw mill (SME) on the Rio San, from a first strategy paper to sales activities on the local market (and in neighbouring Costa Rica), strengthening the local institutions on the governmental and farmer's side, promotion of rural farm and non-farm employment (palm oil plantations), extension services, gender issues, micro-credit component, vocational training of small-land holders. Client ADA; 01/98 - 03/01
Preparation and organisation of the BRAZIL TECHMART 1997, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais; to contact the Austrian agro-industry and to organize the participation on this fair. Client UNIDO; 08 - 09/97
Palestine / oPt - Agro-Marketing
Institutional strengthening at the MoA in Ramallah (workshops with the Minister Mr. Abdul JAWAD SALEH), technical assistance, training and international trade promotion; assistance to design a new rural development policy with a special focus on the rural poor; conduct of surveys in collaboration with national agricultural partners; Ministry of Agriculture and the Marketing Board. Client Austrian North South Institute, 04/97 – 09/97
Austria - Organic Farm Management
Transforming the small family farm (crop rotation, plant protection, temporarily sheep keeping) into a certified organic farm (among Austria's pioneers who became legally registered as organic farmers), since 1997 management of this farm; therefore, in practical and also administrative ways very familiar with all EU requirements from the farmer’s point of view; furthermore, management of the attached forest by focusing on improving sustainable forest ecosystems. 02 / 97 – 06/11
Austria – Data Mining
Market research, preparing data concerning easiest transfer into the data-base and assistance in the data-bank design. Client CYANAMID, 01 / 97
Bulgaria - Workshop on Marketing
Workshop on Marketing and Financing; also with a focus on international markets. Client Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO; 11/96
Bulgaria – Wine Sector Analysis
Analysis and evaluation of one of the most famous wineries in Svischtov, Bulgaria; study -including marketing aspects- about the actual condition and the search for an international investor in Austria, Germany, France, Italy and the USA so that -together with the investor- a MBO could be enabled; promotion of foreign and local investments in agribusiness. EU, 09/96
Bulgaria – Sugar Mill
Restructuring a state-owned sugar mill in Bulgaria for privatisation; a marketing study how to improve sales, specially export sales to Eastern Europe and Asia and how to develop new products and services; Sofia and Devnja. EU, 07/96 - 08/96
Austria - EU Projects in Eastern Europe
Workshop about EU Projects in Eastern Europe (PHARE, TACIS, Cross Border); Vienna and Krems. 05/96 & 08/96
Romania - Management Training
Marketing workshop to improve the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy; participants have been former big state companies and also SMEs. Client Training Institute Cedru / Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO; 04/96
Guatemala - Agricultural Marketing
Study about organic farming; implementation of an organic certification scheme and improvement of the marketing of organic products (coffee, vegetables, fruits...) from SME in Guatemala to the European market; drafting of laws / bylaws to become compatible with the EU regulations about organic farming. Co-ordination of local experts. The study was performed in close co-operation with AGEXPRONT. Client Trees for People / GTZ, 11/95 - 12/95
Austria – The Agricultural Sector in Austria
Three workshops about Austrian agriculture; the present status and the efforts how to adapt the Austrian system to EU norms and standards; organized for French farmers. Client UNAFIMA; 05 - 10/95
Austria, Germany - Wine Export
Export marketing for wine and sales for a group of Austrian wine growers to Germany including market research, business trips, customer relationship management, active selling, branding and database management. Client Verein der Weinbaumeister, 02/95 - 09/01
Austria – Seed Marketing
Marketing and public relation for AGROSTAT, organisation of field trails (seeds) for soya, corn, sunflowers and other cultures, monitoring. Client AGROSTAT, 01/95 - 12/97
Bulgaria – Dairy Sector Study
Dairy industry investment project with comprehensive (feasibility) study about the actual situation of selected dairies and action-plan how to re-organize and privatise the Bulgarian Dairy industry in close co-operation with the Bulgarian MoA; Client EBRD, 07/94 - 11/94
Austria - Certification of Organic Farming
Certification of organic farming, pioneer of the Austrian organic certification procedure (in accordance with EU 2092/91 and IFOAM regulations) that started together with Univ.Prof.H.Haimboeck from BOKU a first organic certification company, approved by the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture. Clients all over Austria and along the value chain, from farmers to agro-processing companies. 01/94 - 12/97
Palestine. oPt – Vegetable Cooperatives
Project management (planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation) of vegetable co-operatives in Palestine including agricultural strategy development, post-harvest technology, agricultural support services, extension services, feasibility studies, preparation of tenders, co-ordination with the Ministry of Agriculture, the EU-office in Jerusalem and NGO's. Client SAAR, 10/93 - 12/94
Austria, United Kingdom – Wine Marketing
Export marketing for Schlosskellerei (Chateau) Halbturn, also to Japan; Client Schlosskellerei Halbturn; 05/93 – 10/94
Austria – Agricultural Software Marketing
Marketing and sales of agricultural software for plant production, livestock management and farm management in Austria; seminars and workshops about software, agricultural fairs. Client HELM Software, Germany, 04/93 – 12/99
Austria - Farm Management
Organic family owned farm with 70 ha of forest nearby Vienna. 02/97 - 06/11
Austria – Seed Marketing
Registration of seeds for a French company in Austria, organisation and monitoring of field trials all over Austria and market-research for corn seed (also for Hungary). Client Caussade Semances; 06/92 - 12/94
Russia – Lectures at the University in Omsk
Workshop at the University in Omsk, Siberia about marketing for agriculture and agro industry; assistance to develop new agribusiness and to increase the farmers' and food producers' competitiveness. Client AFC, 12/92
Austria – Agricultural Software Marketing
Designing a sales concept for agricultural farming software “AGROSYS” and presentation of this software at agricultural fairs, agricultural schools and at farmer’s seminars. Client SIEMENS; 06 – 11 / 92
Bulgaria - Pre-investment Farm Analysis
Study to restructure and privatize a 10.000 ha-cattle farm in Biela Slatina, northern Bulgaria, including the participation of all the former owners of that land; the basic idea was to form a company in which all the previous land-owners would bring in their land so that a common and very efficient farm management could take place. 04/92
Austria – Quality Beef Programme
Marketing-programme to improve the beef quality in Carinthia and to establish a monitoring system; design and implementation of an electronic data processing system and new management methods to this farmers' group; the farmers' group was reorganized, in total more than 1.000 cattle breeder; many workshops with the cattle farmers; Carinthia. Client Chamber of Agriculture, 03/92 - 08/92
Hungary - Seed Processing Plant
Evaluation of a corn-seed processing plant in Babolna, Hungary within a re-privatisation programme for a mayor Austrian agricultural bank. Client, Raiffeisen Investment AG; 03/92
Austria - Workshop Agriculture & Rural Development
Workshop about farming in Eastern Europe Mr. Roland NYMANN, Deputy Minister from the Ministry of Agriculture, Tallinn, ESTONIA. How to adapt Eastern European Agriculture to Western European standards? Client International Academy Future, 10/91
Austria – Sugar Marketing for Food-Industry
Marketing of Austrian sugar and starch products (including potato- and milk-products), responsible for sales and marketing to the foodstuff-industry (usually SMEs), key account, administration, organisation, human resources development and training, annual turnover of USD 200 million; strategic planning, technology, human resources, accounting and budgeting, new markets, joint-ventures in Eastern Europe. Client AGRANA MARKETING; 02/90 - 02/91
Austria – Trade Financing
Counter trade for an international Bank and trading company focused on agricultural products like cacao, coffee, cashews, rubber, edible oils but also irrigation equipment. Visits to Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Nigeria and other countries. Client CENTRO BANK, 09/88 - 01/90
Austria (partly Sweden) – Marketing of Edible Oils
Export marketing Eastern Europe (former Yugoslavia, Romania) of edible oils and fats; main product was cocoa-butter-replacer for the food industry, mainly the chocolate-industry; market-analysis, technology-transfer and technical services, counter trade (special financing arrangements), symposia, fairs. Client KARLSHAMNS Ltd; 06/87 - 06/88
Austria, Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia – Seed Marketing
Marketing, sales and consulting in the area of vegetable and agronomic seeds in Austria, Hungary and the former Czechoslovakia; registration, budget-planning, advertisement, customer and technical service, also control of multiplication in Hungary. Client ASGROW, 08/85 - 05/87
Armenia – Programme Design for the European Union
The objective of this assignment is to elaborate several value chains for a full project proposal on Green Agriculture. 10/18
Sustainable Land Management
Preparatory studies and research for EBRD on Sustainable Land Management to
promote and finance climate smart agriculture; developing a catalogue for suitable technologies that could prevent soil degradation especially carbon loss, erosion, salinization, and compaction.
Austria - Methodology for a "TA for the AFD-ENPARD programme for access to agricultural finance for small scale semi-commercial firms and cooperatives in Georgia”. 05/18
Albania - Agribusiness Support Facility
To provide customized and targeted support tailored to the needs and requirements of commercial banks including development of new products or enhancement of existing agribusiness products; organisation of agribusiness sector specific info sessions in the form of marketing events for PFIs and writing a manual how to promote agricultural value chain financing. 05/18 - ongoing
Bulgaria - Exportmarketing of organic vegetables
Development of a strategy to open new markets for organic cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplants, pepper and apples. 04-06/18
Uzbekistan - Local Economic Development
Mid Term Evaluation of the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Uzbekistan; the project intends to enhance the living standards in rural areas based on growth in the agri-food sector. The specific objective is the transfer of EU know-how (knowledge and experience) and technologies in the agri-food value-chains in partnership with local authorities and economic players for further developing socio-economic potentials in rural areas, especially in the Project Target Regions Namangan, Andijan, Fergana, Djizak, Syrdarya and Kashkadarya; main items are milk / dairy, walnuts, pomegranates, cherry and pears, management of agricultural cooperatives in cold storage, fruit juice production and agricultural research institutions (solar pumps for irrigation, salinization). 01-03/18
Lithuania - Private sector investment company
Analysis of the strategic business plan for a possible equity investment in a 30,000 ha farm. 12/17
Georgia / Abkhazia - “Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development” (CARD)
Assessment and design of a “Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development” (CARD) to coordinate rural development initiatives across all 7 districts of Abkhazia and to provide technical, consultative and referral support and coordination services to beneficiaries and rural communities. CARD is part of ENPARD II that is aiming to support small-scale agricultural development and the diversification of the rural economy, with a view to improving living conditions and access to basic services in rural areas. The assessment includes all technical requirements to set up CARD’s operations, including the requirements for office space, furniture, IT equipment, the production of marketing materials, etc. but also a strategic orientation; focus of up-coming extension work is on fruits and vegetables and ruminants. 11/17 – 03/18
Georgia - Final Evaluation of ENPARD I (2014 – 2017)
Principle tasks are to evaluate the 4 projects implemented under Small Farmers Co-operation measures; to carry out a detailed appraisal of work of OXFAM, PIN, Mercy Corps and Care led consortia’s programming and implementing modalities to assess their accomplishment of stated results, to assess project’s output against the indicators and targets set in the Logical Framework and finally to conduct relevant field visits to around 30 agricultural cooperatives in the various regions of Georgia covered by this part of the project. A final workshop with the presentation of the findings and lessons learned is done at the end. 09 - 12/17
Georgia – Assistance in developing a strategy for the Agriculture Cooperatives Development Agency (ACDA)
Design of a long-term strategic concept paper for development of the agriculture cooperatives / cooperation in Georgia and ACDA’s role in implementing this strategy. Literature review, interviews, workshops and other meetings are conducted to formulate ACDA’s vision of future support to agricultural cooperatives. 08/17
Malawi - Support to Parliament and Media regarding agricultural matters
Drafting the corresponding methodology for a TA project, focusing on agricultural budgeting and policy making. Home based. 06/17
Austria – Investment plan for a modern beehive farm
Elaboration of a farm concept in Lower Austria with focus on modern beehives and honey making technology. 05/17
Armenia - Organic Farming Workshops
Provision of organic horticulture training sessions for Organic Agriculture Support Initiative (OASI); the goal is to provide access to sustainable knowledge and information for organic farmers, service centres managers and extension service providers; key objective is to enhance farmers’ organic awareness and coaching them on their way of shifting from traditional to organic agriculture processes. Furthermore, to ensure that organic farmers can recognize the business opportunities of organic farming and the real market value of their organic produce that will enable them to target the right local regional and international markets. 02/17
Swaziland - Re-writing the Mid Term Evaluation report
Assistance n reformulating the MTE report for the sugar sector in Swaziland focusing on increasing competitiveness of the sugar sector and reducing rural poverty especially in the sugar belt. 02/17
Moldova – Agricultural sector survey
Information collection and verification survey for agricultural sector. The objective is to identify the current situation of agricultural sector in Moldova, concrete needs for supports, governmental directions and priorities, and to propose the future possibility and direction of JICA support (especially technical assistance) based on the outcome. Although the priorities are put on the structure enhancements necessary to develop new agricultural businesses, to increase productivity of small scale farmer and to improve quality, a nationwide approach which makes the most of Japanese knowledge and experience is also to be considered. Main activities are to analyse export potential in selected markets and internal export obstacles; based on the findings new intervention proposals will be submitted to MoAFI. 11/16 – 06/17
Sudan - Diagnostic Review of BE Constraints
This assignment is undertaking a desk-based sector-specific diagnostics of the enabling Business Environment, focusing on agriculture and relevant agribusiness value chains. Besides the diagnostics, specific policy recommendations are developed so that DFID Sudan can base their up-coming agribusiness interventions on them. Important issue is the ability and willingness of the GoS to improve jointly the business environment in Sudan, primarily for the sake of the agricultural sector but also for non-agricultural rural business developments. Home-based; 10-12/16
Armenia - IFAD - Rural Asset Creation Programme
Final evaluation of this horticultural value chain and business development project. RACP intended to reduce rural poverty and its objectives are (i) the establishment of an economically viable fruits and nuts sector with backwards linkages to poor rural smallholders; (ii) the establishment of an entity (to be fully privatized) for delivery of services to the fruits and nuts sector; and (iii) the removal of infrastructure bottlenecks that inhibit increasing participation of the economically active rural poor in enhanced commercialization of the rural economy. 06-07/16
Kosovo – DANIDA - Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant Programme
Presentation of the Study "Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant" to the minister of agriculture and his team mainly head of departments. Presentation was followed by a broad discussion on future financial support to the agricultural and rural sector and the lessons learnt on previous programmes. 06/16
Egypt - Support to Formulation of an SME Access to Finance initiative
Project aims to a) assist the EU Delegation and its partner European Finance Institutions (EFIs) to make proposals into a dialogue with local stakeholders for the selection of target sector / value chains (at least one in agribusiness) to be focused on within the design of the new SME finance facility (including technical assistance, grants and loans). A few agro-food value chains are analysed more in depth (processed tomatoes and deep frozen fruits and vegetables) and investment needs among SMEs elaborated which then might be targeted by the commercial banks. 01/16 – 09/17
Armenia - ENPARD Armenia - Budget Support Review Mission
The project is supporting the Government of Armenia in ensuring an efficient and sustainable agriculture, contributing to better conditions in rural areas. More specific the team is providing a detailed review of the implementation of the Budget Support component of ENPARD Armenia and furthermore consistent sets of conclusions and recommendations to be used by the Commission to make decisions on instalment disbursement for the second tranche of budget support. The specific task is to evaluate the "capacity and performance of farmers' associations and cooperatives further developed and strengthened", based on literature review, stakeholder meetings and field visits. 09 - 10/15
Azerbaijan - Azeri Agricultural Finance Facility
The Azeri Agricultural Finance Facility (AzAFF) is an EBRD programme to support agricultural finance, including but not limited to access to finance by increasing availability of credit to the Azeri farmers /agricultural enterprises / agribusinesses through credit lines of up to USD 40 million and enhancing financial, managerial and production capabilities of end beneficiaries (enterprises and individuals involved in agricultural and agriculture-related activities). The overall objective of AzAFF is to foster the overall economic development of the agriculture sector. Among others AzAFF is a) developing and providing financial literacy training to farmers in the regions with the highest agricultural potential; b) providing workshops with farmers to introduce advanced farming techniques and international best practices in selected sub-sectors and c) assisting eligible sub-borrowers for larger agricultural loans with technical assistance. 09/15 – 01/17
Kosovo (Denmark) - Impact evaluation and in-depth study of the Rural Development Grant Programme.
The objectives of this evaluation is a) to quantify and qualify the Rural Development Grant Programme (RDGP) impact in terms of competitiveness, incomes, net employment creation and productivity through statistical/quantitative analysis as well as qualitative in-depth studies from the field; b) to improve the programming and implementation process of the RDGP for better achieving the objectives with respect to competitiveness, incomes, net employment creation and productivity and c) to improve the M&E system for the 2014–2020 RDGP though sound recommendations. - This ongoing grant programme is government run with the World Bank and DANIDA having provided funding for around 300 grants in 2013 and 2014; these grants support two types of activities categorised according to the EU so-called measures: Measure 101 supports physical investments in primary producers, whereas Measure 103 covers processors / marketing of agricultural produce within milk, meat, fruit, vegetables and wine sectors. - Regression discontinuity design (Rural Development) is used to analyse the impact. 08 - 11/15
Austria – Paper about Georgian agricultural cooperatives
Drafting the technical project proposal for an agricultural cooperative development project within ENPARD with focus on training and capacity building in Georgia. 06-07/15
Jordan - Livelihood Programme Formulation
Formulation Mission for the Programme to Support the Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees in Jordan; i.e. in the Northern Governorates Ibrid and Mafraq. Specific objective is to develop a "greening" livelihood programme for host communities aiming at sustainable and thus profitable job creation, capacity building, reviving local markets, increasing energy efficiency (through better use of renewable energy, mainly waste to energy and solar power) and reducing water usage for households as well as the agricultural sector. Furthermore, guidelines for stimulating matching grants. 03 - 05/15
Turkey - Value Chain Analysis within the Taseli-Koksu Watershed Development Project
This design mission focuses on the sustainable reduction of rural poverty by increasing smallholder farmers’ income from highland agricultural production systems and marketing activities while strengthening their resilience to climate shocks and their capacities to organize. Specific tasks are to analyse the potential to integrate farmers downstream in the value chain (e.g. transport, grading, processing, packaging, etcetera) and to assess the degree of involvement of the private sector in delivery services, as input suppliers and buyers; main identified products are fruits and vegetables (cherries, strawberries, grapes / dried grapes, MAPs) and animal products. 12/14 – 02/15
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Marketing Infrastructure within the Rural Competitiveness Development Project
This project (RCDP) intends to enable poor rural people in the country to improve their food security and to increase their income through support to non-commercial and commercial farmers and to on and off-farm enterprises; focus is on the Fruits & Vegetables value chains. Design mission to analyse the existing Extension and Business Advisory Services (processing, packaging, marketing) and to develop in a participatory approach proposals for an improved supply and demand of these services. The existing governance structures (of the institutions or organizations of the value chain actors, service providers) are assessed about their effectiveness and maturity in terms of sustainably participating in VC development. VC spread from individual farmers, Producer Associations, cooperatives and companies towards involved institutions as public agricultural advisory services, local development agencies, faculties of agriculture and others. 11/14 and 04/15
Austria, worldwide - Collection and Comparison of Agricultural Data
Organising data such as gross margins, land prices for pastures and arable land, etcetera to support agricultural investments in selected countries. 10/14
Austria, The Netherlands – Evaluation of the IFC's Agribusiness Investment Promotion
Analysis of the design of the overall evaluation methodology of IFC's two approaches; the economy wide versus the sector specific approach; especially targeting the agribusiness sector. A deep dive study report was done, geographical focusing within economy wide approach on Brazil (agri), Yemen (agri), China (non-agri), Colombia (non-agri), Indonesia (non-agri), Philippines (non-agri) and within the sector specific approach on Sierra Leone (agri), Mali (agri), South Sudan (agri), Rwanda (agri), Honduras (non-agri) and India (non-agri). 06/14 - ongoing
FYR Macedonia - Evaluation of the ongoing IPARD-1
The programme started with an exhaustive methodology; assessment of the coherence, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. 04 - 05/14
Austria - Peer review of a study about animal health and poverty
Reviewing an economic study in French on “Animal health and poverty“ (“Santé animale et pauvreté”) for Office International des Epizooties / OIE, Paris. Critical comments on a) the general meaning of the study itself, b) the layout and content and finally and c) the relevance for the OIE to publish such a paper (or at least parts of it). 03/14
Azerbaijan - Value chain analysis for the wine sector for the European Commission
Objective was to improve the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan in terms of sustainability in development and growth in the export capacity through improving the value-chains. The specific objective of the assignment was to prepare a market and value chain analysis and recommendations for the improvement of value chains performance in view of their potential impact in employment generation and diversification of rural economy; close cooperation with the University of Ganja, Faculty of Agriculture. 02 - 05/14
Turkey - Preparation of Sector Analyses for IPARD
(Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – Rural Development Programme) 2014-2020
Examination of the current situation of the following agricultural sectors: red meat, poultry and egg, dairy, fruit and vegetables, fisheries and aquaculture; furthermore, Axis 3 - farm diversification and business development and rural infrastructure. To provide an overview of the entire production, processing and marketing system of these sectors with special emphasis on the needs of the sectors in terms of EU alignment and how IPARD measures may contribute to the alignment process. 10/13 – 03/14
Moldova - Training
Training of horticultural farmers’ (fresh fruits as apples and grapes) associations regarding “applied negotiations and communications skills” and “risk management in export activity”; field trip to an apple farm in Sirota near Orhei. 09/13
Jordan - Food security
Consultancy to develop innovative interventions for implementation and to design a capacity development programme for the food security unit (FSU) at the Ministry of Agriculture in Jordan that clearly specifies the activities, areas of trainings, methodology, priorities and timeframe for implementation. 07 - 09/13
Turkey – Development of Marketing Activities for GAP OAC
(Organic Agriculture Cluster in Southeast Anatolia Project)
Work included desk research, literature review, review of the value chain analysis for agricultural produce, field missions to Ankara, Sanliurfa / Diyarbakýr / Gaziantep, Izmir and Istanbul. Purpose was to establish a Turkish centre of competency for organic farming with a focus on export business by facilitating (not necessarily providing) input supplies (seeds, fertilizers), market and price information, access to financial services, transport, (organic) quality control, product development awareness rising. 06 - 09/13
Romania - Review of a Greenfield agro-investment
Review of a Greenfield investment in vineyards and winery; objective was to improve the reporting and management information system; production data, stock, sales, inputs, manpower. 03 -04/13
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Austria – ”Study on the organic production potential in SEE”
”Study on the organic production potential in South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia)”; mapping of certified organic products in SEE, including production volumes; overview of the demand for organic products of retailers and wholesale as well as of processing industries in the region; analysis of the market potential in the region and the EU; conclusions and proposals for next steps to use the potential and increase trade; furthermore country missions, interviews, workshops. Presentation of findings during the “Working meeting of the Regional Expert Advisory Group on Organic Agriculture in SWG” in Sarajevo. Client GIZ, 10 – 11/12; 02/13
Brussels, Austria – Study on biofuels in ACP countries
Study “Assessing the impact of biofuels production on developing countries from the point of view of Policy Coherence for Development”; elaboration of detailed inputs linked to technology transfer and capacity development, impacts of biofuels production on micro and macro levels (Potential impacts at household levels (small producers), Economics on plantation scale, impacts at macro level: job creation, tax revenues, etc.; energy and food price volatilities, typology of the identified impacts and factors, the role and responsibilities of the Private sector. Client. European Union 09/12 – 02/13
Bulgaria – Meat sector study
Study about the meat processing sector in Bulgaria, starting from livestock farming (numbers, subsidies) to slaughterhouses, processors (import of raw material) and retailers; analysis of the complete value chain. 08/12 – 01/13
Turkey - Upcoming projects, also in renewable energy
Fact finding mission to Ankara focusing on upcoming projects, including financing a new biogas plant in eastern Turkey. 06/12
Georgia – Development and marketing of new agricultural products
A “michi no eki” (roadside shops) project was designed to support the rural and farming community in Imereti Province (Kutaisi) by enabling additional sales along the new east-west highway, partly financed by Japan. A study was made to analyse local, geographically branded agricultural specialities, to develop suitable products and to improve market access for smallholders, including promoting farmers’ cooperation. Client JICA, 03 - 05/12
Kosovo - Concept for the Ministry of Agriculture
Objective of the assignment was to develop a concept and to provide support to the establishment of an Economic Analysis Unit within the Ministry of Agriculture. Client GIZ; 01 – 02/12
Israel – Agro-tourism
Rural development project to draft a Twinning Fiche to enable support to the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Bet-Dagan. Indirectly the project dealt also with the upcoming European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development / ENPARD. Client European Union; 10 - 12/11
Serbia - Agribusiness Project Evaluation
Evaluation of the USD 25 million USAID Serbian Agribusiness Project (SAP); to review USAID’s complementary assistance at the enterprise, producer association and policy-making levels in improving the international competitiveness, especially of berries, fruits, dairy products, livestock / meat, mushrooms & herbs, tree fruits and vegetables; besides quantitative and qualitative information and analysis of the project recommendations for any mid-course corrections over the life of the project have been provided. Client USAID; 07 – 08/11
Palestine / oPt - Sheep, Herders and Bedouins
Programming mission to support within existing agricultural policy the food security and sustainable livelihoods of the most vulnerable in the occupied Palestinian territory, in particular farmers, herders (including the Bedouin communities) and rural women; the project addressed root causes of their food insecurity, and analysing ongoing response and propose an evidence based programme to support food security and sustainable livelihoods; vulnerable pastoralists and agro-pastoralists need urgently land rehabilitation and water security; furthermore conducting a comprehensive policy stakeholders analysis – including Israeli counterparts. Client European Union; 06 - 07/11
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Cereals study
Sector study about the arable crops sector (mainly corn and wheat) as required input to the upcoming IPARD programme and the pre-accession rural development funds. The specific scope of this assignment was to carry out: (a) preparation of the arable crops sector analysis in BiH in compliance with the regulatory frameworks set by the acquis communautaire and the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) and (b) formulation of observations, findings and recommendations for policy development and IPARD implementation; 2 introduction and 2 verification workshops; several case studies, field trips and a survey; special attention was given to commodity reserve as wheat is considered as a strategic good. Client European Union; 05 - 11/11
Austria – Presentation of the Turkish agro-sector
Presentation for the Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO (in Vienna, Salzburg and Graz) of a sector study about agriculture and food processing in Turkey; furthermore, meetings with interested companies interested to enter the Turkish market. Client WKO; 03/11
Austria, Belgium – CAP impact study
EU financed study of the possible impacts of policy changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 on smallholders in developing countries (Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ghana, Bangladesh and Bolivia); this “food security” study took into consideration the different types of trade agreements such as “Everything But Arms” (EBA), the Interim Economic Partnership Agreements (interim EPAs) and the EU's General System of Preferences Plus (GPS+) and the impact of changing / rising world market prices on developing countries; products focused on wheat, oilseeds, sugarcane and rice. The study assessed the correlation and possible causality between the CAP and the income availability (i.e. source of income) and development potential of smallholders in developing, food insecure countries; including AGLINK-COSIMO Model, analysis of the results of model developed and classification of affected countries by type of impact and final recommendations. Client European Union; 12/10 – 03/11
Turkey – Training for TKDK/ARDSI
Intensive training project for the permanent staff of the future IPARD agency TKDK/ARDSI (Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution); the main objective of this 62-days-training programme was to provide detailed training for the staff carrying out the project analysis (evaluation of project proposals in respect of investment grants) in order to ensure that technically, economically and financially viable investment projects are supported by pre-accession rural development funds in the frame of the IPARD Programme. Lectures given include project cycle management, logframe analysis, experience with other pre-accession programmes and the Common Agricultural Policy, elaboration and evaluation of high-quality business plans for farmers or processors and others; furthermore, training-need assessment (TNA), development of training curricula, preparation of the training materials (200 pages textbook) and after class reading materials; lectures and working groups. Client European Union; 08/10 – 11/10
Albania – Meat Sector
Meat Sector Study as a prerequisite of the upcoming IPARD programme (investment in agricultural holdings and investment in processing and marketing of the agricultural products) and templates as part of the “Capacity Building for Implementing the Rural Development Strategy” – project to „Support to the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection“. The study is needed to access IPARD investment grants and reflected also upcoming trade implications; furthermore, quality standards, food safety, traceability. Visits of the major agri-processing companies and farmers in close cooperation with the public regional extension service; evaluation of the training needs of the sector including the extension and advisory services. Client European Union; 05/10 & 01 – 02/10
Syria – Baseline study
Short country profile with a focus on agriculture and foodstuff industry and the opportunities for trade and investments. Client European Union; 03/10
Syria – Study on medicinal herbs
Review of the competitiveness and value chain analysis of the natural herbs (for medical purposes) sector as part of the EU SME Support Programme in Syria. Analysis of all medicinal plants in Syria (450), including aspects of land abandonment and loss of biodiversity, intensive discussion with all stakeholders who have been not connected so far; securing involvement of the private sector and evaluating export potential of selected products (also including phyto-sanitary requirements); field trips all over the country, visit of ICARDA, GCSAR, MAAR and other relevant institutions. Client European Union; 02/10 – 03/10
Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS – Livestock Discussion Paper
Writing a “Background Paper Livestock in Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS”; this paper served as a basis on which FAO discussed the issue of livestock at their session of the European Commission on Agriculture on May 2010 in Yerevan, Armenia under the topic “Improvement of rural livelihoods in the Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS through sustainable improvements in livestock production”. Analysis and recommendations highlighted the issues regarding (mainly smallholder’s) livestock development (including quality / food safety and trade), awareness rising for specific problems as well as inputs to the member countries regarding future work (also of their extension services to support pastoralists) and particularly the emphasis of work of FAO. Client FAO Hungary; 12/09 – 01/10.
Turkmenistan - Agricultural Reform Services
EU support project to economic reforms and sustainable agricultural development. Objective was to outline an organisational structure for the Agricultural Reform Services and its place within the Ministry of Agriculture. Results have been to draft TOR and structure for Agricultural Reform Services function including a Management Capacity Building Unit within the MoA with related cost estimates for both investments and recurrent expenditure. Participation in workshops to find a joint solution and finally presentation of the findings; second mission to follow up the activities started in April 09. Client European Union; 11/09 – 12/09 & 04 – 05/09
Turkey - Agriculture and Food Sector Analysis
“Industrial Restructuring of Sanliurfa” was an EC- TA project implemented by UNDP; beneficiary - Ministry of Industry and Trade; an agriculture and food sector analysis, an integrated industrial strategy plan and an agri-food cluster (and its export potential); furthermore, identification of potential investors for the Sanliurfa Organized Industrial Zone. The following sub-sectors have been selected due to their impact: livestock (meat), agricultural crops (corn, wheat, cotton), fruits (pomegranates, peaches and others) and vegetables (all kind of open field and greenhouse high value fresh produce including logistics and marketing), food processing (oil mills, deep freezing, pomegranate juice factory, cold storage infrastructure, packaging facilities, corn drying facilities) and others. Value-chain analysis. Client European Union & UNDP; 09/09 – 11/09
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Field visits for CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund in North-West-Bulgaria at the clusters Pordim (Valchitran), Sanadinovo (just Novachene) and Yakimovo. Tasks were to check the harvesting logistics (related to the remaining winter wheat fields), the field preparation after OSR for the next crop and topics related to the improved agro-management; findings have been presented in Sofia to the management; Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 08/09
Guyana – Analysis Sugar Industry Performance
Evaluation of the performance of GuySuCo (local nationalised sugar company) - based on the GuySuCo Business Plan forwarded by the NAO to the Delegation - in respect to the National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) to the EU sugar reform concerning EC Budget Support (EDF); production, labour, marketing, financing and strategic issues. The overall objective was to assist the Government of Guyana in its aim to develop an internationally competitive and nationally profitable sugarcane sector. Client European Union; 03 – 04/09
Bosnia and Herzegovina - IPARD
Drawing up ToR for IPA 2008 projects regarding "Support to agricultural policy and IPA Rural Development compliant structures" and "Support to BiH plant health protection administration". The purpose of this EU financed IPARD related project was to harmonise sectoral policies and measures for enhanced performance of agri-food sector including food sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards (SPS) and to create structures, legal framework and institutional capacity for managing the future IPA-RD grants / funds; output included project-fiches. Client European Union; 02 – 03/09
Georgia – TSU EU Common Agricultural Policy
Lectures related to EU Common Agricultural Policy; a 2-weeks seminar to MAES students at the Tbilisi State University, Institute for European Studies; objective was to explain basic facets of legal, political and institutional framework through which assistance is provided to non-EU countries and basic elements of the EU foreign assistance programme / neighbourhood programme; furthermore to train Georgian instructors (tandems) through direct coaching, to prepare with them pedagogical materials and to have a final assessment of students. Few field visits to SMEs in the agribusiness sector. Client European Union; 01/09
Belgium – Writing Project Proposal
Assistance in drafting an EU project proposal for the export-oriented sugar industry in Swaziland, including the possibility to integrate SMEs into the existing sugar production. Client European Union; 12/08 – 01/09
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Reformulation of the agricultural investment plan (financial and action plan, SWOT analysis) for CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund and evaluation of the present results. Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 10 & 12/08
Ukraine – Investment Analysis
Pre-investment analysis of a 11.000 ha forestry project in Wolyn; evaluation of existing forest management and list of potential risks for a buyer such as protected areas, management plans, labour laws, harvesting technique, human resources, finances and others. 06/08
Russia – Investment Analysis
Pre-investment analysis of a 250.000 ha kolkhoz project with a focus on wheat near Volgograd regarding profitability and economic potential of these farms; climate, soil, crop rotation, agricultural techniques, silos and storage facilities, human resources and finances. 05/08
Bosnia and Herzegovina - State Ministry of Agriculture
Support for Establishment of a State Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoFTER) – Harmonisation of agricultural subsidies (including investment grants) within entities so that on the long run an orientation towards the European Union will be feasible. Client European Union; 04 –05 /08
Albania – Investment Analysis
Fact finding mission to Tirana and Vlora regarding a private agro-forestry investment project. 02/08
Austria – Investment Analysis
Rapid appraisal for an agricultural investment company (SME size) of a pig production green field investment project in Romania. 11/07
Montenegro - Income Generating Activities
TA to smallholders in Berane (northern part of Montenegro) in developing income generating activities through Non-Timber Forest Products in the region; focus on herbs, mushrooms and other NTFPs. Additionally, enhancement the capacity of agricultural SMEs (mushrooms, herbs, berries) to produce according to international export market requirements. Beneficiaries have been 300 members of the newly formed farmer groups in Berane and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM) in Podgorica. Client LuxDev; 06/07 - 08/07
Paraguay - Fuelwood Markets
Development of Tools for Fuelwood Market Effectiveness Improvement in Rural Economies in Latin America and the Caribbean for the Inter-American Development Bank. Pilot project for application in Paraguay. First the renewable energy sources have been analysed; afterwards tools and methodologies have been developed by studying the case of Paraguay and applying the findings there to a selected fuelwood market. Market mechanisms have been elaborated and finally an action plan which could improve the energy situation by using more efficient local renewable sources of energy, especially fuelwood. Client IADB, 02/07 – 02/09
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Milk Sector
Within the project “EU Support to the Economic Policy Research Unit” (EPPU) the task was to supervise a „Scientific research paper about the milk sector in BiH“, prepared by the Institute of Agribusiness Economics at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo. Client European Union; 01/07
Bulgaria - Rural Development Programme
TA to the preparation of the post-accession Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013 and its monitoring system. The objective is a quality up-to-date sector analyses (including field trips, one-to-one interviews, focus group meetings, questionnaires, surveys) to assist the EU co-financed rural development programmes in the preparation of the financial agricultural support measures from the post-accession Rural Development Plan. Client European Union; 09/06 - 04/07
Swaziland - EU Sugar Reform
Formulation and set-up of TOR for a management unit (RDMU) to coordinate the implementation of the Swaziland’s National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) to the EU sugar reform. Revised agricultural sector strategy; the integration of local SMEs into sugar production was a political priority. Final results have been Financing Proposal and the Terms of Reference for the service contract (around € 4.7 million); financing by the European Development Fund (EDF). – Field trips to all Swazi sugar plants and neighbouring South Africa and Mozambique (Sugar Terminal). Client European Union; 08/06 - 09/06
Uzbekistan - Agricultural Sector Policy
Review and evaluation of the agricultural sector policy, especially the legal and regulatory environment for farmers and dehqan enterprises with the purpose of developing “western style” enterprises in Karakalpakstan and Namangan. Providing policy advice on how to encourage agricultural entrepreneurs and providing advisory services and training on agribusiness-plans to entrepreneurs. Client UNDP, 07/06
Bosnia and Herzegovina - State Ministry of Agriculture
SESMARD / Support for Establishment of a State Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Main task was to train and guide the working group to elaborate a financial and an economic cost-benefit analysis, always having in mind the EU rural strategic planning, development policy and necessary legislation. Client European Union; 06/06
Bulgaria – Agricultural Investment
Evaluation of different locations to set up bigger farming units in Northern Bulgaria; calculation of various crops and crop rotations with a focus on oilseeds like rapeseed and sunflower. Design of setting up farm units, respecting personnel, machinery, crop farming and post-harvest activities like sales and marketing. Assistance in making use of SAPARD funds such as investing in agricultural holdings and agro-processing. Client CERES Agri-growth Investment Fund; 03/06 – 05/06
Mongolia - Animal Health and Livestock Marketing
Design of the first EU ALA programme in agriculture / veterinary / food safety (proposed budget € 9 million). Identification and Formulation Mission of an Animal Health and Livestock Marketing to increase the net revenues of the pastoralists / nomadic herdsmen by reflecting the fragile environmental conditions and enhancing (private) veterinary and advisory services. Complete project set up with TAPs, TOR, donor coordination, budgeting, procurement design, political evaluation, etc. Client European Union; 01 - 03/06
Sri Lanka – After Tsunami Analysis
Study trip to some Tsunami projects and rapid appraisal about lessons learnt in combination with the overwhelming donor support. Client “HOPE”; 12/05 - 01/06
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Evaluation Agricultural Producer Association
Detailed evaluation of an agricultural producer association implementing the Herb Buy-Off Programme in the Upper Vrbas region. SWOT, cost-benefit and value chain analyses to submit proposals for a commercially viable strategy, including an action plan. Besides financial audit arrangements some training workshops have been conducted to facilitate implementation of the jointly elaborated recommendations. Main conclusion was to pay remunerations to stakeholders only according to incoming revenues. Client Partners for Development / PFD; 10 - 12/05
FYR Macedonia – Agricultural Policy
Technical Assistance to MAFWE within the CARDS project Structural and Legal Reform by suggesting a set of agricultural policy measures to be introduced in the MAFWE budget to increase the state support to agriculture and especially the direct payments to farmers. The implications of WTO and SAA commitments in terms of support to agricultural productions have been analysed. Client European Union; 08/05
Albania – Sheep Marketing
Strengthening the Marketing of Small-Ruminants; to make a SWOT analysis and to develop a strategic plan to support the development of the rural and sheep sector showing implementation responsibilities, key milestone, outputs and timescales; also fostering the capacity of enterprises (only SMEs) to increase food safety and to produce according to international market requirements. Activities took place in Gijrokaster, Saranda and Korca. Client UNDP, 04/05 - 10/05
Pakistan - Fact finding mission
Mission to Lahore and Lylle for upcoming international funded projects in the area of agriculture, irrigation, natural resources management, agricultural development, livestock, agro-industry and agricultural spare parts (for tractors). 01/05
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Protected Areas
Support to the World Bank for the Preparation of the Biodiversity Conservation Project for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objective of this assignment was to assist the World Bank and the BiH government to write a GEF project-proposal for presentation to the GEF Secretariat. BiH intended to extend its protected areas and thus safeguarding its biodiversity (analysed by environmental impact assessments) and to improve the management of the existing ones. Foreseen GEF budget was USD 7 Million. Client World Bank, 05/04 - 05/05
Kosovo - Agricultural Strategy Plan
Development TORs for Kosovo (AMPK) to strengthen the institutional capacity of MAFRD in planning and implementation of agricultural policies and strategies – including food security and safety through participatory approach, close cooperation with EAR and MAFRD. Client European Union; 07/03 - 08/03
Kosovo – Agribusiness Support
(Agri-) Business Support Project; consulting and training of local experts, mid-term evaluation of the project, recommendations of necessary improvements, strategy papers; assistance in food safety and food laws, reviewing marketing plans for the selected agricultural cluster, providing agricultural information and business solutions for agribusinesses (in collaboration with the grants programme), close cooperation with EAR and MAFRD. Client USAID; 04/03 - 05/03
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Office of the High Representative
Advisor on Agriculture, Forestry & Water with focus on agricultural policy development and strategic planning, economic analyses and recommendations to the High Representative on key issues related to agriculture, agribusiness and business environment (bulldozer project); identifying priority areas of action and rural strategies, for example extension services, in close coordination with the Ministers of Agriculture (agricultural task force) and the International Community (EC, World Bank, IFAD, FAO, UNDP, USAID, JICA …); strategies also to make export activities easier, to increase competitive and sustainable rural sector investments; exchange of knowledge and dissemination of information to local shareholders, authorities and the IFIs. Client OHR, 07/01 – 03/03
Austria – Workshop at University of Applied Life Sciences / BOKU
Lecturer at an international agro-project management workshop for students from Eastern Europe; case studies, discussions, organised by BOKU, the Austrian University of Applied Life Sciences and Natural Resources Management. Client BOKU; 07/00
Bulgaria- Rural development Lovech
Rural development of the hilly region of Lovech with a focus on SMEs in agro-marketing for fruits, vegetables, medical herbs; further setting up and working with farmer groups - participatory methods; furthermore, the project’s objective was to support development of the rural areas; assistance in building institutional capacity to absorb EU funds like SAPARD; workshops about new ways for an adapted rural policy. Client GTZ; 05/00 - 08/00
Palestine / oPt - Agro-Marketing
Technical assistance in creating a modern governmental frame (Ministry of Agriculture) for the marketing of agricultural produce (also for producer associations); main objective was the development of an agricultural market information system (AMIS), i.e. design and implementation of a marketing information system (MIS) and database for fruits and vegetables. Capacity building including workshops and training. Client ADA; 04/99 - 09/00
Austria – Export Consulting
Opening new export markets for agro-food SMEs like wineries, organic soya-drink producers and others; in total 8 workshops about marketing; target markets are Germany, Sweden, Poland, and USA. SWOT analysis, legal food requirements including trade requirements, export strategies, branding and packaging, investigations for the potential for expansion and market reports. Client Austrian Chamber of Commerce / WKO; 03/99 - 12/00
Nicaragua - Saw Mill and Forest Management
Sustainable and community based forestry ecosystem management and biodiversity project in the neighbourhood / buffer zone of the protected area SI-A-PAZ. Restructuring a saw mill (SME) on the Rio San, from a first strategy paper to sales activities on the local market (and in neighbouring Costa Rica), strengthening the local institutions on the governmental and farmer's side, promotion of rural farm and non-farm employment (palm oil plantations), extension services, gender issues, micro-credit component, vocational training of small-land holders. Client ADA; 01/98 - 03/01
Preparation and organisation of the BRAZIL TECHMART 1997, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais; to contact the Austrian agro-industry and to organize the participation on this fair. Client UNIDO; 08 - 09/97
Palestine / oPt - Agro-Marketing
Institutional strengthening at the MoA in Ramallah (workshops with the Minister Mr. Abdul JAWAD SALEH),